Strongest Abandoned Son

Vol 5 Chapter 450: war

If Tang Beiwei is more inclined to Luo Ying, then Ye Ling is more inclined to Ning Qingxue.

Xu Yuehua is more happy with Ye Moen who brought Lu Na and Liang Jun back. Although the two did not take much information, they have been living in the core area of ​​Luoyue, and many things are visible.

A person's determination is bigger, his mind is stronger, and when he is facing torture, it is difficult to keep not revealing anything.

Although Ye Mo would like to talk to Luo Ying and Ning Qingxue to say some private words, but he knows that although there is nothing on the surface of Luo Yue, the actual crisis is serious. The handling is good, Luoyue is still in the middle of the day, the handling is not good, some of the prestige accumulated in the past, immediately turned into nothingness.

So he first came to the big conference room with Xu Ping, Xu Yuehua and others.

Ning Liangxue and Luo Ying did not attend the meeting because they had just met, so they have a lot to say. Moreover, Ning Xiaoxue is only responsible for finance, and this military conference does not have to be personally attended. A lot of things. Xu Yuehua knows.

Although Ye Mo often leaves Luo Dan, but the change of Luo Yue is very clear.

Here is the same day, Luo Yue's plan is made by Ye Xing, he has modified a lot of things in the original plan. These plans are mainly to strengthen Luo Yue's defense, and to build an ecological city.

So Ye Mo is very satisfied with the return of the committee. Now the outline of Luo Yue has been basically basic, it looks very comfortable, and the air is very fresh, without the slightest sea suffocation.

If it is not because Luo Yue is about to face the war, Ye Mo will definitely take Luo Ying Bei Wei and light snow several people around.

But now he can only appear in the conference room in addition to Ye Mo, as well as the city owner Xu Yuehua, the deputy city master Tibetan family, the foreign minister Yu Miaozhen, the military commander Xu Ping, the army deputy commander Guo Qi and Li San Knife, Navy Commander Huang Yinian, Air Force Commander Shu Deman (generation), Luo Yue Chief Engineer Ye Xing, Special Warfare Captain Yang Jiu, Logistics Minister Ye Feng, Intelligence Department Lu Lin and others.

These people, except for the Air Force Commander, Schudman, who was the original South African Blu-ray mercenary, were later captured and then promoted. The rest were old people of Luoyue. There was no problem with loyalty. Even Fang Wei, Fang Nan, and others who are responsible for safety in Luoyue City are the old people of Luoyue.

It can be said that the upper frame of Luoyuecheng has been roughly up, and Ye Mo is still very admired for the efficiency of the virtual moon. He felt that Qiu Yuehua was not an ordinary person at the beginning, and now she gave her a chance, and she did it so well immediately.

Although there are many people in the middle to help her, her ability is unquestionable. Ye Mo knows that there is a grudge in the moon, and that kind of grudge is the main reason that led her to Hong Kong. Now, Yue Yuehua has a time to leave in Luoyue. If she has time, she can ask her who her enemies are. No matter who it is, since she is now the owner of Luoyue, she can't let this grievance disappear.

"Well, everyone has already come to this meeting, hosted by Mr. Yue Hua, everyone can talk about this 洛洛药业," Ye Mo said first.

Ye Mo knows that whether it is a war, a war, or a war, it must be fixed today.

Luoyue has just started to develop at a high speed. This kind of thing can't be dragged on, and it will not be beneficial to Luoyue for one more day.

Yu Miaoqi first said: "According to the feedback from our negotiating team, Indonesia does not mean to compromise at all, and the Philippines is now on the same line with them. Even they are eager to purchase arms including large warships and Fighters. I thought they were threatening us."

"A region of an archipelago, why threaten us, directly sent the fleet to do him." Xu Ping sighed, immediately said very uncomfortable.

Ye Mo knew that Xu Ping was practicing ancient martial arts. He was not very good at commanding the war, but this army commander must give it to him. Xu Ping is his second brother, although he is not afraid of rebellion, but his own people occupy this position is always a lot less.

Sure enough, Xu Ping’s words just fell, Huang Yinian said: “I support the fight, but how to fight, but not directly sent the fleet to go.”

Although Huang Yinian did not directly refute Xu Ping's words, he did not agree with Xu Ping's direct dispatch of the fleet to do Luo Yue.

Xu Yuehua said: "At the time when our conditions were just raised, the Indonesian side was very scared. They even asked us to lower the compensation and agree. But after a day, their attitude immediately changed. From panic to It’s strong, and the Philippines has joined their camp at this time. I think if we didn’t deal with the case of Luoyue Pharmaceutical for the first time, even more countries would stand on their side. So, I If you are in favor of Commander Huang, you have to fight, but how to fight is a key issue."

