Seized by the System

Chapter 370: Targeted

Regardless of the future, anyway, it is now Bai Lao who has a hundred days worth of merit.

As for that big wish-setting up the Galaxy Skynet, it can be done hundreds of years later to complete ...

It is necessary to know that the uncle of the system has solved a mental difficulty, only to get a little merit in merit.

It is conceivable that under normal circumstances, how difficult it is to accumulate a merit value of 100 points can often only be followed.

So it did n’t take long for the uncle of the system to be greedy enough: "Big wealthy, think about where else you can shoot Heavenly Dad ’s father ’s farts, and you can send me a few more big wishes. I remember there is a myth, it seems The old monk made fiftieth wishes, and he became a saint. "

Fang Ning was very speechless. Sure enough, once he tried hard, this guy would be more inflated than himself.

It's a dad who wants to glove heaven.

"Myths are deceiving. When you wish to be a bun, you can send it if you want it? Maybe it can be done, but why should I send it so much? Having a task to build Skynet is enough for me to get tired in the future. I don't want to repay the debt every day for the big wish issued today ... "Fang Ning resolutely refused.

He accidentally entered one that was already unlucky enough, a few more, how would he stay down in the future?

Still have to go in the wind and rain, running around on the construction site every day?

"What are you afraid of, and most of those big wishes, I will trust you to complete it, and you don't need to do it yourself. Is it time to go this time? Hurry up, if I don't use it, I will beg you?" The uncle of the system is not reluctant.

"That would not work, now I don't have much time to use my body ... If so many wishes are made, my body will not be used by you for 24 hours?"

Fang Ning said that there is absolutely no discussion on this issue.

"Do you want to do it right with me again?" Said the uncle of the system, depressed.

Fang Ning found that the trend was not right, and quickly flickered: "To be content with the system, greed is not enough to swallow the elephant. Beware of your heavenly dad taking back the previous one. You have to know that it is not a good stubble.

"Look, we have to make such a big galaxy skynet project. It gave us 30,000 merits. Although I do n’t know if it is more or less, but it freezes 29,900 points and only gives 100 points for free use. , I know it is not easy to be white wolf with empty gloves. "

Fang Ning bitterly said that it was reasonable and well-founded, and the uncle of the system had to serve.

"Uh, the rich man is right. I don't want to blame Heavenly Dad, I'm still honest."

The uncle of the system is attentive, and it fears Heavenly Dad in the end, and finally dismissed the thought of being insatiable.

There is no merit in heaven, but the uncle still has one thing to remember.

For the host Fang Ning, what matters is that it will be forgotten when dragged and dragged, that is, you ca n’t forget to eat, and at most add a novel game.

The same system uncle also can't forget its experience, experience is the meal of its growth ...

Not a family, do not enter the door.

"Now that I have a hundred merit values, Heaven Dad can take one shot. That intellectual difficulty, are we going to get him right now?" The uncle of the system was eager to try.

After thinking for a while, Fang Ning decided that he should not be too impulsive, save more cards and fight.

"Forget it, still get the merit of two hundred merits ... let's say it is more secure."

"Well, the rich man is right," the uncle of the system immediately agreed, agreeing, "I have to use a hundred more lives, I know that the rich man is the most afraid of death."

"Uncle Xie praised it." Fang Ning accepted all of them without hesitation.


Somewhere in a hot volcanic crater, where no one is close, the smell of sulfur permeates.

Steaming a magma sauna while in the crater, and burying his head in the novel to concentrate on the novel, suddenly looked up at the sky.

He found that in the phantom picture, the knight was flying towards him again.

Gu Bu is wondering at the moment: What a huge project is the construction of Tiandao Skynet, why does His Holiness still have time to find himself?

Does he have any questions?


It should be the other party's insecure stele.

The other party must have taken a look at it while taking advantage of the heroes.

Human nature is understandable, especially for this despotic Lord.

The three monuments of heaven, earth, and man are magic weapons of heaven and earth, and heaven and earth are immortal.

Whether it is the Xiongling Rice Mountain with great power, or Xue Ba, a lake-level strong dog, exerting force on it will not allow it to be damaged.

Replaced with other types of magic weapons, has long been tossed apart.

In a few moments, Chivalrous A really fell in front of him.

Chivalrous A said lightly: "Apart from building Skynet, is there any other way to gain merits from Sky Dao?"

Upon hearing this, Gu Weiwei understood that he was completely wrong.

Unexpectedly, I was actually in the heart of a villain, the belly of the Venerable, and others were not worried about the monument.

His Holiness must have checked some information, knowing that building Skynet in the next few years will not see any results. This is too slow.

He knew the speed of the construction of Shenzhou Skynet, and it only took nine years to complete. If the preliminary planning experiment is added, the technical breakthrough will be far more than nine years.

At this speed, the Venerable who pursues efficiency will naturally not be satisfied.

He didn't know at all. After a few years of hard work, the uncle still had the patience to do it.

Helpless Fang Ning's cowhide is too big. If you want to start the Galaxy-level Skynet project, then you have to reach the sacred level of the system uncle. It will take hundreds of years.

Now Gu does n’t think about Wen Yan, hesitating again and again: "There are a few places where you can definitely get the value of Heavenly Dao merit. It's just too dangerous, don't know what to say or not?"


"Severe Lord knows where those who came from the upper realm entered our earth?"

