Shocking Venomous Consort: Frivolous Miss

Chapter 4915: The arrogance of the golden fat man

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"Ling Chuxi." Shangguan family and Yuwen family and others saw Ling Chuxi's return, with different expressions on his face.

The people of the Yuwen family naturally hated the sky. This Ling Chuxi not only killed Yu Wen Siyuan, one of the most outstanding geniuses in their history, but also killed the Wu Chi Yu Wen Si Tuo, who also has the same qualifications as Da Tian Da Wu, and Yu Wenli Although the brain lacks a root string, it can be said that it is also a master of the **** order and an elder of the Yuwen family. He also died of Ling Chuxi.

Ling Chuxi has become the nemesis of the Yuwen family, as long as she meets her, the higher the strength of the Yuwen family, the faster the death, the weaker the strength, there is still a chance to save the life, Yu Wensi achievement is an example.

Recalling the death of Yuwen Siyuan and others, everyone in Yuwen's family wished to stab her with thousands of swords, but also because of Yuwen Siyuan's death, they looked at Ling Chuxi with some fear. There is also a cloud in my heart. When it comes to strength, even the head of Yuwen Zongju, who is the head of the family, may not be much stronger than the two people Yuwen Siyuan and Yuwen Situ. Even they died under Ling Chuxi. Most of his own ups and downs are the same.

The look of the Shang Shangguan family is much more complicated. Looking at Ling Chujiu, who is heroic, Shangguan Zhenting has some emotions in his eyes, and he is even a little envious. How good should such a person be if he was born in the Shangguan family Or, how nice it would be to marry into the Shangguan family.

Even the old man himself felt incredible, how could such an inexplicable idea arise in this critical moment.

Shangguan Yunxiao and Shangguan Wuyou glanced at each other, but there was a trace of joy and excitement in the eyes that was not known to outsiders.

Huangfu Qing Jue, Ling Yichen, Ji Shiyuan and Jin Fatty, as well as the Family Judgment Council and others all jumped out of the cloud shuttle and followed Ling Chuxi Yu Jian.

Seeing that the elders of the Family Judgment Committee were all here, Shangguan Zhenting and Yuwen Zongjue had some concerns and did not rush to start.

"Master Shangguan, Master Yuwen, if today's territory is at stake, all the clan families should be united to overcome the difficulties together. You actually only care about personal grievances and completely ignore the overall situation. How can you stand up to the pains of the masters of the domain?" , Waiting for Ling Chuxi to speak, Ji Shiyuan asked sadly.

Shangguan Zhenting was ashamed. Although he hated Ling's family for 20 years, he was still very clear. If he wasn't encouraged by Shangguan Yunxiao and Shangguan, he would not choose Ling Jia at this time. Shot.

However, Zongjue Yuwen was disdainful and said angrily: "Elder Ji, you stand and speak less without back pain. When Ling Chuxi killed Yuwen Siyuan, why didn't you mention the crisis of the heavens, when she killed Yuwen Situo? Why didn’t you mention the heaven crisis, and Yu Wenli, the elder of my Yuwen family, also died in the hands of Ling Chuxi. Why didn’t you mention the heaven crisis at that time? You clearly favored the Ling family."

"Yes, who doesn’t know that you and Ling Chuxi are friends for years, when our two masters, Shangguan Yuwen, died after Ling Chuxi, I didn’t see you saying a fair word, and I jumped out at this time, obviously it was partial to the Ling family. "" Shangguan Wuxiao also sneered.

"What do you do with so much nonsense, just beat them up and let them get out of it." Jin Sanfan was too lazy to talk to them nonsense, and released a respectable momentum.

"Zun Jie master!" Everyone present was surprised. Although Ling Jia and Shang Guan and Yu Wen also had many **** masters, even half masters like Qin Bo, but none of them were.

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