Seized by the System

Chapter 350: Dingshan Shenzhen

My name is Lu Er.

Last year, the Meteor came into being, and I got the God-given speed ability.

Was unlucky last year. He was chased by Xia Ke first, and then he entered the re-education project of the special affairs office. It was miserable.

This year finally came into operation, I learned a "Shenzu Tong" from a secret book of Buddhism.

This magical power, and my speed ability complement each other, cultivated, a thousand miles a day, entering the country extremely fast.

I am now a low-key pond-level master, but others only think that I am a bucket-level, and only three sworn brothers and sisters know this ...

I have changed my name to "Luda". The three girls looked at me with admiring eyes every day, and they came to me in the name of consulting cultivation methods from time to time.

Ma Da changed its name to "Ma Er", Niu Si didn't need to change its name, the two of them surrounded me every day, complimented me, served me, served tea and water, rubbed their back in the bath ...

Under my "Shenzu Tongtong", all ghosts can't escape, and my performance in catching ghosts has reached new highs.

The Bodhisattva personally met me two days ago, promoted me to be the Seventh Elder, and took over the position of the Elder Seventh Elder who had previously hung up.

Sanmei is also on the scene, and the eyes of the worship have almost melted me.

But I will not feel embarrassed at all, because these are all I came up with ...

If your imagination is better than mine, you can think more beautiful ...

Oh, I can't think about it anymore. Martha's mixed ball seems to be calling me to move those evil spirits jars again.

One by one is heavy and not to mention, but also very scary, I dare not close my eyes for two days after moving.

Two days ago, Venerable Dragon had just given a long-term purchase contract in the meeting, let us supply evil spirits regularly.

Pricing is based on the quality of evil spirits. The higher the qualification, the higher the price, which can make up for a large loss in the meeting. Everyone knows that the Venerable is not only powerful, but also rich ... it is a VIP in the meeting.

This is now the top priority at the meeting.


"Lu Er, Lu Er! Don't be distracted, this group of jars are filled with top-grade evil spirits. We will remember to take it lightly for a while, and we can't afford to break it."

Guigu Mountain, a group of people are busy in the Ghost King Cave, sifting through the celadon jars, classifying them, labeling them, and transporting them to different holes.

Marked as "top grade", it should be cultivated in the cave with the strongest qi. The middle grade and the lower grade can be considered in order, which can ensure that they will not lose their rank.

One of these people is a tall, strong-eyed man in his thirties who is reminding a young man who is absent-minded, lacks motivation, and looks average.

They are Ma Da and Lu Er.

Ma knows, this guy, Lu Er, always covets his **** ... under the position.

He can't always set his mind right, always thinking about another chance, soaring into the sky and becoming the boss.

It seems that the effect of the re-education project last year has subsided a lot in the past half a year, and this younger brother has to go in again to consolidate.

Ma University was thinking, and suddenly heard the elder Gui Er shouting loudly, his voice echoed in the cave, and his tone was very tense.

Last time, the other party was so scared, as if it was still the time when Qimei Tianmei blocked the door.

He listened carefully.

"Go and invite Venerable Dragon Dragon ... Yes, yes, and Lord Chongshou who is opening a clinic in the city! Please come together! Call, WeChat, QQ, and find a few quicker legs, please go and please, all No less! "

"Lu Er runs fast, yes, Zhu Hufa, you let him go and invite His Holiness to come over ..."

"Forget it, Venerable has promised to come over. Let Lu Er call Master Lord Shoushou. Worms should be eating, not answering the phone, not reading the news, not reachable, alas, the Venerable is reliable."

A chicken and a dog jump in the hole.

Lü Er also heard the shout. He heard that he immediately put down a celadon jar marked "Top grade, to be determined" in his hand.

The jar fell in response to the sound and rolled onto the stone wall. A few cracks loomed into it, and a cloud of anger escaped.

At this time, no one paid attention to this. Everyone immediately whispered to each other to hear what happened.

Someone soon called Lu Er away from a group of brick-moving coolies.

He raised his head and raised his chest, a group of "we are different", quickly walked out of the coolie group.

The horse shook his head when he saw it. The silly bird didn't want to think about it. At this time, he was sent out to invite people. Can the danger be small?


At this time, outside the Ghost King Cave, on the Qingshiping where the guests were waiting, Yin Qi was slowly surging around.

Above Shiping stands the root cause of chaos in the cave.

A young man with long sleeves and long sleeves was standing there indifferently.

The chaos in the cave, the ancient behavior did not stop, but just quietly waited.

He is looking up at the sky, thinking about his own affairs.

I saw that at this time, the sky was high, and there were white clouds drifting across.

Those pictures transformed by white clouds are no longer related to the future pictures, and most of them are mentally difficult.

The man's long hair was scattered on his shoulders, and he seemed very unruly; a black robe covered the whole body, adding a little mystery.

'S ordinary face, with a wonderful smile, and a pair of deep eyes, is looking at himself meaningfully.

Sure enough, when he encounters this kind of great saint-level character, his own "cloud computing method" can not count the future pictures related to the other party.

Maybe the master may not be able to do it.

The method of cloud computing failed, which was expected, and now only rely on wisdom to break the situation.

Threw a black lotus before Zhi Nan, sealed the crater, and did not continue to entangle with himself. It seems that he thought he could not get rid of the magic palm.

However, the way to break the game is in this ghost king meeting.

He thought silently, and then he saw a group of people coming out of the hole.

Elder Ghost forcibly laughed and said: "The high foot of the Tianqing Mountain, where the ancient teaching method is driving, do not know what is your job?"

Guo Buwei said: "I want to talk to your Bodhisattva, please come out and see."