"do not know."

"The Shennian Adventist has no shadow and no trace and enters randomly. If the Physical Adventist does not have clear coordinate guidance, he will choose a few places where the space barrier is weak to break through.

"Whether it's mentally difficult, or big worms, dragon carp, they all choose the latter method. Of course, the strength is different, the end is different ..." Gu Weiwei explained in detail.

Chivalrous One nodded.

As strong as the deity in the devil, the witless bald donkey is safe and sound.

The big green worm lost its flesh, the dragon carp lost all its mana, and became a carp parrot ... The black and yellow two dogs almost became dog meat pots.

Gu Buwei continued: "And the places where these weak space barriers are located, you can definitely get the merits of Tian Dao, because there are some creatures on Earth Tian Dao that don't want it to invade, but it just wants to enter.

"Tiandao currently has too many loopholes to filter out these creatures. Before the creation of the Skynet, if it helps to remove these harmful creatures, then it will naturally be of merit.

"Of course, after the Skynet is built, you can be like a fisherman, every year the merit value drops. This is the so-called Tiandao luck, which is endless. As long as you do n’t commit big abuses, Tiandao will not use the sky to deal with Skynet builders. . "

Knight Knight then asked, "Where are all these places?"

Gu didn't say nothing, but reached for a white cloud in the sky, and several locations quickly appeared on it.

There are deep and lush tropical rain forests, an endless Gobi Desert, and a deep and dark ocean bottom ... There are many different forests.

The uncle of the system was very depressed and said: "There are so many loopholes ... Heavenly Dad does not seem to be strong. As the rich man said, it is just a **** horse" significant consciousness ", and the means that can be exerted are limited."

Fang Ning said nothing: "What are you depressed? Isn't this where we can do our best? If it's really omnipotent, what's the effort to do with Tianbei?

"To put it bluntly, this is where your Heavenly Dad's limitations lie. It also has rules that it cannot resist, and it is subject to constraints."

"The same is true. I didn't expect Heavenly Dad to be involuntarily, but also subject to restraint. Just like me, it's really pitiful ..." The uncle of the system felt the same.

"You are pitiful, you are very free. As soon as you're in 'systematic thinking', you can run away at will, no one can hold back." Fang Ning rolled his eyes.

(The system is thinking ...)

(The system is thinking ...)

(The system decides to brush the merit value of Tiandao ...)

Gu Buwei saw the valiant armor nodded at him, and then swooped into the sky.

Fang Ning was very speechless and quickly reminded: "So many holes, where are you going to brush?"

The uncle of the system wondered: "Of course, it's just a matter of picking a good place to wait for the rabbit. What else can I do?"

"Oh, how inefficient is that? Go find a few guys first."


"Zhong Daqing, Dragon Carp ... Black dogs and yellow dogs don't need them anymore, they appear in our hometown. You let them take us to their respective places of arrival. I'll give you a program to count the probability of their appearance everywhere. And reasons, to be targeted and wait for the rabbit ... "Fang Ning is rarely active.

It ’s not positive. From this incident, this guy has already complained a lot about his backlog ...

Although the suppression continued for a while, the ancestors said it was better than blocking.

"Uh, what else? Rarely, you are so active today," Grandpa System first overjoyed, and then wondered, "You don't want to hit me again? Do you want to take a holiday again?"

"Don't you want to be innocent by the air! Am I that kind of person? I really know the importance. The merits of heaven are the cards of life-saving. Of course, I will take the initiative to find you. This penny will not be collected this time." shape.

"Oh, it seems that this time I blamed you wrong. Well, I'll go find them now."

Chivalrous A turned around and flew to the headquarters office of the Truth Office, where there was an entrance to the inheritance of the secret realm, and Chong Daqing and Hei Gouzi were there.


Inheriting the mysterious realm, the vitality is strong and pervades everywhere, nourishing various creatures like an emulsion.

The entire region, as always, is calm and prosperous.

Except for the scattered bloodthirsty monsters that began to wander around.

Somewhere on the lush green hillside, huge beehives are lined up neatly, and many large bees come and go, a lively scene.

"Ah," was looking at the hive, the drooling big green worm suddenly felt cold, as if someone was nagging himself.

"It must be the old dad of the upper realm, and he is thinking that I don't have any food to eat. Hem, he doesn't have to worry about it. My worm Daqing now not only has food, but also eats better than him ...

The big green worm lay in a bunch of soft hairs on the head of the black dog, very comfortable, proudly proud ~ ~ Later he said to the following dog head: "Bai Lit, when do you say this honey will take Brew it out? "

"Daqing girl, I think it should be fast. My nose is very smart, although it is a bit inferior to the old yellow. I smell it for up to three days, it should be brewed." Black Gouzi immediately replied.

It is now the dog leg of the big worm, of course, there must be answers, because it also points to the other party to find a wife for herself ...

Since moving the Divine Beehive to this state where the vitality is ten times as high as that of the earth, the mutated vitality bee inside, also known as the Divine Bee, reproduces quickly and divides the nest quickly.

Up to now, in less than a month, dozens of honeycombs have multiplied.

In the hive, at this moment there are many fists like fists coming in and out.

The peculiarity is that there are many butterflies and so on around the **** bees, and even help them do the cleaning of the nest.

These butterflies are under the hands of Chong Daqing, the Chongling family ...

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