Seized by the System

Chapter 348: No blame


In the system cybercafe, Fang Ning crooked on the side of the sofa, frowning, his right arm standing on the sofa arm, holding his chin, closing his eyes, and maintaining the posture of a thinker.

This gesture has passed for two hours.

Fang Ning said that after collecting the information, it is time to start thinking, and the uncle of the system must not be disturbed by noise.

The uncle did not dare to disturb the thinking of the rich man, and kept his promise strictly, and it really didn't say anything.

It wasn't until the uncle discovered that the thinker began to send out even "snoring" sounds, only to realize that he was deceived again ...

A wooden fish floated silently to Fang Ning's ear.

"Bangbang Bangbang ..." A rapid voice sounded, almost scaring Fang Ning to the ground.

"What's the matter, is it that the mentally retarded old ghost comes in? Great, uncle, hurry and hold him!"

Fang Ning shouted subconsciously.

"It's just holding you down ... Are you thinking, or are you taking the opportunity to sleep?"

Fang Ning was very speechless, "Don't you forget that I worked overtime to learn a method of practicing the exercises in my dreams, but I have already achieved some success. Just now I was just drawing inspiration from my dreams. Break ... "

When the system uncle heard it, his tone weakened and hesitated: "Did I misunderstand you again?"

"It must be," Fang Ningli said solemnly, "but okay, I remember some. You listen to me ..."

Then Fang Ning said his thoughts again.

"The rich man is clever, so if he is too mentally difficult to stop us from brushing up his experience, there is only one way to die!" The uncle of the system exalted.

"Yes, they all think that we are practicing the way of punishment, but we don't know the nature of your system at all. We are just scrambling, but the scope of the blame is defined as the evil generation.

"Since it's hard to grab outside, then we'll make it ourselves! See if he dares to come, he must dare to come here, even the devil, must lie on his stomach!" Fang Ning gritted his teeth.

"The rich man is right, now my admiration for you is like the endless stream of the torrential river, and it is like the flood of the Yellow River that is unstoppable ..."

"Hum, don't shoot useless horse farts. In the future, just remember that when I go to sleep, don't knock me on a wooden fish. It's enough. You know, at that time, I was thinking in my dreams." Fang Ning said.

System: "Sometimes you may be thinking, but most of the time you should be sleeping, don't think about fooling me."

Fang Ning is speechless, this rebellious child is not easy to do, I really miss what he said when he was a child ...

I can't hold back by my mouth, it seems that I have to rely on hard power to crush it.

Fang Ning thought of this and made up his mind fiercely. Instead of going to sleep, he went to practice "Dragon Skill".

Okay, just now he was sleeping ...

In a few moments, the uncle of the system suddenly said: "Everything else is easy to say, what about the ambergris? What you said last time is only available for the old dragon. The ambergris I spit cannot form ambergris. "

Fang Ning turned to think about it: "Ji Ji Lao Long? Yes, isn't it just coming to us? Hey ..."

"Hey, the rich man is right." The uncle of the system heard the words and laughed together.

Suddenly the system space is filled with cheerful air.


A courtyard in the headquarters office of the Truth Office.

Above the roof, a mini green dragon, and a black snake, facing a bottle of dark yellow elixir, his eyes widened.

"You as a real dragon, you have to be shameless? Big Brother gave 8 bottles at that time, you stolen them all, and now take out a bottle to fool me, how is it possible?"

"Well, I'm willing to return a bottle, which is cheap enough for you. No matter how many, I'm afraid you will panic and indigestion. Do you love it, don't I just recycle it." Mini Qinglong disdain.

"Nonsense, it was mine originally, can I?" The black snake rolled the jade bottle away and put it in a small pocket tied with him.

Then his eyes flicked: "If you teach me how to" Nashumi Yusuke ", I don't want this bottle of panacea."

"Humph, you are too whimsical. Such a spell, like your small body, practice more than a dozen reincarnations." The mini green dragon ignored it at all.

Speaking of which, the mini green dragon suddenly sneezed a few times, and a cloud of mist loomed on the roof, which was really terrible.

"Look, you must have done a lot of similar bad things and are being remembered."

"Bullshit, my dragon three is a real dragon in the upper realm, which makes me sneeze very few, unless it is similar to my existence, it is possible to do it. But where does the existence curse me casually?"

As soon as its voice fell, the Vampire A descended from midair.

"Brother, why are you here?" Long Fan saw the Chivalrous Armor falling and hurried up to meet him.

"Oh, I'm going to find Master Long San."

"Hey, the guy with the stupid name below is called Long San? Is there a dragon or a dragon on top of him? Is there a bald dragon?" The black snake looked down at the mini green dragon on the roof, his eyeball one Diversion.

"Long Da heard the Dragon Carp, but did not hear it mention Dragon II." Xia Kejia shook his head.

"There has never been Dragon Two, and the bald dragon is nonsense!" At this time, the mini green dragon had already flown up, staring at Long Fan fiercely.

Long Fan turned his thoughts, and the wits turned, and turned his head to Long San: "I know, in fact, you are Long Er!"