Elder Ghost frowned, and this is the same. Last time, Qi Mei also had the same reason. He wanted the Bodhisattva to help her resurrect the spirit beast. The Bodhisattva could not be separated and was entangled by her.

He calmly said: "The bodhisattva is busy with the transformation of the realm of magic energy. It is really inseparable. If it is not an important matter, please ask the ancient teacher to come back again."

Gu didn't smile lightly: "If he knows that this is about the foundation of his way in this world, I think he should be able to find time."

Elder Ghost, half-trusted and doubtful, said: "Can you let the old deceased to tell?"

In order not to look at this old man in his seventies, he shook his head lightly and said: "You are not qualified to listen."

Elder Ghost is shy, annoyed and helpless.

At this moment, the sky came down with a firm voice.

"Which seat is qualified enough?"

The voice just fell, and the knightly armor fell on the stone platform.

Elder Ghost is ecstatic, but I did n’t expect His Holiness to be an old-fashioned intestine. This time it came faster than last time ...

Fang Ning thought, that is of course, here has become a refined seed wholesale base of the uncle of the system, can you watch it tightly ...

Gu did n’t turn his head to look at the knightly armor, there was no panic on the face, but just said lightly: "You are naturally enough for knightly armor, of course, if you want to relay it, of course."

Xia Kejia heard the words and said to other people with a blank expression: "You all go back, here you have your own seat to deal with."

Elder Ghost, such as Meng Amnesty, quickly greeted a group of people to go back to the hole to continue to work.

It's not good to have a fight with the gods for a while. The ancients are far better than Qimei. It is said that they are lake-level strongmen. This time these people are not necessarily qualified to watch.

Fang Ning watched a group of people hurried back to the hole and nodded secretly.

Yeah, all go back to help the uncle to continue to work, don't waste time, the drama here is really not what you can watch.

At this time, Gu Buwei came to hear the sound.

"It is difficult for Zhimo to promote the realm of happy land in this world, and to accept the souls of dead souls. In this way, the insect spirit family of the ghost king Bodhisattva is equivalent to breaking the foundation. Please tell the Bodhisattva that if he still wants to become enlightened, he will come to Gumou Discuss the major event of demonization. "

Fang Ning was shocked at the moment.

"You don't seem to be an enthusiastic person, but you also want to get rid of Demon Guard Road, what is the purpose?" Xia Kejia asked.

Ancients do not justify what they hear or speak.

He just stretched out his hand, a white cloud above the sky, "whooped" and fell in front of the two.

Then, a picture emerged in the clouds, all of which were scenes of the difficult and the old.

He can't calculate the future related to intellectual difficulty, but it is not difficult to show the past.

No matter how hard it is, this is also under the control of the Earth's heavenly path, and he wants to cover up what happened in the past, unless he really became enlightened in this world.

After looking at the knight, he nodded and said, "It turns out that he also came to you. It seems that the devil is trying to be a small one. It's just that he said 'the land of happy land, there is still no support for the nine-member demon', this What do the words mean? "

"I can't figure out his real purpose. But according to the mortals I saw, he should be saying that the" land of happy land "lacks personnel maintenance. Now he wants to find nine GMs to help him keep running and support the shelf."

Ancient is not a light way.

Fang Ning understood it at once, and the uncle also understood.

"Oh, it's exactly the same as what the rich man had guessed before. This devil is making a copy of the game. This is to find a game administrator. Gu Buwei said this, it seems that there will be no mistakes." The system uncle definitely said .

Then the knights said: "Since this is the case, I will tell you on my behalf."

After he finished, he went straight to the east.

Gu Wei is not anxious and impatient, just waiting patiently.

"Which guy dares to run into my caterpillar's dining room? You are a stranger, aren't you?"

Not long after the Xia Kejia left, a clear voice was heard on Qingshiping.

Didn't look up, but he saw a big worm with a big slap, which fell from the sky, looked up at him with his head raised.

The worm appeared shortly afterwards, and there was another plain-looking young man who ran quickly down the mountain panting.

Seeing that speed, it doesn't seem to be much slower than flying, as if there is a power in it.

In the induction, this big worm is a breath of a lake-level strongman.

But a little extrapolation, but the outside is strong and the inside is very weak.

Therefore, Gu was not indifferent and did not return a word; it was very different from the previous attitude towards Xia Kejia.

"Hey, did you guys hear that? We adults are talking about you."

Lu Erzhuang bravely talked to him ~ ~ He decided to take a gamble.

As long as you can get the favor of the insect head, plus the credit for this report, it is not far from the elders, so you do n’t have to stay in your imagination.

The ancient look is not high for the faction.

Questioned one by one, one by one, and he still didn't speak.

Just seemed to avoid noise, he waved his long sleeves, the cloud just appeared again, and played back the previous scene.

After watching the animation, the big green worm turned his little head, and looked puzzled: "It seems that you are not here to find something? That elder ghost elder hurriedly called me home? Why did I finally wait for two repeat customers, this time It's going to be wasted again. "

Lu Er said quickly: "Master Lord Chow, but the God of Dingshan in our club, there is such a powerful guy in front of us. Only when you come back to sit in the mountains, the young ones can feel at ease.

Zhe Daqing listened, forearm akimbo, "Haha" laughed, "Well, Lu Er, you are right. Da Qinglong always asks me, don't say you ..."

"Huh, isn't he here? He must have come to see me. It happened, I had to get him to ask for the food I owed me. There were a few meals, and I can't remember them now. "

The big green worm suddenly felt, and then looked up at the sky, only to see the horizon, and the knightly armor flying sword was appearing from the eastern horizon.

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