Shocking Venomous Consort: Frivolous Miss

Chapter 4923: Hide such a secret

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the shocking drug concubine: Mad Mad Lady!

"Xia Yin Tianqi, stop it!" Ling Chuxi took out the setting sun demon bow and shouted at Xia Yin Tianqi, who was driving the spirit beasts to kill those cultivators crazy.

At this time, it was the black long arrow that Meng Zheng had destroyed in the meridian and the sea on the bow string. Although it was made from the remnant arrow of the sunset **** demon arrow and the seven deadly demon arrows, it was not as powerful as the real one. The magic sword of the setting sun, but it should not be underestimated.

The dark golden light rippled like ripples, and the power to shake the sky was vaguely released.

Xia Yin Tianqi glanced at Ling Chuxi, waved his hand, and ordered the spirit beast to stop.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, those cultivators who finally saved their lives quickly fled and fled, hiding behind Ling Chuxi, and even those injured were rushed to the ground.

Ling Chuxi let out a slight sigh of relief and gave Ling Yitong a complexion. Ling Yitong understood, and quickly took out Lingdan to heal those people.

"Ling Chuxi, you really grabbed the magic bow of the setting sun, but do you think that with this remnant arrow, you can stop me?" Xia Yin Tianqi did not stop, and said contemptuously.

"Xia Yin Tianqi, are you a person of respect for the realm? The reason why the Ling family and the Shangguan family have formed a hatred is because you are making waves in the middle?" Ling Chuxi did not answer his question, but asked coldly.

"You are right, I am indeed a person of respect. I hurt Shangguan Yuntian twenty years ago, and the one who made the Ling family and the Shangguan family hate each other is also me. The elite disciples of Zongfu ran out of the net, but failed because of the involvement of several domain masters.

But twenty years later, I still waited until this day. Get rid of you today, and most of the family clan houses in Tianyu will have their vitality hurt. At that time, who else can stop my six steps, ha ha ha ha. Xia Yintian Kai laughed loudly.

After listening to Xia Yin Tianqi, all those practitioners' faces changed dramatically. It turned out that behind the grudges of the Shangguan family and the Ling family, such secrets were still hidden. Feeling the powerful formation prohibition, their hearts sank even more. With the strength of Xia Yin Tianqi and the four respectable strongmen under his control, plus the fierce spirit beast, they could hardly escape A catastrophe.

"As far as I know, for thousands of years, many family ancestors in Tianyu, even the ancient ancestors, have lost their strength due to some unreasonable reasons. Even the last sect was broken, was it because of yours? The reason?" Ling Chuxi then asked.

She had heard that Fu Xingtian had said this, and she had always been suspicious, and it was just now that she could find the answer.

"If it doesn’t make sense, it should have been done by my predecessors, maybe someone pretended to be my name, it has nothing to do with me. When I first came to Heaven, it was for the Heavenly Sect, and you. That piece of heaven and earth is only a treasure. But then the plan changed, and I shot to you, the family clan." Xia Yin Tianqi did not put Ling Chuxi in his eyes at all and shook his head without any scruples.

The heaven and earth treasure he said is naturally Ling Chuxi's Xumi Bodhi.

Ling Chuxi's heart was awkward, and listening to the meaning of Xia Yin Tianqi, Liu Dao Zhong people had infiltrated into the heavens a long time ago, trying to provoke the infighting of the family clan. However, because there are too many people who fake the name of the Six Dao, perhaps they are also contributing themselves. The true and false and false and real, even the domain master has been concealed by them.

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