Seized by the System

Chapter 326: Quickly break it back to the right path

Fang Ning is giving a lecture to Uncle Bizhong's system. No, it's about his freshly baked brain hole.

It is said that since the uncle has developed, there are few rivals in the world, and he has not opened his brain for a long time. Not long ago, the great cause of trusting the heavens, only using the existing resources, was a matter of course, and it did not cost him too much energy.

Raw fish is worried, dead fish is happy, this is true.

The dead fish is salted fish. Fang Ning feels that making salted fish is too easy. His fighting spirit has decreased a lot. Recently, he has been used to dumping the pot. The worry is to worry, but the problem is that his mind will also degenerate.

The ghost train that the uncle encountered before was just positive, and even for a moment, he had no way to come up with it. This is a dangerous signal.

This made him wake up again, cheer up his spirit, and decided to work harder.

At this time, he will elaborate his new brain step by step, the system uncle frequently said yes.


The newly-made Baishiren Crowstone is getting closer and closer to the pool.

He saw in a distance that the group of people were alerting to the source of yin and he felt relieved.

At this distance, Xia Kejia hasn't cut it with a sword yet.

This shows that the transformation technique that I have carefully studied is a great success ...

Although the tribe had secretly conducted many experiments in the past, no problems occurred, and the knightly armor flew in the sky, and did not come down to remove the demon.

But now that he has personally experimented, he is truly completely at ease.

The "Blood Stone Seal" can be merged with each other, and it can also be merged with the "White Stone Mark".

Both parties have the same source.

This was the last card they had hidden to avoid the tracking of the knightly armor, and it was also the root of the open channel to let the white stone people down.

Claude's wisdom is deep, he used this principle to study painstakingly for half a year, and then pushed this method to the next level to study how to transform the "Blood Stone Mark" into the "White Stone Mark" so that the Blood Stone Demon can be disguised as the White Stone .

Bai Shiren has made a good reputation early, and their identity is the best protective color in front of Xia Ke Jia.

Therefore, when antibiotics are rapidly updated, the bacteria are also rapidly evolving.

This is not a stand-alone game, BOSS will remain unchanged for thousands of years, and will only wait for the door brush.

When Crowder walked to a place less than a mile from the pool, he stepped a little.

In a few moments, a member of the special investigation team emerged from the soil in front of him out of thin air and stopped in front.

"The front is the core ground, prohibiting idlers and other people from entering and leaving. Unfamiliar Baishi people, please leave here." The team member warned.

Claude froze a little, he did feel just now that he knew someone was ambushing in the nearby soil.

But the other party can achieve this level, it is already very good.

Now it seems that China, which has a complete training system, has started to shake.

Their cultivation system is complete and progresses rapidly.

They are only a moment ahead through the upper realm, but they are the locals who are truly favored by the heaven and earth.

The speed of comprehending the laws of heaven and earth in this world is much faster than that of yourself.

The person in front of him who is blocking him is just a man in his thirties, a middle-aged man, and his hidden method is quite unique.

This further strengthened his idea of ​​seizing this foundation.

Only in this way can we have our own independent world and will not be ruled by the heaven and earth.

Claude's stone face was covered with a simple smile, and he even touched the back of the head with a big hand: "Oh, my name is Crowstone, I am looking for my clan. A long time ago, when I came down from above, I Scattered with others, fell into here, and can never go out again, can you take me out? "

Judging from his skillful acting skills, I don't know how much hard work has been done, it can be said to be extremely dedicated.

The special investigative team member in front of him couldn't see through his acting skills, but just looked at the other party instinctively and wanted to find out the doubt.

If it weren't for the other party to appear as a Whitestone at this time, if it was for other demons, he wouldn't come out to intercept at all, but let the other party in to encircle and annihilate.

"A30, what's going on?"

Just as this team member looked at Claude up and down, Qiao Zishan discovered the situation here and flew away.

The team member reported the situation quickly.

Qiao Zishan frowned, "Please ask this Mr. Claus to rest aside. After the Venerable is busy, then ask his old man to take this gentleman out."

Claude's eyes flicked. Sure enough, the knight had already mastered the only means of entering and leaving this undead.

Hateful, he said before that he could not come in. How did he do it?

Why is his means always endless?

I have worked hard to solve a problem in half a year.

But the other party can take it lightly, and in the face of so many problems, can they easily come up with the perfect solution?

Is there another mystery at his place, Longwei God Prison?

Claude's thoughts fluttered, but his face continued to show a simple smile.

He was grateful: "Thank you so much. Is there anything I can help?"

Qiao Zishan shook his head: "Sorry, we are on a confidential mission and no one else can contact."

Claude was not disappointed, but obediently followed their guidance and came to a mountain pit to wait.

It is far away from Tanshui, and at least one can't see the movement there.

He directly looked for a slightly cleaner bluestone, and then sat on it without any care.

The elegant tastes before him were completely invisible to him.

Sitting and sitting, his square face was really square.

I saw a little pink female cat, being held by a scallion young girl, also put in this mountain depression.

"Hello, please help me take care of this little cat who came here inadvertently. We will take you out with it later."

"Okay, okay, just hand it to me," Claude smiled slyly, staring at the little female cat with kind eyes.

However, he was scolding in his heart.

Black Cat Tom, can you be more shameless?

I just change my skin color. You're better, just turn the world upside down, and turn yourself into a female cat. Do you think this can cause the sympathy of knights?

No, I heard that Chivalrica does have a special preference for animals.

