Strongest Abandoned Son

Vol 5 Chapter 622: Not wanting to lie

>.. Ye Mo saw that this is the entrance of Jincheng University. It is speculated that it may be the place where Xu Wei’s younger brother is studying. ╱/..5/1/оΟ

"Xiaowu, how do you fight with people?" Xu Wei walked over and asked Xu Binwu, who was covered in blood, to ask with an eager and reproachful tone.

The young man hated and said: "I didn't fight with people..."

Having said that, he saw Ye Mo coming over, but did not continue to say it.

Ye Mo looked at the young man, but it was just some trauma. Although it looked very serious, there was nothing. Although there are many blood on the body, it is only because the forehead has been broken. Just go and pack it. Because he is an ordinary injury, he is too lazy to take his pills out.

"Ye Mo, this is my brother Xu Binwu, let you laugh. Xiaowu, this is my friend, called Ye Ge." Xu Wei and Ye Mo are very gentle, but very strict with this young man. While talking, she has already found a handkerchief to wrap Xu Binwu's forehead.

Xu Binwu looked at Ye Mo up and down. Ye Mo’s sales were really flattering. He frowned and looked at Xu Wei, or reluctantly called Ye Ge. Although the expression is somewhat unwilling, he seems to be somewhat afraid of Xu Wei.

"What is going on, let's talk." Xu Wei did not forget to ask Xu Binwu what happened in the end, still asking.

Xu Binwu hesitated, hesitating for a while or saying: "I just got bail out from the police station, because I was worried about my mother's illness, so I wanted to come to school quickly. I met a classmate on the road. She saw me walking, let me I got to the school with my car..."

"Mom is in the hospital, what are you doing at school? And since it was your classmate who brought you over, why did you fight with people?" Xu Wei faced Xu Binwu, and it was a little bit polite.

Xu Binwu said at the bottom: "I still have dozens of dollars in the bedroom. I want to bring some bones to the mother to cook some soup... And, sister, I don't want to study, I have to go to work..."

Xu Wei listened to Xu Binwu’s words and his eyes were red. I took a look at Xu Binwu’s head and said, “I will take good care of my mother’s affairs. You will not be allowed to say such things in the future. From now on, I will go to school honestly and I will not be able to fight again.”

"I didn't have a problem. The classmate took me to the school gate and was seen by her friends. Her friend thought that I had anything to do with that classmate, so I came up to beat me indiscriminately." Xu Binwu said some grievances.

Xu Wei’s face is red. “These people still have to be shameless. Why didn’t your classmate explain?”

"She put me at the school gate and went to school. I didn't see it. So..." Xu Binwu said with some tweaking.

"Then you can't explain it..." Xu Wei said nothing in half, she knew that this thing does not blame the younger brother, the man always has a face. What other people say, just explain it, it is too faceless. And Xu Binwu's demeanor. There may not be an idea of ​​some meaning to his classmate.

Finally, I sighed and said: "Well, let's go to the hospital to pack it, then go to eat something. You don't have to worry about these things in the future. The sister just made a little money, you still have to study hard."

After she said that she smiled at Ye Mozhen, although she did not say anything, but Ye Mo knew what she meant.

"Bad boy, * still not going. After I see you, I will say a word to Xiaoyin, smash your mouth..." Three young people came out of the supermarket next to the school and saw Xu Binwu and Xu Wei still talking. Suddenly, I came over and the tone was very welcome.

Xu Wei saw that these people still did not let go of their younger brother. When she just wanted to ask questions, she heard someone saying: "Wei Qian. What do you mean?"

Ye Mo has already seen this girl who came over. It is just that this girl he actually knows, that is, the very annoying little voice on the plane. I also helped her mother to cure the disease, but this girl always said that he was a liar, did not expect to meet here.

"Is Xu Binwu playing? Wei Qian. You still have to be shameless. What happened to me and my classmates? Who are you? I can't get you back in the background? Don't go to your face. Putting gold paper. Scum..." The girl came out with a series of words, and Wei’s just talking Wei Qian was speechless.

But what he couldn't think of, the girl didn't end, but called the police directly.

"Xiaoyin..." The young face of Xu Binwu was just beginning to become difficult to look at. It was only the girl’s words that he did not dare to refute. He knew that the other party was right. It is simply too simple for the Shen family to get rid of the son of a jeweler.

"Don't call it so disgusting, let me spit..." The girl finished the phone call and said to Xu Binwu, "I am sorry for Xu Binwu, I just want to take you some way. I didn't expect to meet this kind of scum."

"Oh, no, it doesn't matter, Shen Yin, this is my sister Xu Wei, this is my sister's friend Ye Mo." Xu Binwu said quickly, showing that he was still uncomfortable in front of Shen Yin.

