"Speaking of which, Rhein Hein, why did you think of establishing a contract with Olivia? Could it be that you are greedy for her power? It doesn't matter. I can satisfy you with that kind of thing."

The Queen of Blood unleashed her ultimate move.

"If you really like the boring little things like men and women having sex, then I will give you a projection of myself and be your concubine."

As the Queen of Blood spoke, she teased her flawless and stunning body, and revealed an extremely rare charming smile on her face.

Olivia patted her throne of thorns wildly:

"Hey! Hey!!!"

Chapter 7 Olivia: Choose me! I’m good-looking and fun!

Right now, Olivia is facing an unprecedented crisis.

She was poached.

Olivia examined her long life as a dragon, and then she discovered that... this was the first time she faced this kind of problem!

As the ancient dragon princess, she leads a complete ancient dragon tribe. Since they are all her own compatriots, of course they cannot be poached by others.

And after Olivia was promoted to the Evil God, in the Netherland where she worked, there was no such thing as the Evil God poaching people or the Devil changing jobs.

Broadly speaking, all demons that exist in the Nether Realm are derivatives of the evil god.

It was already bound to the evil god it belonged to when it was born.

A succubus, she will only be a succubus from birth to death.

At most, if you perform well, you will be promoted to an official position. The most outstanding ones will be promoted to Netherworld Apostles, while the unluckiest ones will be used to synthesize the Abyss Sacrament.

But no matter what,

It was impossible for her to change her race, become a gospel blood knight, and then go to justice or something...

After all, demons may become acclimatized just by living on a land that is not part of their own camp, and then gradually die.

As for those mortal believers who are targeted by evil gods, they can jump freely between various faiths, and this situation does happen from time to time.


This is just a normal fluctuation in performance, and Olivia has never cared about it.

At most, it's just a matter of looking for an opportunity to drive out all the apostates and show his intention. It won't be too over the top.


Today's situation! But it’s different!

This variable comes from the person being poached. He is Olivia’s favorite potential disciple—the prince of the Hein Empire! Rhine Hein!

Olivia had never thought about Rhine Hein, who had brought her a lot of happiness and would definitely bring her more happiness in the future...

She actually flirted with Zhengyi in front of her, and was about to be bribed by Zhengyi! !

Justice, this shameless and obscene little Bichi,

She actually used her body as a bargaining chip! Seducing Rhine Hein!

What a cheat!

Who is the evil god of lust? !

Facing the direct provocation of justice,

How Olivia wanted to say to Rhine:

"Ignore her. The murderous god is just a good-looking person. Choose me! Not only am I good-looking! I'm also fun!!"


Olivia couldn't say those words! !

Because the most terrible thing is!


No projection! !

Olivia is not a pure evil god, but an ancient dragon who swallowed the original evil god and gained its power.

This leads to many differences in the ability composition between Olivia and ordinary evil gods.

At this moment Olivia could only rage at the incompetence of justice.


I can't wrap her up! !

And at the same time, on the other side,

After listening to the Queen of Blood’s conditions, Rhine

He looked obviously moved!

Although letting the Blood Queen be his concubine was a frightening proposal for him, he deeply felt the Blood Queen's sincerity from it!

At this moment, Rhine's eyes have been completely focused on the Queen of Blood, and it is difficult to look away!

The Queen of Blood smiled and expressed her tolerance:

"Rhein Hein, you don't need to make a decision prematurely. After all, you have an appointment with Olivia first. I will patiently wait for your answer in your eyes.

In short, I only want you to believe that I am the Queen of the Netherland, and I can always give you the most powerful blessing and the most courageous army. If one day, Order throws divine punishment at you - then only I can do it for you. You block. "

This is all the conditions for the Queen of Blood.

However, when Rhine heard this, he shook his head firmly: "No, I can't do this, Her Majesty the Queen..."


The Queen of Blood was stunned.

She was a little surprised.

Are her conditions still not satisfactory to Rhine Hein?

