Seized by the System

Chapter 333: Zhu Zhuchi

When Mr. Cang said goodbye to the two, he hurried to the edge of this huge giant rat dungeon.

He looked back, although it was only a few days, but he had some nostalgia in his eyes.

Among the places he is most fond of, he is not the ancestor of the Bai family, nor Bai Shixin, nor even other people.

It is the giant rats who work diligently in the streets. Although they have no noble blood and are very humble, they represent the true future of this group.

It was only that he felt a repulsion and alienation from top to bottom here.

Whether it is the bottom giant rats, or the upper class characters such as Bai Shixin, it seems that everyone is very polite, in fact, they are in awe of his strength and blood, and there is no real heart to him.

He can imagine that if these two things are cut off, then he is not as good as a bug here, even if he is still the same person.

Thinking of this, he sighed for a long time and turned to leave the city.

At this moment, the man appeared in front of him again.

Patriarch Bai looked at him with complicated eyes.

"Now, should you understand?"

"What do you understand?" Cang Gongzi looked at the old man opposite and asked for some reason.

"Natural selection is natural. Weak meat is strong. Existence is reasonable."

Cang Gongzi said nothing.

But the Bai family ancestor did not let him go.

"If you don't have the power, do you think Nie Yuan will just retreat from Sanshe because you are my son?"

"If you don't have the power, you think he will believe Bai Shixin's words, and when I become a god, he will give you the seat?"

"No, any demon knows that handing the big position to the offspring of the powerless is to wait for others to eat it."

After three consecutive passes, Cang Gongzi's eyes were complicated, and it took a long time to say: "So, you never asked those things before, just to let me understand this truth?"

"You only know now?" The Bai family ancestor shook his head in disappointment.

"No, I have known for a long time. But weak meat and strong food are not the truth, and there are a lot of" existences ", which are inherently unreasonable!" Cang Gongzi's tone suddenly increased!

"People and demon are wise, everyone should not kill each other. Everyone has reason, there should be a possibility of coexistence! I can be friends with many ordinary people, it makes no sense, everyone can't live together!"

Patriarch Bai looked at him deeply and suddenly laughed.

"Oh, very good, very good. You finally have your own way. Then you go on, I will always look at you."

Unexpectedly, Mr. Cang did not continue to refute him.

He was in a complicated mood and stayed for a long time, as if something was brewing.

The ancestor of the Bai family did not go, just looked at him.

Finally, Mr. Cang whispered hardly: "Are the words Bai Shixin said, are they true?"

"Now you are not qualified to know." The Patriarch Bai shook his head in disappointment, seeming to think he should not ask this question.

Cang Gongzi heard the words, his face turned red, he was shocked again, his body full of white, scattered to the next.

This time, it is far more powerful than just deterring Nie Yuan!

Because he knew who he was in front of him, he put all his effort into it!

The whole Giant Mouse City was turbulent almost instantly, and countless giant rats only felt a strong coercion in their hearts!

Not only the suppression of the bloodline soul, but also the shock of the natural nemesis!

From a distance, I saw the whole person of Cang Gongzi, like a huge white torch.

He stared coldly at the person in front of him, as if the other party had nothing to do with him at all.

He whispered: "I am qualified now ?!"

"Yes, you have learned the true skills for you." The Bai family ancestor smiled slightly and looked at the huge torch without changing its color.

I saw that his figure moved slightly, and a yellowish air came out of the sky.

In a few moments, it rose rapidly, and a similarly large yellowish torch appeared, blocking the white pressure of Cang Gongzi, and even faintly pressing back.

"You," Cang Gongzi's face changed, and his face changed. "You even converged into family spirit so quickly ?! It's impossible ..."

"You don't know anything about the real power." The ancestor of the Bai family looked at him, and then the whole body suddenly turned yellowish, and turned and walked away slowly.

Cang Gongzi stared fiercely at each other's back, but failed to shoot.

In his heart, he could not help worrying, the life of his family, the strength of the opponent will be a thousand miles away.

If, as Bai Shixin infers, the other party uses the moon to return to the event, so that the giant rat family is officially recognized by the heavenly path of this world, the strength of this person will grow to an incredible level.

By that time, Venerable Dragon can still deter him and stop him from messing up?

