After that, Lain took Hela into the brothel.

Although Leta is the country of elves, because it is a border town, the composition of the people here is actually very complicated.

Humans and elves are the main population of this town.

In addition, there are a large number of other races.

Most of them are fugitives and debtors who have left their hometowns. In addition, the security on the northern border of Leta is very weak, so it has become a gathering place for illegal immigrants.

In this town, chaos reigns supreme.

Exceptions do exist, however.

Walking into the store, Rhine found that the atmosphere of "Miss Alice" was actually peaceful and friendly.

The guests are elegant and easy-going in conversation, polite and modest in style, and treat the prostitutes as if they were guests, with friendly smiles on their faces.

Then, Rhine looked at the most conspicuous place in the store - well, obviously, this peaceful and friendly atmosphere was all thanks to the war stone statue standing in the center of the store.

I don’t know what kind of PY deal the owner of this store made with the local Leta garrison to get such a thing.

In this border town, the status of a war statue is the same as that of the imperial army in the imperial capital.

In the eyes of the elegant and easy-going guests.

Rhine saw another underlying emotion.

——The desire to live.


At this time, an elf girl wearing a maid uniform came forward to receive the guests with a smile.

But after sizing up Rhine and Hela, the elf girl immediately understood.

The costumes of these two people are extraordinary.

The elf girl smiled and said: "It seems that you two are distinguished guests. Please wait a moment while I ask Miss Alice to receive you."

The elf girl left in a hurry,

Soon, another elf girl came to Rhine.

She is the poster girl of this brothel,

This is also the origin of the name of the brothel - Miss Alice.

It was a girl who seemed to be about the same age as Rhine. She had long golden hair and purple eyes, which showed the noble blood flowing in her body.

With her appearance.

The whole occasion became gorgeous.

She is indeed the poster girl who can drive the sales of the entire platform.

Even among the elves who are famous for their beauty, the girl's appearance can be said to be outstanding.

The slender figure outlines a relatively conservative smooth curve. Although not sexy, it is as admirable as a work of art.

And that charming face would even make some pious elf nobles in the capital kneel down in tears.

That face looked very much like the last god of the elves.

Bright Moon Mithril——[Compassion].

Seeing this girl, Hela's expression also changed.

It's amazing,

Such a highly pure blood descendant of the Moon God was not enshrined in the temple by the Leta nobles, but instead became a prostitute in a border town.

Chapter 36 Moon Goddess Bloodline

There is no need to identify ancestry or investigate genealogy.

Hela determined Alice's identity the first time she saw her.

She is undoubtedly a noble with divine blood flowing through her veins.

Because her face is very similar to the last god of the elves, "Mercy".


The residents of the town will not know about this.

Just like the crystallized statue of Haiyin that stands in the royal church.

An idol that can truly depict the true appearance of a god is a rare and supreme treasure in the world.

If the elven nobles from the royal city saw Alice, they would be moved to tears by her presence.

But if ordinary elves or foreigners see Alice,

Then maybe... there will be tears down there?

But no matter what, Alice's overly beautiful body is enough to cause a dimension-reducing blow to her fellow sisters in this remote town.

To make full use of Alice's body.

The owner of this store not only named the store after Alice, but also came up with an extremely genius cross-generational marketing strategy.

"What is the guest's name?"

"Rhine? Hmm, it's such a familiar name. I might have heard it somewhere."

"What does the guest want... Oops, why does the guest keep staring at me?"

Alice smiled: "Do you want to order me? Sorry, I'm not for sale."

As she spoke, the girl pointed to the promotional poster in the store.

Miss Alice's service standard starts from the lowest base price of 300, and the highest price for full service plus the top brand in the store is 9,000.

In the imperial capital, this is just a cabbage price.

But in a border town like this, this is a proper high-consumption place.

However, as a sales girl, Alice is not included in these price lists.

As she said,

She is not for sale.

The owner of this store has a very magical system.


