Seized by the System

Chapter 344: Who should send

After the mentally difficult walk, just ten minutes later, a guy who was planning to make up for a nap was awakened by the system prompt.

The system prompts: (The system tapped the "Heart Demon Muyu" thousands of times, and now there is a mysterious place-"land of happy land". The system now has three classics: "Da Zhi Zhen Jing", "Da Nan Zhen Jing", "Du Er Zhen Jing" , The system did not choose to learn.)

Fang Ning fell to the bed, too lazy to get up, just tilted his head and asked: "What new copy is this" land of happy land "?"

The uncle of the system was shocked and said: "Hey, rich man, what did you learn to know the prophet? It actually caught you. You guessed it, this" land of happy land "is really similar to the copy of the game you play."

Fang Ning heard a little more curiosity, so she quickly got up.

"Where is that copy?"

"The door to there, I opened it in Longwei Prison."

Fang Ning walked into the Dragon Prison and saw an empty arch in the empty square.

The golden arch with a temptation of incomparable temptation, it seems that as long as you step in, you can have everything, and no one else in the world is troubled.

After Fang Ning looked carefully for a while, some words slowly appeared on the door.

Both sides are: "Birth, sickness and death are far away, love, hate and resentment are all gone."

Horizontal approval: "Living land for all beings."

The tone is really not small, Fang Ning is decisive and dare not to take a half step.

He asked the uncle, "What the **** is inside?"

"You're pretending to be stupid again ... Didn't I just say that it is similar to the copy of the game you are playing?" The uncle of the system complained.

Fang Ning froze for a while, then suddenly, and then horrified, his facial expression came for three consecutive times.

"Fat trough, this mentally difficult demon master, it really has a boss style. It is different from the following little devil who only knows how to be brave and ruthless. This realm is several grades higher, with ideas, goals, and means. , Determined, the four demon heads in the whole new era. "

Fang Ning had already guessed the general situation and couldn't help but deeply awe.

In the end, it is a giant, with great penmanship and majesty, which is daunting.

It is worthy of the title of "Wise and Difficult, No Law".

No wonder this guy is going to be enchanted. If he didn't guess wrong, this guy might make a big deal.

I just don't know what the details are inside. Fang Ning thought about it and decided to send someone to touch it. Wrong, it should be a spirit.

At first glance this copy is physically inaccessible, otherwise the uncle will not open it directly in the system space.

Who should be sent?

Fang Ning thought.

Truth Office Headquarters Base, a training facility.

Qiao Zi Jiang Zheng put the twelve Chinese zodiac monsters in a circle, sat in the middle by themselves, communicated with them one by one, and checked the progress of cultivation.

"Lao Bai, how have you practiced recently?"

A large white cotton ball shook, and the urn urn airway: "I am already a bath-level."

"Well, yes, you still work hard." Qiao Zi Jiang nodded and asked, "Long Fan, how are you?"

Long Fan had just sneezed and was wondering if anyone was thinking about him. After hearing this question, he said: "Thanks to the blessing of the two Venerables, I have to break through to the pond level."

"Yes, Long Fan, you work very hard." Qiao Zi Jiang Wenyan was very pleased. If there was a monster breaking through to the pond level, she could follow the water and rise.

Long Fan was praised, and he was a little arrogant.

So he pretended to look at a blue body next to him, half dead, a little like a dragon, but more like a snake.

He also pretended unintentionally: "Although we are only possessed by a snake demon in the upper realm, we have a good chance and work hard. Unlike some guys, they boast of being dragons every day, but now they are not even bucket-level. It ’s estimated that my background is not as good as ours. ”

The half-dead green snake beside him didn't raise his head when he saw it, but just snorted coldly, and seemed to be too lazy to distinguish.

Long Fan was very upset when he saw this, and continued: "I chatted with the White Dragon Brothers online. He said that there was a dragon carp at home. I heard that it was the door of the head of the real dragon clan. I think it should be very familiar with the real dragon. , Do you want to identify a snake? "

The green snake heard a word and suddenly moved a few times, but still did not speak.


In a garden in a southern city, on an isolated flower bed pond, sits an old man in twilight, leaning against the bushes with his eyes closed.

For a long time in the past, a sanitation worker who cleaned the sanitation and an aunt passed the old man back and forth several times.

Finally she came over and wanted to wake the other party.

"Old gentleman, old gentleman, wake up, go home and go to sleep, don't sleep cold here." Aunt called out to each other, and then felt very strange.

I saw a smile on the old man's face, but the entire face seemed completely static.


Aunt awed at the moment and took two steps back.

This is where she made her strange. It turns out that the old gentleman didn't even breathe at this moment ...

She quickly called the local special affairs office.

Two members of the special affairs office in a black suit came in a hurry. The two of them knew at a glance that the old man had been dying for a long time, unlike a trauma.

After a person took a few photos, he had to step forward to check the old man's body.

However, when his palm just touched the collar of the old man, a golden light flashed from the old man, and then the whole person slowly disappeared ...

"Emergency report, there is a mysterious deceased in Sucheng, the cause of death is unknown, and the deceased smiles mysteriously before he dies ..."


In a public library in this city, it is the weekend, and many people come here to borrow books, especially some books on geography, which are the most popular and often read by people.