This man's ambition has always been great.

He knew this very well.

With deep worries, Cang Gongzi never looked back and returned to the ground.


Chivalry A Farm Villa.

At this time, it was early August, when it was midsummer, the trees were lush and the flowers were in full bloom. The hardworking workers were taking care of the chores for this farm villa.

At this time, a white hamster was slowly crawling into the living room, and he heard a pantothenic acid on his face.

"Oh hey, I heard that a guy who can only nibble a chestnut every day must now be a city official ... it's incredible."

This sour voice came from the fish tank in the living room. Who else would be beside the dragon carp?

Cang Gongzi heard this familiar voice, and felt quite comforted, and finally got home.

Only here, no matter whether he is a demon, strong or weak, no one will despise him.

Except for this dragon carp that will brag every day ...

But of course, with his demeanor, he wouldn't care about the dragon carp.

He looked around, a little puzzled, climbed a few steps, and jumped onto the white marble table where the fish tank was.

"Don't Brother Long Li go to inherit the secret realm with Brother Baili? It's been less than two weeks, and you are back? Did Brother Baili have a big breakthrough?"

The white hamster instinctively sensed the whereabouts of the black dog Barrett, but still did not show where the other party was.

This dog is a carp, and they are all out of focus recently. Meng is not out of focus. It is really strange that there is only one fish now.

"No need to look for it, I asked Brother Baili to find the lamp oil material. It won't take long for Uncle Ben to regain mana and truly work for the master. By then, the master will definitely give me a big position, a small one City officials, not in the eyes of the uncle. "Dragon Carp explained smoothly.

"You mean that brother Xue Bai, the magic lamp of prayer found in the land of inheritance?" Said the white hamster.

"Well, that's right. You also know, yes, you put in earlier than I did, and it's normal to know." The dragon carp suddenly said.

"Then I would like to wish Baili's success in advance and I wish the two strengths to recover soon." White hamster politely said.

The dragon carp was so praised by the other party that it was not embarrassing at all and was accepted.

Only after hearing good words, it felt happy, and no longer aimed at Cang Gongzi.

Seeing the white hamster being so polite, he turned his eyes and asked, "Well, thank you for your good words. It's the Cangcheng officer. You went to the underground hamster city. Did you get any good things back? Are you a giant rat?" The royal son, there should be a lot of people giving gifts to you on this trip back home. "

The white hamster shook his head: "No one gave a gift. I was there, just an outsider. It would be nice if someone received it. Where else would I dare to ask for a gift?"

"That's okay. When you formally preside over the construction of the city, the gift-giver will definitely be a mile away, which will make you very upset. I'm afraid you don't have this experience of welcoming you?" Pointing.

The white hamster was a little puzzled when he heard the words, and he asked tentatively: "It is indeed so. I don't know what Brother Long Li teaches us? We work together under the sacred veneration of the Lord.

The dragon carp twirled its tail and said with delight: "Ah, in the end, it is the royal family, and the mind is broad. I was wrong in the past, and we wiped it out."

The white hamster nodded his head, he had never thought about it. All along, it only looked at the dragon carp as a rapped parrot. What can be said to be a big deal by the parrot?

The dragon carp then took the opportunity to say: "I used to work in the patriarch of the true dragon clan for many years, and the experience of welcoming him is the most abundant.

"After taking office in Cangcheng, can I ask the master to take me with me, so I can help you deal with the chores that are greeted by you, so that you can concentrate on what the master tells you, and build the right city. . "

Kurangko thought about it, and it really was.

So he was grateful now: "Brother Long Li is so old-fashioned, it is really grateful. I think His Holiness should agree. But, why did Brother Long Li call me a" city official "?"

He is not stupid again, knowing that this is not as good as the name of God.

The dragon carp spoke up and said: "Oh, I'm so embarrassed. I'm used to giving people the nickname, aren't you going to preside over the work of building a city and acting as a party chief? In short, I will call you a city official. Give you a bright spot? "

"No, brother Longli doesn't know how much he is about the actual age. You just call me Kokura." White hamster thought, don't call it a loud name.

Long Carp was very happy to hear the words, and now he drew a big pie: "Okay, Kokura, you are indeed bold. Wait for Brother Baili to bring back the lamp oil. If there is more, I will give you a chance."

