Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the shocking drug concubine: Mad Mad Lady!

After Shangguan Wuxie left in a big step, he turned back to the courtyard where the Ling family prepared for the guests, but saw a man in the small courtyard where he lived.

"Uncle, why are you here?" Shangguan Wuxie was stunned. Why was Shangguan Yuntian here? Wasn't he chatting with Ling Fenghua just now?

"Sit." Shangguan Yuntian smiled slightly, pointing to the stone bench in the courtyard, and then sat down first.

Shangguan sat down silently and looked at Shangguan Yuntian suspiciously. I don't understand why he appears here, or what he wants to do.

"Fell in love with her?" Shangguan Yuntian took out several jugs of wine and two white jade cups from the space ring, and then poured two glasses of wine, signaling Shangguan Wuxie to drink.

Shangguan Wuxie heard this, but his face did not change, and he took the drink and sipped it out. Shangguan Yuntian filled him up again and suddenly laughed.

"No evil, you deserve to be a man in Shangguan's family." Shangguan Yuntian smiled and slowly drank the wine in the glass.

"Uncle, I don't know what you are talking about." Shangguan Wuxie sullenly drank a glass of wine again, and then grabbed the jug and filled himself.

"Actually, I have known for a long time that Fenghua treats me just like brother. I all know." Shangguan Yuntian also drank the wine from the glass and said slowly.

Shangguan Wuxie was stunned, looking at Shangguan Yuntian in a puzzled way, obviously not knowing what Shangguan Yuntian wanted to say.

"I all know that my love for her is wishful thinking. Therefore, everyone knows under the marriage agreement, but she doesn't know it. That is why I deliberately let everyone not tell her." Shangguan Yuntian smiled bitterly, "I I thought that I would stay by her side, and she would look back at me in the end. I thought that she had been guarding her all the time, and she would choose me at last if she didn’t meet someone who made her tempted. I thought ah... it’s all me I thought..." Shangguan Yuntian drank another glass of wine, the bitter smile on his face worsened.

Shangguan Wuxie no longer speaks. He knows that all his uncle needs is to talk, and he just listens quietly.

"That day, I just left her a little bit, but let her meet that person. From then on, I knew that her heart would never belong to me again. No, it should be said that her heart never belonged to me." Shangguan Yuntian With a low smile, full of self-deprecation, with a smile, there seemed to be tears in the corners of my eyes, "But, I am not willing, I am not willing. I have guarded the treasures for so many years, but they were robbed. But, I did not I couldn't stop it. I could only watch Feng Hua throwing himself into that person's arms, and smiling in that person's arms. I had never seen such a smile, and I couldn't make her smile like that. Therefore, I can only let go, not willing to let go."

Shangguan Wuxie sighed softly in his heart. The pain in his uncle's heart never told anyone that he was so depressed, so depressed. Today, say it, maybe it will be better.

"However, I didn't expect that our Shangguan family is out of your infatuation again." Shangguan Yuntian smiled, and he was also a **** of richness. Where is the self-deprecating just now, "You, it is our Shangguan family Man. Even if you let go, you have to leave a stroke in the heart of your loved one. Let her never forget you."

"Uncle, what are you talking about, I don't understand." Shangguan Wuxie's face changed slightly, and he turned his face away.

(New Year’s Eve, so sleepy, I finally waited until this point in time. Update the four chapters first, and then update the later ones during the day. Let me sleep first. Today is not updated at seven. The remaining chapters may be Evening. Everyone, Happy New Year! Then I cheered cheekily and asked for a monthly ticket to see that the emotional drama is so rich today. Let’s encourage me, vote for a monthly ticket, wailing.)

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