Tales Of The World Devouring Serpent

Chapter 398: Civilization Falls

On the Dom star, it has now become a purgatory on earth, a space fortress suspended on the orbital circle. At this time, the power erupted wantonly, because the missiles launched were extremely fast and the number was extremely large, although some of them were intercepted. , but a part still falls on the planet Dom.


These hydrogen bombs that exploded on the planet were immediately bombed, and the violent firepower caused the planet to burst into bursts of tsunamis, and at the same time the volcano began to erupt.

"Damn guy."

In a luxurious office, Fei Kai XII was roaring, "Blow up that Battlestar for me, hurry up!"

A space fortress is at the annihilation level, especially if the Dom civilization is under the threat of weapons of the same level, so at this time, they will be suppressed and beaten by the Blue Stars.

The current situation is also very clear. Under the bombardment of the opponent's space fortress, Dom is almost unable to bear it.

The fleet of Dom Civilization, which was fighting in space, began to gather towards the blue star space fortress, but it couldn't get close at all, because there were two big killers, Fang Yun and the big turtle.

With their two behemoths protecting the Battlestar, no fighter plane could get close to that Battlestar.


Beside Fang Yun, the sea turtle let out a howl, followed by an energy beam spewing out a Dom fighter on the opposite side.

There is no doubt that the fighter plane was burnt to a piece of slag.

The sea turtle's attack ability is also quite ferocious, and its defense is also quite strong. It can roam freely in the battlefield without fear of its own safety.

There are undoubtedly many Dom fighters in space, there are as many as a thousand, but at the moment these fighters are only 700 left.

And this number is rapidly decreasing.

Because these fighters are not at all the fleet of the Blue Star civilization with the help of Fang Yun and the sea turtles, and most importantly, they can't escape.

If you escape, it is equivalent to completely exposing the Dom planet to the vision of the fleet of the Blue Star civilization. When the fleet enters the atmosphere of the Dom planet, it is really irresistible.

"Horner, send some fighter jets into the atmosphere of the Dom planet and get rid of all the Dom people on this planet."

Fang Yun began to issue orders. At the same time, his body flashed, and he shot directly at a fighter plane. His mouth suddenly opened, and he swallowed the fighter plane into his stomach.

At the other end, Horner, as Fang Yun said, began to send fighter planes into the atmosphere of the planet Dom. These fighter planes were equipped with supercharged laser cannons. These laser cannons can destroy any one on this planet. architecture.

And because of its own power, even if it enters a planet with an atmosphere, the speed of the fighter is not trivial, at least not comparable to those missiles.

So, don't worry about safety.

After the fighter jets of the Blue Star Civilization entered the atmosphere of the Dom planet, the battle was almost over, and various laser cannons turned the various bases left by chance into ruins.

After the destruction of these bases, the last resistance force of Dom planet was also cut off, and the firepower above the space fortress could reach this planet without hindrance.

In the end, under the super-powerful fire attack of the Blue Star Civilization, most of the creatures on this planet were destroyed, at least the Dom people were completely wiped out.

At the same time, because of the super-strong attack of the Blue Star people, the plates of this planet became violently active, and various earthquakes, volcanic activities, and tsunamis occurred frequently.

The Dom fighter plane above space saw the destruction of their own race. Some people were very angry, but some people were ready to slip away.

Unfortunately, no one left in the end.

"Horner, go to collect the energy on the nearby resource planet immediately, and leave here in seven days."

Fang Yun gave Horner an order.

On the nearby resource planet, there is also the engineering team of the Dom planet, but it has been solved by the Blue Star people before, and they have controlled their various warehouses.

The purpose of this trip is to scrape these warehouses.

If there is enough time, they can build a wormhole portal here to transport all those resource planets away.

Unfortunately, they don't have enough time.

They need to prevent Tianhe Civilization from reacting, and then come to trouble them.

Soon, seven days passed, and Fang Yun had been a little nervous during the past few days, but fortunately, nothing special happened in the end.

The Dom civilization was destroyed like this, and it was only discovered after half a month.

At this time, Fang Yun and the others had already returned to Blue Star's base camp.

The current base camp can also receive all kinds of major events in the galaxy, and they have arranged their own spies in some prosperous areas.

These spies can relay all kinds of messages back to base camp, although this process will take some time.

For example, Fang Yun now knows that he has made a small fire in the Milky Way.

At the beginning, what he did in the Central Continent of the Grave Star Battlefield had gotten him some attention, but after that, his popularity declined.

But now the collapse of the Dom civilization has brought him into the discussion again.

This time, the Dom civilization discovered the Blue Star civilization related to the python pathogen, but immediately, the fleet that discovered the Blue Star civilization lost contact.

The Tianhe Empire also sent people to Dom, but found that they could not be contacted after more than ten days. Finally, they sent people to Dom to find out that the Dom civilization was wiped out.

"Dom civilization, who knows?"

"An upper-middle civilization actually died when it was said to be destroyed. I wonder if that Blue Star civilization did it?"

"It must be that civilization. This civilization must already belong to the superior civilization."

"A superior civilization controlled by pathogens, the galaxy seems to be in chaos."

In the "Tianyue" forum created by Tianhe Civilization, members of various civilizations expressed their opinions, and everyone was worried, fearing that they would be the next to suffer.

In the Milky Way, there are not many advanced civilizations, so there are only a few dozen or so. These advanced civilizations have a combat effectiveness of 50%.

If you want to destroy a superior civilization, you must let the Tianhe Empire come forward.

In the Tianyue Forum, there are many members from other ordinary civilizations calling on Tianhe Civilization to mobilize a certain amount of strength to solve this matter.

The Tianhe Civilization did the same.

A special force has come to the vicinity of the former Dom star.

One more day today, another day please.

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