Tales Of The World Devouring Serpent

Chapter 168 Changes in the world

The story of Denseni's paleontological attack spread all over the world at once.

Many people fell asleep with beautiful dreams the night before, but just woke up the next morning and were stunned by the overwhelming news.

There have been incidents of ancient creatures attacking humans before, but most of them were attacking ships, or washing up on the beach and attacking people.

But in this incident, a group of ancient creatures took the initiative to go ashore and acted to attack humans.

According to the content of the news broadcast, it was a group of mosasaurs that attacked Denseni, the number of which was 53, and the leader was a huge mosasaur.

According to computer calculations, this big guy has a body length of 152.21 meters and a height of 36.32 meters. It is the largest known abnormal creature so far.

"Professor, the video from Denseni's side has come out."

Inside the office, Hu Ke took a USB flash drive and walked towards Tang Xuemin. Tang Xuemin, who was sitting on the sofa, hurriedly put the book in his hand on the table and looked at Hu Ke anxiously.

"Quick, let it go and see."

Hook plugged the USB flash drive into the computer's USB port, clicked the mouse a few more times, and a video was played.

In the picture, it is a tragic scene, the crowd running in a panic, and everyone's face is a look of horror.

And behind them, there are giant creatures.

The creatures chased the crowd while also destroying buildings on both sides of the street, as well as cars on the side of the road.

Hu Ke and Tang Xuemin watched this scene with heavy expressions on their faces. These ancient creatures were completely killing machines in front of humans without weapons.

"Xiao Hu, is there a picture of that giant mosasaur?"

Tang Xuemin's throat rolled, and his eyes felt warm. Although it was not his own country's compatriots who suffered a disaster, it was hard to feel compassion in the face of such a disaster.

Earlier, he saw a little girl of four or five years old, running alone and helpless on the street, calling out "Mom" loudly, but in the next moment, she was mercilessly bitten by a moss dragon. , a few mouthfuls were swallowed into the belly of the mosasaur.


Hu Ke said in a hoarse voice, and swiped the progress bar. The next moment, an incomparably huge beast appeared on the screen.


Suddenly seeing such a huge monster, Tang Xuemin was shocked. The giant beast in the picture, like the other mosasaurs, was crawling on the ground.

But its height is terrifying.

For example, in the current picture, this giant mosasaur is standing side by side with a building that is at least ten stories high. Comparing the two, this mosasaur is actually taller.

"According to computer calculations, this giant mosasaur is 152.21 meters long and 36.32 meters high."

Hu Ke told Tang Xuemin, and Tang Xuemin was staring at the picture in front of him without blinking at this moment.

At this moment, there was a rumbling sound in the video, and several helicopters flew from a distance, hovering over the mosasaur, and immediately launched an attack.

A burst of flames erupted, but a surprising scene happened.

Those bullets sprayed on the mosasaur's scales, colliding with sparks, but not a single bullet penetrated its defense.

This creature is exactly like the kind of invulnerable horror monster that came out of a sci-fi movie.

After the mosasaur was attacked, it began to roar angrily, and then jumped sharply, biting a helicopter that flew over its head.

With a huge size and ignoring the attacks of various firearms, this giant mosasaur can simply do whatever he wants in the city.

At the end of the video, after destroying several streets, the giant mosasaur returned to the ocean with the remaining mosasaurs.

After watching this video to the end, Tang Aimin was stunned for a while, and finally leaned on the sofa, rubbing his eyebrows tiredly.

The two did not speak, and this video gave them a great impact.

Forget the ancient creatures, and now there are giants among the ancient creatures, which are not afraid of any firearms, even artillery attacks.

If you want to deal with this kind of creature, I am afraid you can only use high-power weapons.

However, in a densely populated city, high-power thermal weapons are not so easy to launch, and there are many things to consider.

In Tang Xuemin's mind, he was also thinking, is there still a creature like that giant mosasaur in the ocean?

The answer is naturally yes.

Not long after the Bald Eagle Country was attacked, giant ancient creatures were also discovered in the world's oceans, and there were a lot of them.

Coastal cities in some countries have also begun to come under attack.

Like Robles.

This country is worse than the Bald Eagle Country. Their territory includes some archipelagos, and those archipelagos were directly wiped out in this ancient creature attack.

After all, the country's military strength is not very good, plus the remoteness of those archipelagos, the security force only has all kinds of firearms.

And the ancient creatures that appeared on their side were more than the ancient creatures that attacked the Bald Eagle Country.

So in the face of this attack, they have absolutely no power to fight back.

This attack did not stop there. After that, the corrupt country, bullfighting country, etc. not far from Robris were all attacked by ancient creatures.

In addition, there are also traces of ancient creatures on the side of the panda country.

However, due to sufficient preparations and the ancient creatures that came to attack this side are not very strong, so it was suddenly dropped not long after landing.

Although this attack did not bring any fatal disaster to human beings, it severely hit the maritime industry and fishing industry.

The economies of all countries have been hit hard.

Fang Yun didn't know about the tragedy of the human world, but now he is sitting beside the ruins of the alien civilization, waiting for the rabbit.

More and more ancient creatures have been drilled out recently, and there are many variants.

Up to now, he did not dare to get too close to the ruins, because once when he was attacking a mutant creature, he happened to encounter another mutant creature emerging from the light curtain.

The two mutant creatures joined together and attacked him.

Looking at the situation at the time, if he continued to stay, if a third mutant creature appeared, he would also join the battle.

So he resolutely withdrew from the battle circle.

He is currently about 3 kilometers away from the place where the alien civilization is located, and the light there cannot shine, so he can only perceive the surrounding situation through the snake letter.

Because more and more creatures came out of the folded space, Fang Yun's biological energy also increased very rapidly.

About a month later, Fang Yun gained enough biological energy to start his 21st evolution.

"I want a new skill."

Before falling asleep, Fang Yun said this in his heart.

There are more and more mutant creatures that are getting stronger and stronger, making him feel a little powerless. This guy feels that his attack power is too weak, so he hopes to get a stronger skill.

"It's better to be aggressive."

He added another sentence in his mind.

Then, he fell into a deep sleep. .

Of course, as before, he could still sense movement around him.

However, there was one thing that even Fang Yun didn't expect, that this time he slept deeply for a full year.

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