Cang Gongzi just wanted to habitually refuse, and then moved his heart, then nodded and said: "Respect is better than obedient, thank you Long Li brother for being so generous. But, does the Venerable know this when looking for lamp oil?"

"Of course, the owner knows, how can I not ask the owner first if I am working on the dragon carp? Then I have been doing it for so many years. After the lamp oil was found, half of it was reserved for the master, and the rest half of us divided." With.

Kuroko nodded his head, learning was everywhere.

Dragon carps seem to be very arrogant, but they are impeccable in doing things.

In contrast, I was still too closed before and too lacking in practical experience. In the future, if I want to truly achieve my goal of rat life and walk through the selected path, I must study it everywhere.

When the next mouse is a fish, it will exchange the things to pay attention to after taking office through the fish tank.

The dragon carp sees a lot of people, and it is really handy for handling chores. Now I will explain to Cang Gongzi one by one, how to deal with different people, and how to dispatch different people.

It ’s just that Cang Gongzi or Bai Ruocang did n’t guess the real purpose of this guy.

Replaced with Zheng Dao here, I definitely heard it when I heard it.

This guy has been in the Venerable's house for a long time, and hasn't caught any oil in a long time. This is to take the opportunity to come back soon.

Unlike other followers, although the Dragon Carp is truly loyal to the Chivalrous Armor, its selfish desires are much heavier.

After all, people have a real dragon blood, but do n’t forget this, it is really the same family as the system uncle ...

Dragon carp is not like black and yellow dogs.

As long as they have an intimate dog and sister, who can eat spicy and spicy food, they are very satisfied, neither craving strength, nor caring about more or less money, and never asked Fang Ning for a salary.

It is not like Zheng Dao or Cang Gongzi. Both of them have ambitious goals and ideals in life. Following the Venerable is to realize the value of life.

Dragon carp is very different, but it is very greedy.

I think that in the past, it used to be a gatekeeper in the lotus pond of the Zhenlong clan's elder's house. If the status is not high enough, if you want it to report it, you must first throw some baby wishes into the pool ...

After the two animals talked for a while, Cang Gongzi asked curiously: "I don't know, why did Longli Brothers want to use that magic lamp? I heard that the lamp oil material is very rare and hard to find."

"Haha, that's for others. I don't know how many rare materials I have collected." The dragon carp immediately started blowing. "If it weren't for the big guys, I would be able to give out this lamp oil."

So Cang Gongzi heard the whole story.

It turned out that when the dragon carp was chatting with the black dog in the place of inheritance, the other party said indignantly that the yellow dog was not as good as it. They all took a shortcut and used the magic lamp to gain strength and broke through to the lake level in advance.

Immediately after hearing it, it had an idea. Those lamp oil materials, such as "ambergris, thousand-year-old turpentine, **** beeswax ...", etc., seem to be difficult to find, and even the owner has not specially collected it.

But it is very clear, knowing which environment will produce these materials, so let the sloppy Barrett look for it.

It's just that the environment is often very dangerous, so it doesn't follow ...

The reason it knows is because when it was in the upper realm, it did not know how many races wanted to enter the gate of the real dragon. It collected countless treasures in the pool.

Although it has never been too powerful, but from the south to the north, all kinds of cherished materials can be said to be basically complete.

It's a pity that it didn't bring it down. Before leaving, they were all divided by Long Da and them ...

Long said that it was useless to hold it. In case it was too bad to break when entering the barrier, it was better to stay and prepare for the wasteland. It was so irritating and helpless.

Speaking of the last ~ ~ It said indignantly: "No wonder Long Da they have always let me accept gifts, co-authored to work for them ..."

When Kurakura heard this, he felt awkward, and his emotions had a precedent.

He reminded now: "We work for His Holiness, and we will be honest and honest in the future, so as not to hurt His Holiness."

The dragon carp was dumbfounded at the moment, bragging too much, and leaking the old bottom ...

So it put a tail, spit out a few bubbles, concealed the guilty conscience, and then said: "Of course not, near Zhu Zhechi, I have followed the master for so many days, I have changed it already. Kokura, you do n’t need Worry about this. "

Kuroko nodded.

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