At this time, a middle-aged man in a black robe walked into the museum, attracting some attention, but soon no one cared.

The man just smiled faintly, and found a place and sat down.

After sitting down, he didn't look up. A different book flew out of the bookshelf automatically, and fell in front of his eyes. After a few minutes, it turned over and those books flew back.

Everyone looked at it all, but what was revealed in his eyes was not horror and doubt, but envy and envy.

"Hey, another cultivator." A group of teenagers who looked like students no longer read books, but turned their heads to stare at the scene closely without blinking.

"Whenever we can practice, it will be just around the corner to become a tyrant. A few minutes will not dare to hope, and a few days will be enough."

"Easy to say? Either sign an agreement to enter the system to sell a life, or spend a lot of money to enter a private school, the tuition fee is at least 300,000 a year? Which threshold is not low."

"Yeah, anyway, my dad couldn't get it out, and he didn't want me to sell my life. I wanted to go. Now, there is a dragon in the sky. I heard that I can retire after a few years of mixing. When I come back, I will take the university and fly like it. Unfortunately, recently The current situation is not good, my dad said that at least it will have to survive next year before allowing me to sign up for the system. "Some people are upset.

"Tell you good news," a spectacled teenager said in a showy tone, "I ’m the uncle who is the mayor ’s secretary in the city, saying that the new exercises will be promoted soon, and it is the same as the" Basic Practice ". The physical training skills that accompany the Divine Art. "

"Isn't that" Basic Alchemy "forbid us minors to learn?" Some people were surprised.

"That one is forbidden to be learned by us, but this new set of exercises can be cultivated from an early age and used to lay the foundation. After the foundation is laid, if it can pass the unified test of the official organization," Basic Practice " You can learn in advance.

"Learn that and you can play" Fighting Beasts ". The God of War, Lei Tian, ​​is my role model. I heard that people's annual income is now 200 million yuan!" The glasses teenager said excitedly.

The spectacled boy flaunted the secret message and immediately attracted the attention of a group of people. There were many girls and even young women, which made him excited and inexplicable.

One of his classmates agreed: "Wang Jing is right. I have learned" Basic Alchemy "secretly. After half of training, I had a headache, and I couldn't practice it anymore. My mother beat me up. If I want to learn this new exercise, I can practice it if I steal it again. Then I will definitely play the Shennian competitive game. "

"I also stole the study, and it feels exactly the same as you. It's just that my mother didn't beat me, but beat my father ... I don't know why." Another student echoed.

"Can there be any reason? I think your dad can't make money." A girl said sharply.

For a time, the otherwise quiet library suddenly fell into a daily discussion topic about how to practice.

If you think about it, every day you watch others pretend to be online, and what these half-old kids can come into contact with is "Basic Alchemy".

Just as rice kids will steal their father's pistols, they will definitely steal them.

Regarding this point, since the truth is dared to be promoted, it has naturally been strictly guarded. The content of "Basic Refining Technique" has been weakened and modified a lot. Otherwise, forcible practice will not be as simple as a headache.

The middle-aged man in black robe heard the discussion, put down a copy of "Principles of Compilation," and looked up at the teenagers.

He smiled slightly, everyone in the world has troubles, and only the happy land can end everything.

In this world, the fruit of my own impact on the avenue is expected ...

After thinking for a while, a sheet of paper emerged in his hand, sandwiched in a book he had just read.

Not long afterwards, all the books flew back to the shelves neatly, and then he slowly walked out of the public library.

After the back, only a bunch of envious eyes remained.

The intellectual difficulty disappeared from the southern city of Shenzhou, and in an instant, he came to the cloud city of the north.

At the back hill of a school, a group of male and female students are forming a circle, looking down at something, and there are words in their mouths.

Difficulties appear behind everyone.

"A little devil who only plays with fear is not worth your worship." He said lightly.

Then a cell phone flew away from the eyes of everyone and returned to his hands.

"Give me the phone back, how can you steal someone else's things?" An exquisite looking girl suddenly raised her head and shouted at him.

"Oh, you are the bell of heaven, you shouldn't learn these inferior methods. There are three volumes of the Supreme Mantra of this Saint, would you like to learn?" Zhi Nan smiled.

Everyone looked at each other, not knowing who the man was, and did not speak one by one.

"Who are you?" Yamanashi Sahi asked with a hesitant expression.

"This saint is wise, one of the ten demon masters in the upper realm. The devil you just worshipped ~ ~ see this saint, and you have to worship too."

As soon as his voice fell, this group of male and female students saw the mobile phone taken away by the man and floated directly in front of him.

In the cell phone, the strange picture they just worshipped, a cyan snake in it, has changed its shape and emerged from the mist into a head-down gesture.

This strange thing immediately shocked them.

Yamanashi Sahi was surprised, happy, and very puzzled: "I am just an ordinary student, can I really learn the Supreme Mantra? After learning, can I fly to the sky side by side with Master Qinglong?"

"Don't be pretentious, one seed can become the tree of the world, and one grass can grow all over the mountains and rivers. You are chosen by the heavenly path of this world, and the Yueqing dragon will not be known in the future." Zhi Nan assured him.

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