However, after rejecting the Blood Queen, Rhine showed a sincere smile.

That smile was filled with respect, love and loyalty to the Blood Queen.

"What I mean is, Her Majesty the Queen, I don't need time to think about the decision. Facing the favor of the King of the Nether Realm, as a humble mortal, I receive this honor. Any slight is a blasphemy to the great Supreme!

I must not become a wall between you and Your Highness Olivia, flattering me and then profiting from both sides. That is an insult to the two supreme beings and is the most despicable act! So I just want to tell you now... Your Majesty, there is only one sun in my heart. "

Rhine put her hand on her chest, showing her true feelings.


At this moment, the Queen of Blood actually felt a touch of emotion in her heart.


so good.

It seems that this time I have obtained a very reliable divine choice!

Zheng Zheng's expression seemed to become a little more solemn.

"Listen, mortal, what I pursue is endless blood and killing. As long as mortal wars continue, and when all living beings kill each other in the name of justice, the land of skulls under my feet will continue to expand, and the blood river will continue to expand. Able to flow endlessly - and you, Rhine Hein, you have ambition and the strength to match it. You are my best candidate, and you will also be my only candidate in this era..."

Rhine's eyes trembled: "Your Majesty..."

Justice also smiled: "Rhine..."

However, on the other side,

When the situation between the Blood Queen and Rhine is improving,

There is a dragon whose face has been distorted by jealousy!

Seeing that the Queen of Blood is getting happier and happier chatting with her collaborators, it seems that she is about to receive the certificate to promote Rhine to the Chosen of Justice!

But at this time, Olivia couldn't get a word in at all!

It was obvious that Olivia resided in Rhine's eyes.

However, in Rhine's eyes now, Olivia is no longer there!


Olivia knew that she was the one who came first...

But in the face of the cruel reality, Olivia still had to admit,

Her compatibility with Rhine is not as good as justice.

And the price she gave Rhine was not as fair as justice!

If this continues, she also knows that Rhine will inevitably fall into the arms of justice, and happily begin to rule the world together with justice.

As for the agreement between Rhine and Olivia, it is naturally considered invalid.

And Olivia can't use this as an excuse.

Because justice will inevitably provide Rhine with a compensation that Olivia cannot refuse.

Everything is so logical and natural...

But, but...

That kind of thing - don't do it! ! !


Rhine just accepted a forbidden soldier as a dog!

Olivia just had fun once!

Next, there are obviously... there are six more forbidden troops! Olivia didn’t have time to enjoy six feasts! !

And it’s not just the Custodes who have fallen!

In the future, Leta's Moon King and a group of elven demigods will also show their most depraved, despicable and lewd appearances in front of Olivia!

She...she also wanted to see how Rein Hein killed the original sequence in bed! !

this moment,

Olivia's heart was filled with burning jealousy!

Princess Gu Long's eyes became extremely gloomy.

Absolutely not,

Let justice take away my divine choice!

The twisted feelings in my heart turned into something more fiery, impactful, and shocking in an instant...

That's exactly what the dragon's breath is!

Behind Princess Dragon, the shadow of a majestic dragon suddenly appeared!

The beautiful black dragon has a flawless white scale on its chest. Her huge figure covers the sky and the earth, with a terrifying aura that seems to be able to crush the world!

next moment,

The giant dragon roared up to the sky, and a ball of fiery dragon breath rushed into the sky! !


Rhine's attention at this time was all focused on the Queen of Blood, and he did not notice Olivia who was silently opening the door.

But soon...

Rhine saw Olivia's ultimate move in the Blood Queen's lens.

The corner of Rhine's mouth twitched: "Hey, Her Majesty the Queen! Look what's behind you!"

"...behind you?"

Zhengyi was surprised at first, but then she felt some extremely deadly energy bombardment, heading towards her! !

Zhengyi turned around and looked.

I saw a colorful meteor suddenly appearing in the sky of Skull Land! !

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