Strongest Abandoned Son

Vol 4 Chapter 388: Kidnapping

Chapter 388 Kidnapping

At this time, the plane that shocked everyone was finally stabilized, and it seems that it began to rise slowly. This chapter is updated by netizens. I don't know if the robbers controlled the plane or the pilot controlled the robbers.

Ning light snow slowly relieved, she is not afraid of death, but inexplicably died in this place, this is not what she wants.

The plane gradually calmed down and all the people slowly calmed down. After all, the robbers said that they should not be killed.

At this time, a man with a snot must have come out, and he still had a hkmp5-type submachine gun in his hand. He and two people with rifles pointing at the passengers greeted each other and walked along the aisle.

Whenever he saw the young nv, he always nodded, and his eyes were happy and appreciated.

Ning light snow sinks in the heart, is trying to find something to méng his face, the man with a snot must have stood in front of her.

For a long time, I did not hear the man talking. Ning Qingxue looked up and looked down. The man with a snot must stare at her with both eyes, as if he was looking at a piece of food.

Even the saliva went down the corner of his mouth, but he didn't know it.

"Daily, Huaxiamei nv, so beautiful... you, come out..." This nose must be a man's submachine gun āo to a hand, and then pointed to the light snow.

Ning light snow trembled, she knows that it is finished, this person is a miser. Ghosts love sè as life, seeing her light snow, it will never let go. Ning light snow eager to think of a way, but for a long time, there is no good way to get rid of this miser.

At this time, the two men with their guns pointing at the passengers also said awkwardly. They all came from Laos and they were all monks.

Ning Qingxue suddenly thought of the middle-aged nv who was next to her. She grabbed the middle-aged nv son and said, "Are you not saying that you want to take me to the United States? If I am taken away by this monk, you How do you take me to the United States? You have not protected me, and that far is definitely angry."

Ning Qingxue has already embraced the idea of ​​mortal, but even if she is dead, she will let the person who is sent by Bin Bin to bury it. Even if you can't kill Yuan Bin, it is good to kill someone under him.

Sure enough, the middle-aged nv son saw Ning light snow movements, his face immediately became pale, and repeatedly said: "This has nothing to do with me, I don't know you, let me go..."

But even if she didn't matter, the nose must have been impatient. He picked up the middle-aged nv and left it aside. Lifting the submachine gun was a spurt.

The middle-aged nv has already been lying in a pool of blood, and he can't move.

"Nv people are the most precious things for us. Now I have already killed them. If you still grind, don't blame me, @夏美nvv..." This nose must kill the middle-aged nv, carrying The submachine gun pointed at Ning Qingxue and said that it was Chinese, although it was not very authentic, but it was still accurate.

Ning Qingxue originally wanted to put the pistol of the middle-aged nv to the hand, but looked at the nv who fell to the ground, she rumored. I didn’t even find out where the nv had hid the pistol. Now the monk is threatened with a submachine gun. She can only stand up and walk towards the tail.

The tail also stood two scorpions with guns, which shows that the robbers of this hijacking are definitely a big gang. However, Ning Xiaoxue didn't care about these things. She cares about how to keep her innocence.

The two robbers at the tail saw the nose and whiskers, and they bent over and bowed their heads. It seems that this nose must have a certain position among these people.

The snot must kick open the mén of a cabin, pointing her finger at the light snow and let her in. After seeing Ning light snow in, he lifted his foot and closed the mén in the cabin, then smiled.

"Huaxiamei nv, take off your clothes, let me appreciate it first. You are the most beautiful oriental nv I have ever seen. After today, you are the one who is due to my machine." The nose must go to a seat The path was self-satisfied and then said to Ning Xiaoxue.

Ning light snow but her eyes are bright, she actually saw a parachute in this cabin, and there is a passage for escape. If she can get this parachute, then jump off the escape route... Ning Xiaoxue's heartbeat starts to get up, she really doesn't want to die like this, she has too many things not done.

"Come on, don't let me do it, I won't make you so comfortable. I like the meekness of the machine. I saw the light snow everywhere, and I was impatient.

Ning Qingxue suddenly smiled, she actually sat down. Dongben’s original impatient look looked at Ning Qingxue’s smile and was sluggish. A beautiful nv person, Higashimoto has already felt that his heart has a lot of jumps. I think that this nv person will soon be his person, and he will not be able to stop the inner excitement.