In the data, except for a human housekeeper and some necessary human servants in his villa, the others are animals, dogs, fish, hamsters ...

Even many of his friends are animals, big worms, eagles and the like.

It seems that this black cat is three points smarter than me.

Claude smiled broadly, staring firmly at the pink cat.

"Meow ..." The cat screamed at him coquettishly.

Claude suddenly had a lot of flecks all over his body, then tilted his head and stopped looking at the cat.

The cat seemed to be very fond of his square head, jumped up directly, and lay down comfortably, not to mention it was just right ...

Claude immediately suppressed his instinct, but only showed a helpless smile, and let the pink cat sleep on it.

He also suppresses the urge to communicate with Black Cat Tom because he does not want Black Cat Tom to discover his identity.

Although the other party should be able to guess, as long as he does not admit it, he will not fall behind the evidence.

Without evidence, Chivalrous Armor would not shoot at himself.

The time passed minute by minute, and in his calculations, he waited at least five hours.

During this period, the cat has been "sleeping" and sleeping very peacefully.

This surprised him a lot, Black Cat Tom, wouldn't he be so alert?

Then he suddenly came back, yes, the knight is nearby.

If you dare to kill this cat, you will definitely be stopped in the first place, and your identity may be exposed.

Because the Baishi people do not need to basically kill, they do not need to survive by eating meat.

This black cat is really cunning, just like the last time, and wants to use the hand of the knight to remove himself!

With great hatred in his heart, Claude heard a noise.

"It's done, it's done, the Venerable Sure enough, the yin and yang are transformed, and the mystery is extraordinary. In this way, my Shenzhou has another place to live."

There was a bad feeling in his heart, and an unpleasant feeling hit his heart, but he forcibly resisted the urge to get up and see.

However, the pink cat on his head stretched out lazily and looked up there.

After watching it for a while, it stepped **** the square head under his feet, jumped violently, and ran towards the pool.

Damn, this person is not well-designed. I am a honest Baishi. I promised that people would wait here, so I had to sit down and not join in the fun.

This black cat doesn't have this limitation. Cats are naturally curious and don't cause any doubt.

Claude was somewhat lost, and he even suspected that the black cat had just deliberately played him.


Hum, Uncle Tom is playing you!

Do you think you can fool your uncle's sharp cat's eyes by pretending to be an honest Baishi?

Just after leaving a group of bloodstone demons, a white stone man came immediately. Even if the uncle was blind, he could infer your true identity.


Black Cat Tom, no, now Pink Cat Tom, running proudly to the side of the pool.

Just now it wandered cautiously in the far distance of Xia Kejia, making sure that the opponent did not move.

Only then did he deliberately rush into the security circle, and then was placed in the temporary settlement, so he encountered a Baishi man.

It recognized at the moment, who could do this except Claude's hypocritical cunning?

It's just that it won't debunk the identity of the other party, because it's just playing a foolish little female cat who just understands and has just opened her mind.

This is the first love cat once it came to earth.

The other party's soul is still in its collection, and the black cat Tom, who is proficient in the way of death, can do this easily.

There is no dog blood plot, its first love cat is just normal old death.

After all, ordinary cats live at most for more than ten years, and if they have opened their minds but do not practice, they will not live too long.

When Tom met the other party, the other party was already a 10-year-old cat, too late to practice.

It regretted not meeting the other party when it was young, so when disguised, it pretended to be the young look in the other party's photo.

At this time, Tom stood swaying not far from the pool water, at this time everyone did not care to control it, all praised in a "tweet".

Tom stared intently, and saw the pool of water shrouded in grey and white breath spinning.

Those off-white breaths are constantly turning, and every time they make a turn, a pure white breath emerges from the water above the pool, with a faint hint of gold.

Before the evil qi was sensuous, at this time, it seemed to be a bright and upright yang!

This yang energy is very precious, and if it is absorbed by the person with righteousness, it can be transformed into a large amount of righteousness.

Yin Qi, Devil Qi, Yang Qi, etc. are all natural resources.

The strength of righteousness, dead energy, resentment, and fear are all products processed by people's hearts. This is the difference between the two parties.

It is knowledgeable, knowing that this is a kind of supreme method of cathode yang generation and yin and yang conversion!

In the upper realm, there are only a few Taoist patriarchs.

Chivalrous armor comes from a real dragon. It is not too strange to learn this by chance.

However, a good source of yin Qi, Necropolis!

In this way, clearly become a half-hanger of the same!

If you want yang energy, you can wait for a secret environment full of yang energy in the future. Why do you want to fight this idea of ​​a necrotic environment?

Tom was angry and strange.

It is said that the knightly armor will not control the existence of these natural things ~ ~ the source of yinqi "itself does not have the attributes of good and evil.

Only those who practice yinqi, who have high demands on their minds, but those who have no ambitions are more likely to be psychologically distorted and fall into evil generations.

Of course, those who practice the so-called right way exercises are not much better ... there are also many bad guys.

The same is true of the practice of magical powers. Most of the powers themselves cannot see the good and evil.

It is just after getting started that when the magic energy enters the body, it will amplify personal desires and desires, no longer ignore social rules, and naturally become a "magic" in the eyes of the world.

It seems that Uncle Tom has to stand by and wait for the tiger. While this source of yin qi is still gestating, his ideological will is far from fixed, and he must quickly break it back to the right path.

Don't get it to the end, even it thinks that it should develop like this ...

That would be terrible.

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