After listening to Xu Binwu's words, Shen Yin suddenly began to carefully look at Ye Molai, even the eyes are not blind.

Xu Wei and Xu Binwu looked at Shen Yin very strangely, although Xu Wei knew that Ye Mo Yi Rong, but others did not know. Ye Mo’s current appearance can be said to be ugly and fierce. It is not a good person at first glance. How is this Shenyin so interested in Ye Mo?

Xu Binwu is bitter, and he will not be worse than Ye Mo’s appearance regardless of his appearance and age. How did Shen Yin begin to pay attention to Ye Mo?

"Do you really call Ye Mo?" Shen Yin looked for a long time, and even asked a strange word? After the question, she stared at Ye Mo's eyes, and suddenly she was surprised and surprised.

Ye Mo touched his nose. He knew that Shen Yin was very concerned about him because he heard that he was Ye Mo. It is estimated that he has come to recognize him now. Because of the huge differences in appearance, she was not sure.

Although there was no good feeling for Shenyin, Ye Mo nodded but did not speak.

Shen Yin’s eyes made Xu Wei somewhat uncomfortable. How can I look at people like this? I just want to swear Ye Mo’s clothes. This kind of vision is too much.

"Ye Mo, Xiao Wu, let's go, I have to go to the hospital to see my mother." Xu Wei broke the Chen Yin's review.

Xu Binwu suddenly said: "Sister, how is your mother? I am dying in it."

Xu Wei’s face was red. She was deceived because of money. So after taking care of her mother every day, she went out to look for Xia Fangfang. She even dared not ask her mother’s condition. Now the younger brother asked, she actually has a deep Self-blame.

However, when she saw that her brother had some anxious eyes, she had to say: "Xiaowu, you don't have to worry, my mother will be discharged soon. Ye Big Brother is my friend who invited me to see a doctor. His medical skills are very high..."

"Ah, the original Ye Ge is a doctor..." Xu Binwu suddenly realized this, and even relieved. He always thought that his sister had no way to make a big money for Xiaomi. Now I know that Ye Mo is a doctor.

I have always had doubts in my heart. I heard that Ye Mo is a doctor, but his eyes are bright. He went to Ye Mo and looked at him for a long time before he said: "Are you really a doctor?"

Ye Mo snorted, did not say yes, did not say no.

"My uncle is sick in bed for half a year. I want to ask you to help me to see it. I don't know Ye Shen doctor..." Shen Yin hesitated for a while, but said inexplicably.

In the words of Shen Yin, Ye Mo certainly heard it. He also knew that Shen Yin should recognize him. There was some disgust in his eyes. He said with a hand: "Let, I don't want to lie to your family's money."

"Ah, you are really a leaf doctor, I am sorry, Ye Shen doctor, the last time I blinked, I dared to suspect that you are a liar..." Shen Yin said that he was holding Ye Mo’s leg and squatting down.

Ye Mo reached out and pulled the Shenyin up and said coldly: "I repeat, your family's affairs have nothing to do with me, that is, what do you do, I will not do it. The little money in your house, I still I don’t see it in my eyes, the cost of my treatment, your family can’t afford it.”

A few people next to them were stunned. Xu Wei didn't know how to be better, but Wei Qian and others and Xu Binwu knew it. Shen Yin is a Shen family, who else in Shen City who dares to bully? But Shen Yin, such a delicate girl, actually gave people a squat, and the squatting man still looked cold.

This is of course a reason. What is even more surprising is that this bearded man even said that Shen Jia could not afford medical expenses. He said that Shen Jia’s few small money could not look at his eyes. If Shen Jia is only a small amount of money, then the entire Jincheng has no big money. Shen Jia is one of the richest people in China. Is it that he treats the disease with a fairy coin? What other doctors want the money to make Shen’s family unable to afford it?

However, if these people know that 'Luo Yue Xian Nunnery', knowing that world oil tycoon Emer has spent billions of dollars to treat the disease, they will not be so surprised. Shen Jia is rich, but he will not spend a billion dollars to treat the disease. Besides, how do you know that what people want is one billion, if it is two billion or more?

However, what everyone expected was that Shen Yin did not show any excitement, but still whispered: "I'm sorry, Ye Shen, I am grateful to you from the bottom of my heart to save my mother's life, not Please help me with my illness..."

Although Ye Mo didn't know why Shen Yin had to say sorry, not to say thank you, but he understood what she meant. The young mother should be the middle-aged lady on the plane. For her quirky name, Ye Mo did not care. Now Shen Yin’s attitude changed his view of Shen Yin’s disappointment.

At least she still knows gratitude.


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