Shocking Venomous Consort: Frivolous Miss

Chapter 4911: Big fat little fat man

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the shocking drug concubine: Mad Mad Lady!

"What?" Fang Rubao was shocked.

"How could this be?" Ling Chuxi was also surprised.

She had calculated that the Shangguan family would eventually be unable to resist the Ling family, and guessed that the Yuwen family would not miss the opportunity of revenge, but did not expect that things would be so big.

Where did she know that the reason why things became like this, but she can not get rid of the relationship.

"We will go back immediately." Ling Chuxi made a decision immediately.

Everything was in her plan. She did not worry about the safety of Ling's family, but if other families suffered heavy casualties, she was uneasy.

Without her command, Ling Zhongxuan and others have already prepared for the departure, which is related to the life and death of the Ling family. Of course, they are the most worried.

"I'll go too. The Shangguan and Yuwen families are so insignificant. This kind of critical moment still only cares about family hatred and private enmity. Moreover, the Ling family is the family of the only disciple of Mu Liufeng. I must not be indifferent to public and private." Mu Liu Fengteng stood up, full of pride and enthusiasm.

Dongfang Yunqi rarely gave him a good look. After knowing for so long, Mu Liufeng at this moment should look down.

"Wife, let's go." But the next sentence gave Dongfang Yunqi the urge to kill.

Mu Liufeng knew what it would be like to see Dongfang Yunqi at this time, and he was still cleverly showing his righteous attitude.

Seeing his appearance, Dongfang Yunqi was embarrassed to start.

Great, great. Ling Chuxi admired his shamelessness and rogueness as a living treasure master, and he admired all five.

There is a teleportation array in the ruling palace, and embark on the teleportation array. Soon, everyone will leave the virtual sky domain and return to the Shenshi Temple.

"Chu Xi." Ling Chuxi had just settled his feet, and saw Ji Shiyuan greeted him, and several old men who were with him came quickly.

Jin San Fat was also in the crowd.

"Master Ji, why are you here?" Ling Chuxi asked.

"Chu Xi, let me introduce to you first, this is Elder Fu Rujiang Fu, the elder of the Judgment Council, this is Elder Shen Yifeng, the elder of the refiner, Elder Shen, this is the elder Ma Qingfeng, the elder of the formation..." Ji Shiyuan is flying fast Introduced several other old people to Ling Chuxi, and then said, "We also heard about the fact that the two Shangguan Yuwen teamed up to deal with the Ling family. Several old guys discussed it. Some fame, this time accompanied you to the Endless Peak to resolve the danger of the Ling family."

"I have heard the name of Lord Ling Shao long ago, and it was indeed a young man at first sight today." Several elders knew that time was running short, and did not say much.

"Thank you elders." The development was much more serious than Ling Chuxi expected, and Ling Chuxi did not reject their good intentions.

"Let's go, don't talk nonsense, I'm still waiting for the past to beat people." Jin Sanfa hurriedly hurriedly, seeing Fang Faru as treasure behind Ling Chuxi, said with overjoy, "You're here too, little fat man." Exactly, we haven't beaten people together for a long time, this time it was a pleasure."

Hearing this big fat man call another big fat man a little fat man, everyone has a black line, and even the little fat man himself is embarrassed.

A group of people quickly walked out of the Shenshi Temple. The huge shuttle shuttle has been waiting for a long time, and everyone drove the shuttle shuttle towards the endless peak.

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