Ye Mo thought quickly, although no one said it, but he already knew that someone would support Indonesia. Who is this guy? Is it another rice country? Still another country?

"The Lianhe Lecturer issued a statement yesterday asking us and the Indonesian Philippine countries to control their emotions and put the issue at the negotiating table. Don't go to war easily." Yu Miao said in a socket.

"It’s funny, don’t go to war easily? Isn’t that what we said to Luo Yue? Don’t we do it, they dare not take the initiative. I believe Indonesian ghosts and Philippine ghosts are just bluffing, I think to fight, use Lao Xi’s approach, the blitzkrieg ended them.” Guo Qiyu said with a sarcasm.

"The blitzkrieg against other countries is OK, but Indonesia is not. They are archipelagic countries, and our current soldiers add up to 20,000. I think we should concentrate our forces and focus on one object." Schudman said, this is The first sentence he met to speak.

Xu Yuehua nodded, did not speak, but looked at Ye Xing, seems to want to know the meaning of Ye Xing.

"Actually, I agree with Xu Erge and Shu Deman. The latest electronic jammers of Luo Yue have been fully mobile. Now it is already in the 'Luotian aircraft carrier, the trial installation, the interference range and the YXGRO interference machine. Roughly the same, it can reach a range of one thousand kilometers, and it is extremely strong interference. If we use the 'Lotte aircraft carrier equipped with jammers to attack a small island, there is no need to attack, as long as the missile is lost. Okay." Ye Xing saw Xu Yuehua look at him. He smiled and said.

Just after Ye Xing’s words, the entire conference room seemed to suddenly and quietly. After a while, Huang Yinian shouted: “Ye Gonggong, have you succeeded?”

Ye Xing knew through the question of Xu Yuehua asking him to call a carrier test. He also did not pay close attention because of the recent events, but he did not expect to succeed so quickly.

Thinking of the war before Luo Yue and the coalition forces, the people in the conference room were all excited. It was because of the state-of-the-art jammers that the high-tech coalition fleet was still in the air. I didn’t expect the jammers to move.

The interference machine that Ye Xing said is obviously different from the electronic jammer that Luo Yue is about to sell to other countries, or the difference is too big.

Once the aircraft carrier equipped with the jammer travels to Indonesia, the Indonesian missiles and so on will become scorpions, then the missiles of Luoyue will not be allowed to abuse. This kind of one-sided war, it is a strange thing for people who fight to dislike it.

"It's just that most of our missiles are from Russia and Germany. In addition to producing some defensive missiles, we can't produce attacking missiles in large quantities now. We still have time. But this time is very short because of our trajectory. Accuracy is already world-class," Ye Xing said again.

After saying that Ye Xing waited for the crowd, he said with a sneer: "If you give me some time, I can go to Indonesia without the fleet, or I can do them. I can make missiles that they can't stop, let them defend. The system becomes a display."

Ye Mo believes that Ye Xing can do it. This war must be played. If Luoyue was bullied by both Indonesia and the Philippines, then the prestige that Luo Yue had just established fell again. In the future, only the autumn wind will be more and more. At this time, Luo Yue must attack strongly and hit the sticks of these two others in the hands, so that they can not afford any waves.

After waiting for a year or two, Luo Yue has completely stabilized his Other countries want to scream with Luoyue, and they are not qualified.

He nodded and said: "No matter who wants to bully to Luo Yuetou, it is not necessary for Indonesia and the Philippines. As for how to fight, I believe Ye Xing. Although it can take other measures to move forward steadily. But this time it is Liwei, we must play their slap in the most direct and most domineering way. Let them know that Luo Yue is not bullying and bullying, let the clowns who support them understand. As for how to fight, I In agreement with Schudman's way, isn't Indonesia not only one Indian Ocean away from us? We will first occupy one of their islands."

After saying Ye Mo looked at the crowd and said: "Look, let's see the island first?"

Huang Yinian said with a smile: "If you want to occupy a place, it is simple. It is the island of Pai, this island is not small, thousands of square kilometers, the most important thing is Indonesia's tourist attraction, to Indonesia every year. Bringing a lot of foreign exchange, if we occupy this place, I think Indonesia can't compromise without it. And when we go to Indonesia, it is the place that is the most convenient and the best."

Without Huang Yinian, almost everyone looked at the location of the island of Yiyi, which was simply to give Luo Yue to occupy, no one has any objections.

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