Strongest Abandoned Son

Chapter 77: Hesitant cloud ice

Yun Bing licked his tired eyes and was somewhat ecstatic. Since the events of eight years ago, she has been reluctant to return to Yanjing. The boyfriend also parted ways with her because of the incident, but the person who invaded her was still at Yanjing, and even the seven-year-old Tingting was taken away by their family.

The reason why I didn't sleep today was because her boyfriend Feng Rong came back from the United States. Eight years ago, after the incident, Feng Rong never appeared again. Later, she realized that he had already gone to the United States. She was really sad that year, and when she needed him most, he left without saying goodbye.

But today he actually came back and asked her to go back to Yanjing. An open electronic letter in front of the computer was exactly what Feng Rong had sent. He told her that he didn't know her at all, because the next day, he was sent to the United States by his family. Then he couldn't contact her anymore. Now the first thing he came back to was to find her. The email address he only returned to Yanjing before he heard it from others.

He told Yun Bing that he wouldn't mind whatever happened, and he still loves Yun Bing.

When Yun Bing saw Feng Rong’s letter, the first reaction was to delete the letter. However, Yun Bing saw the love between the lines of Feng Rong's words, and the innocence of her first love for the first time, Yun Bing was hesitant. She is afraid of the person who violated her in the past. If Feng Rong really loves her, she can take her to the United States. Maybe she can stay away from the dream.

Last time, if she didn't know that she had misunderstood Ye Mo, she might have gone to Yanjing. Because she felt a little embarrassed, Ye Mo saved her, Yun Bing always wanted to say thank you to Ye Mo, but unfortunately has never seen Ye Mo.

Although Su Jingwen told her the last time, Ye Mo had offended a big man and could not show up. However, Yun Bing always imagined that he could meet him once in Ninghai. Otherwise, she left Ninghai, and her heart must be somewhat uneasy. In fact, there is another reason for her to be unwilling to leave. Perhaps she is not willing to think about it, that is, she has some faint fear of Yanjing.

Now that Feng Rong is back, is he going back or not going back? Although Feng Rong was very resentful to him in the past, but since he said that he did not know, and the first thing he came back was to find her, so that Yun Bing had a feeling of being remembered for the first time.

For many years, she has even become a forgotten corner. Although her cold personality has reduced her a lot of troubles, every time she returns home, the cold house always makes her have some desolateness, even she will miss it. Those trivial things in the first love.

But what happened to Feng Rong really did not know? Even if I don't know, isn't his family not telling him, and he hasn't contacted himself for eight years. Why is this? Yun Bing suddenly did not want to think about this problem.

After thinking for a long time, Yun Bing sighed, she decided to go back to Yanjing to see, after all, Tingting is still there, although she is very afraid of that person, but sometimes avoiding is not necessarily the best way. She opened a document and prepared to write a letter to Su Jingwen to transfer to Ye Mo.

Yun Bing just opened a document and a latest news popped up in the lower right corner. Cloud Ice is about to drop, but the photo that comes into view makes her feel familiar. Although it was vague, Yun Bing felt that she was familiar with the photo, and Yun Bing immediately opened the news.

‘Ninghai master teacher, killing Hanfeng martial arts coach’s photo. The photo below the eye-catching title makes Yun Bing a little embarrassed. She feels that this person is really like Ye Mo, but his face is not very clear.

There is also the name above is not Ye Mo, but the teacher.

Although Yun Bing didn't care much about the things in the school, she still heard about the ‘Han Feng’ taekwondo hall. She has passed the age of angry youth, but she only paid attention to it. I didn't expect Ninghai to come up with a teacher's shadow. The news said that it was defeated by Park Dong-hung.

Originally, this news cloud ice has been seen, but this teacher shadow is actually similar to Ye Mo. Yun Bing immediately logged into the BBS website of Ninghai University of Science and Technology, and this time she realized what was lively. Look at the time, it is already more than four in the morning, but the BBS of Ninghai University of Science and Technology is actually overcrowded.

The first post has been clicked millions of times, and there are already thousands of responses.

The title of the post is very eye-catching, ‘Shi Ying, our handsome guy’, the reply below the post is almost a few more refreshing.

"I sat on the sofa, okay, I admit that I admire the death of the teacher, I promise, I am really not a friend." --- Picking a dung bucket into the canteen.

"I am sure that the big brother of the teacher is the first master of Ninghai, and the bench is not bad." --- Sitting in the grave and smoking.

"Wow, I still have a floor, tell you, I have the autograph of the big brother of the teacher, envy you." --- A clear water.

"I have been very satisfied with the local station. Teacher, I really fell in love with you, what do I do in the days to come..."---Who is changing my tombstone imprint.

"Which video was taken, it turned out that our teacher and handsome guy made this. Seriously opposed." --- Wearing briefs everywhere.


There are thousands of responses below. Cloud Ice didn't look at it one by one, but directly clicked on the top video.

The scenes of Ye Mo and Pu Dongheng's test were immediately released. It is obvious that this is HD shooting. Park Dong-hung's image is very clear, but Ye Mo's face is always a little fuzzy. The fighting scene is very short, only a few faces in the district, Park Dong-hung has been kicked out.

Yun Bingyan stared at the video, although the time is not long, she feels that this person is Ye Mo, but why the same shooting, Ye Mo's face is vague? And other scenes are very clear?

Look at the time is already 4:40 in the morning, Yun Bing can not sit still, in case Ye Mo, and she missed what to do. Thinking of this, Yun Bing quickly went downstairs to drive directly to Ninghai University of Science and Technology ~ ~ early morning time, although there are cars on the road, but not many, and Yun Bing is also a shortcut, the road is even more It’s not a single person for a long time, so the cloud ice car is driving very fast. A stumbling figure on the side of the road almost hit the cloud ice car, but Yun Bing saw the figure in the rearview mirror and seemed to fall to the ground after her car drove past.

Although I was sure that my car did not touch that person, Yun Bing still poured the car back and shook the window and asked, "Are you okay?"

The person who fell to the ground did not answer. Yun Bing saw some blood on this person through the dimly lit street lamp. He was shocked. Did he really hit this person just now?

Fearing that he had hit someone, Yun Bing quickly got off the bus and lifted the person lying on the ground. However, when the face of the man was seen through the dimly lit streetlight, Yun Bing was shocked. The person lying in his arms was Ye Mo.

How did he make this happen? The clothes on the back have been torn, and the blood marks of a deep visible bone have been dragged for a long time, and the face is very pale. At this time, Ye Mo has his eyes closed, and he has obviously fallen into a coma.

Yun Bing has a tight heart, although I don’t know how Ye Mo will be like this, but Yun Bing also knows that Ye Mo’s situation is very dangerous. Had to drag Ye Mo to the car. The first reaction of Yun Bing was to immediately send Ye Mo to the hospital, but Su Jingwen’s words rang again in her ears. Ye Mo offended a big man. He had nowhere to hide, only escaped from Ninghai.

If he is sent to the hospital now, will he be known by the big man?

(Thank you for wanting to change my name, cats fly, xjbq, Lin Hai 741, Zilong Supreme, Wancai Drop 0.1, LJIN, QW I love my family WQ, book friends 120315095858343 generous reward, thank you!!!)

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