Dongben has not seen nv people because of his machine. He has seen too many excellent nv people, and he has also occupied countless excellent nv people, but he is the first time to look at the nv people who are happy and happy. Look at it. And this kind of nv person like a fairy is in front of his eyes, he can get it right away, which makes him even doubt his own opinion.

Only he immediately woke up. He understood that he was the boss on the plane. Once he got off the plane and entered the base, this excellent nv person would never have been able to get him.

"I want to know why you don't want money for hijacking. What kind of use do you have for such a big plane?" Ning Qingxue asked, her hand has already grasped a fireball, and the question is only to transfer the attention of Dongben. Only.

She didn't know if Tang Beiwei gave her this kind of fireball character in the end. If it was useless, her nv person is definitely not an opponent of Dongben. So she didn't dare to use the fireball immediately. She had to find the suicide thing when the fireball was useless. Even if she died, she could not be ruined by an animal.

"You have asked a little more, but the beauty of nv, you will soon enter the base, even if we are people. Tell you no defense. Your luck is good, this flight has Professor Alstein, we are looking for People are him. Of course, the rest of the plane is a bonus, but also for our big empire, you are now a part of our empire, you should be honored." Dongben said with some pride.

“Professor Elstein? The winner of the Nobel Prize in Chemistry for two consecutive years?” Ning Xiaoxue was really surprised to ask this time. She did not expect Professor Elstein to be in Hong Kong and take the same plane with her. Go to San Francisco. What do these people want to do with this chemistry professor?

Ning Qingxue suddenly thought of the sinister warfare of bloodthirsty, do they want to launch the Third World War? She suddenly remembered one thing again and blurted out: "Three years ago, the US nuclear physicist Webster's passenger plane was missing. Five years ago, the British microelectronics expert Pirie....they..."

Dongben was laughing because of the machine. "Your imagination is very rich, yes, you are right, there is Professor Gil of France, etc. They are all working at the base for my big empire."

Ning light snow was shocked, this stunned yīn ah. I didn't expect that many plane crashes and other experts' disappearances were related to them, but I don't know why they haven't found out what they have done so far.

Ning light snow hit a cold war, she thought of what she wanted to do? She forcibly put down her mind and saw a short dagger that was not far away.

When I saw the moment of the dagger, Ning was light in the heart of the snow, and I didn’t want to rush to the past, and I would grab the dagger.

Dongben saw the movement of Ning light snow because of the machine, and smiled coldly. Raising his hand against Ning Qingxue was a slap.

"嘭", Ning Qingxue has seized the dagger, and the slap of Dongben’s machine was blocked by a white light curtain. And that light curtain knocked Dongben out of the machine several times and hit the steel plate of the cabin.

Dong Ben looked up with a horrified look at the palm of his hand. It was a blood red. He just seemed to have taken a very hard protective cover. But he looked up at the nv in front of her eyes, and there seemed to be nothing in front of her.

The ninth light snow that got the dagger was a joy, and her defensive necklace was really useful. At this point she has completely let go, even if her fireball is of no use, she can also commit suicide with a dagger.

At this time, Ning Qingxue’s heart was full of feelings to Ye Mo. If it wasn’t Ye Mo, the slap had already hurt her, not to mention the dagger.

Dongben’s machine seemed to feel something wrong. He reached out and picked up the submachine gun next to him.

Only his submachine gun has not been lifted Qingxue picked up a fireball and threw it at him, and learned that Tang Beiwei taught her and called a ‘pro’ word.

The sound of "Boom" was a muffled sound, and a flash of fire flashed. Dongben was surrounded by a fireball in an instant. The fireball burned very quickly, just for a moment, and the East became a blackened wood. Even the screaming voice did not come and came out.

Ning light snow and staring at the front of the eyes has turned into a group of black-black wood Dongben caused by the machine, half a day can not react. She is still guessing whether the fireball can be useful, but this fireball turns a big living person into a group of dark wood.

There was no drop of blood, but the extreme nausea came, and Ning Xiaoxue began to vomit. At this time her brain is already in a state of hún chaos, and has not completely reacted to what happened just now.

For a long time, Ning Xiaoxue calmed down and slowly reacted. Everything just was true. She came back and quickly went up and picked up the submachine gun that fell to the side. There were still some fireballs on the submachine gun.

(There are few monthly passes, and the monthly ticket support!)


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