After hearing the words, the mini green dragon almost vomited blood, and then angered, bursting out of a mysterious yellow breath.

The black snake only felt trembling all over, and it was horrified suddenly. This guy was really uncomfortable. He hadn't seen it angry before, but he had a backer.

It hid behind the knight's armor in a hurry, the Xuanhuang breath was unbiased and was hitting the knight's armor.

Then three different dragon-shaped breaths spontaneously appeared, divided into red, green, and purple. Each fierce **** was evil, and when it threw up, it held the black dragon that offended his field firmly.

This scene is like a dragon covered with big men.

Seeing this, the mini green dragon nodded slightly, as if he had gone to a heart attack, his tail flicked, and the black dragon's qi suddenly dissipated.

That's right, the son of Long San is not a three-year-old child, and he doesn't just believe that a guy who pops up suddenly will be a real dragon family.

Although the eyes were confirmed before, the opponent should be the correct dragon.

But after all, it is an unfamiliar dragon, and there are many strange things in the extraordinary world.

So after it came back, it was still very uneasy to think about it. Once you admit it wrong, you can be ridiculed for thousands of years. Even the dragon of your own family admits it wrong.

But the other party's strength is deep, and it's not stupid.

The real dragon breath may be disguised, but now the dragon qi confrontation from the bloodline can not be disguised again. It is not a real dragon, and it will not burst out.

But now it is very strange, this dragon clan predecessor, is actually carrying three different dragon spirits.

Each one is very authentic, is the other one the legendary one?

But the existence of that one was just heard by the patriarch, and no one has seen it.

The patriarch said that the one born with nine claws and nine incarnations can gather all the gods of the true dragon family into one.

The true dragon is the honor of all races, and that one is the true dragon supreme, capable of suppressing all sacred fairy buddhas.

When I talked with Long Da in private, I thought that it was the habitual bragging of the patriarch again. The purpose was only to deter some uneasy existences, and to increase the workload of the real dragon.

The upper bound itself is already unstable, and it can be a day to delay. .

It now appears that the original one saw this earlier and sneaked into the world in advance to develop in secret.

The patriarch did not brag, it was really incredible ...

As a result of this secret conflict, the knightly knight is indifferent and seems to be unaware.

The black snake looked at the mini green dragon's eyes, but it was no longer as disdainful as before, but it was cautious. It finally understood what is called "the true dragon is sacred and inviolable".

However, the attitude of the mini-green dragon towards Xia Kejia is a lot of respect, no longer lazy.

Chivalrous A stopped a dragon battle that might erupt, and then he said: "Son Dragon, there is something to ask for in this seat."

Long San heard a lot of things and said: "Seniors have something to do, although let's be straightforward, as long as I can do what Long San can do, he will go all out in the end."

"No need, for Long San Gongzi, it's just a small thing that comes from the mouth. We need a lot of ambergris, we can sign a long-term supply contract, and use the immortals you took as a deposit."

This time it was completely correct. It was the people of our old dragon family. When the young son Long heard this, his last trace of suspicion was gone.

The maintenance of the world belongs to the maintenance of the world, which should be our own things, it is not necessary at all ...

Long San then nodded and said, "Well, it's just ambergris, it really came from the mouth ... Hey, do you want a lot?"

It was n’t as good as it was in the past: it was indeed open before it was put; but now how much ambergris do you have to spit in this small body to transform into a large amount of ambergris?

You have to boil yourself.

So his eyes turned and said: "Seniors want ambergris, which is very difficult for mortals. They often use some fake goods to force the meeting and use our name, but for us, it is indeed an open mouth. Little things.

"It's just that the strength of the juniors has just been restored. It's still a soul body. It hasn't condensed the flesh, and it can't be produced. If the seniors will continue to provide the previous Elixir and help me restore the flesh, I can try mass production."

As soon as its voice fell, a dozen bottles of colorful elixirs appeared in front of him.

Long Fan saw a drool and sighed after wiping it: "Hey, if you cast your baby well, you can change your money if you spit a little bit. Unlike my hard-working, it is only when the wind and rain are running. A little bit of gain. "

Long Sanzi disdainfully said: "Huh ~ ~ Do you think that your son is born out of the cast? Long Da may be like that but his son is not so lucky!

"I did three thousand five hundred reincarnations, and suffered countless hardships before I became a real dragon body. After that, the dragon carp took me and Long Da to experience. I almost finished it several times. After passing the experience, I was finally officially included in the real dragon. Genealogy. "

When Fang Ning heard it, it was dark.

Oops, this dragon three is really not easy. In contrast, in one year, the system uncle has built three dragon bodies with different attributes. I have to say that krypton gold is fast.

So he said to the uncle of the system: "Okay, it's a crucial thing to get done. As for how to generate real ambergris, we don't have to worry about it in the future. This dragon three lived as a teenager, and it will definitely bring us the most authentic Yes, the next step is to find seeds. "

"Where can I find the seeds?"

"Ghost King will. There must be a lot of them there."

"Well, go here, accumulate more experience early, and don't think of pitting us again after that difficult time."

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