Any customer who spends over 1,000 yuan in the store will get a chance to draw a lottery, and the first prize is Alice's first night.

Because Alice's beauty is so stunning, and being able to occupy the first night of such a poor aristocratic girl who is advertised by the store as an elf with noble blood... is really full of temptation.


This lottery system has attracted countless people to spend crazy money in the store.

However, if you think about it for a little bit, you can discover the pitfalls of this system.

This prize was drawn,

But first night?

In other words, in the past few years since Miss Alice's store became popular because of Alice's existence, countless people have spent money on lottery draws, but no one has really won this noble lady! !

Even if this prize pool does have an explosion rate, it is probably too low to be ridiculous.


Is it possible that Alice’s first night cannot be obtained no matter what?

Not really,

In order to make the lottery fairer, the boss also added a guarantee system.

After spending over three million in the store in a month, you can trigger the guarantee mechanism and take Alice to bed directly.

But this condition is too harsh.

"Consumption is three million a month! The most expensive chicken here is only less than ten thousand a night!"

At this time, a new customer in front of the bar took a fancy to Alice. After asking the waiter about the price of Alice,

The guest broke his guard,

He smashed a cup and asked angrily:

"I want to sleep on the same bed with ten chickens for thirty days without interruption...Are you crazy? Is it that little money that I lack - do you think it is money!!!"

The customer's angry roar spread throughout the brothel, and also fell into the ears of Rhine and Alice.

Alice: "Ahahaha..."

Alice laughed twice and said to Rhine: "That customer is right, Mr. Rhine, you don't need to take that lottery seriously. It's just a marketing strategy of our idiot boss. She will never I won’t let the guests have my first night, well, at least until I’m twenty.”

"Maybe some rich man is willing to buy my first night with three million before that, but seriously, which fool would spend three million for a prostitute's first night, even in the dreamland of the Human Empire? , it’s not that expensive!”

Alice couldn't help laughing as she spoke. She seemed to have a very clear understanding of her situation.

She smiled and explained to Rhine her selling price and the way to get her first night, as if she was just a passer-by who was not involved, talking about gossip that had nothing to do with her.

After enthusiastically explaining to Rhine the minefield of "Miss Alice", she began to introduce the business here to Rhine:

"In short, this store is basically like this. What do guests want to have? If they come to watch a striptease, just pay the ticket price. Food is self-service, and drinks are extra. If you want service... Well……"

Alice looked at Hela next to Rhine.

Hela smiled back.

Alice was stunned, because Hela was simply the most beautiful woman she had ever seen!

In the mortal world, many times, the concept of "beauty" has a threshold that cannot be crossed by natural appearance.

For ordinary mortals, no matter how beautiful they are, their face shape is just in line with current aesthetics.

But if you are a noble hybrid with the blood of a god, it will be as if you have cast a permanent charm spell on yourself, possessing stunning beauty that can distort people's minds.


Hella and Rhine belong to the latter.

And he is also the best among the mixed-bloods with their own charm.

I feel a bit embarrassed to say this.

But actually from the first moment I met Hela and Rhine...

She was already ecstatic...

Alice reminded a little shyly: "Guest... we don't have any beauties of the same level as this lady, right?"

Rhine smiled and asked, "Isn't that you?"

"Oh... the guest really compliments me so much. I'm not as beautiful as this lady. I'm just an ordinary prostitute with a bit of beauty. By the way, is this lady a hybrid of a god?"

Hela smiled and said nothing.

And Rhine was even more ruthless: "This guy is my colleague. I have nothing to do with her. She is just here to pay for me - come on, give her three million."

"Oh, it's a colleague...wait?!"

Alice nodded in agreement at first, but the next moment her eyes widened in shock.

What did this man just say? !


It takes half an hour to write and a whole day to revise...

Group number: 1028467303

Chapter 37 The Queen of Leta

three million,

It's not much money for a prince of an empire.

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