The Boss Behind The Game

Chapter 626: The truth behind the Soul Praying Wine

After Mo Xiaoxin and Qu Zui reached an agreement, they started the brewing plan of soul praying wine, and at the same time, they started to recruit people to prepare start-up funds.

The first to join were Seven.

Seven were very pleased with Qu Zui's idea of ​​brewing Tianjiu Wine, and immediately took out 40,000 soul coins to sponsor him.

As for Mo Xiaoxin, since he didn't have many friends in the game and his only biological mother refused to help, he tentatively sent a message to his biological father.

What he didn't expect was that he received an email with 100,000 soul coins that day.

Only in the email, Aojian asked about the use of the money.

While Mo Xiaoxin was happy about this, he also replied to Ao Jian about his plan to brew his own wine. After that, Ao Jian stopped responding.

But the surprise soon arrived.

Originally, even with the help of Aojian and Seven, the money was still not enough to brew the soul-praying wine.

At this time, Gu Yu, the president of the Myth Guild, contacted Mo Xiaoxin and expressed his interest in becoming a shareholder and providing assistance of 300,000 soul coins.

While Mo Xiaoxin was happy about this, he was also a little worried.

Gu Yu and Gouzi are among the players who want to kill him the most, ranking relatively high.

If this was exposed, it would be really doomed.

Especially Gouzi, who has been criticized by him countless times on the forum until he has no love. This hatred has been forged for three years.

And he also laughed at the forum for three years...

After some apprehension, Mo Xiaoxin gritted his teeth and chose to agree.

He believed that with his disguise, he would never be discovered!

After all, except for forums, he never criticizes anyone in the game, so there will never be any flaws.

However, Mo Xiaoxin didn't expect that he was still behind.

Liu Cai and other presidents of major guilds got the news from somewhere that he was going to brew Tianjiujiu. They came one after another and expressed their willingness to pay for shares.

In fact, in the eyes of the presidents of major guilds, Brewing Sky Brewing is definitely a very good investment project.

These guild leaders are not stupid. They don't know whether they can earn back the money, but they know one thing clearly.

If it succeeds, it will be equivalent to holding a money tree in the future.

This can be seen from the success of the Wood Spirit Tribe.

Although they don't know the specific effects of Soul Praying Wine now, in their opinion, it is probably a wine that can bring about a very powerful increase, and it is a project worth investing in.

As a result, the poor duo who originally reached an agreement were instantly rich.

The money came so fast that they were stunned and caught off guard.

In just two days, the four-digit soul coins in their hands turned into seven-digit numbers.

After that, Mo Xiaoxin decisively rejected many investors who came later because there were too many.

Moreover, Mo Xiaoxin was not sure whether it could be brewed successfully. Even if the soul-praying wine was brewed successfully, Mo Xiaoxin was not sure whether it would be a big seller.

Although this was a wine of heavenly quality, he did not know its specific effects. He only knew that it was related to opening the tomb on the seabed. This was also the main reason why he needed the soul-praying wine.

If no value is created at that time, although the major guilds will not do anything to him, after all, he has made it clear in advance that this investment may not be successful.

But it will always have a certain impact, and if there are too many people, problems may arise when the forum is promoted. For the sake of life safety, Mo Xiaoxin has always been cautious in this regard and will not be as unscrupulous as he was on the forum.

And the soul coins received now are close to 3 million, which is completely enough at this stage!

Compared to Mo Xiaoxin, Qu Zui seemed very happy.

Because the biggest financial problem has been solved, he can be as creative as he wants!

After that, the two of them started to buy spiritual materials at the auction according to the list on the drawing, buying and buying!

This feeling of scanning goods in an auction house made them extremely excited.

Having money can give people a powerful feeling of being omnipotent.

At this time, it is the junction of Wanxu Sea Area and Kuilong Sea Area.

A figure galloped from a distance, the ghostly figure blended into the night, and then suddenly shot into the water.

Without causing any waves, the figure quickly headed towards the depths of the seabed.

As he dived, the water pressure continued to increase, but his speed did not slow down at all.

Gradually, violent underwater undercurrent whirlpools appeared all around.

However, this figure could easily pass through it without any hindrance.

As he continued to dive, he came to an inconspicuous pile of seaweed.

At this moment, he stopped diving and stepped towards the haystack.

In an instant, the surrounding environment changed dramatically. His originally dark vision became brighter, and the seawater surrounding him was blocked behind him.

The shadow on the man's body also dissipated at this time, revealing his true body.

He wore a black cloak that covered his whole body, with a ghost face on his face, and the "Riptide" mark symbolizing the Huangquan Chamber of Commerce printed on his back.

If Neptune were here, he would definitely recognize this person.

It is Elder Ying of the Huangquan Chamber of Commerce!

At this time, Elder Ying's eyes scanned the surroundings. After being silent for a while, he stepped towards the two dragon head pillars in the center of this area.

Standing still in front of the dragon's head pillar, Elder Ying took off the mask on his face, revealing a terrifying skull face without a trace of flesh and blood, and the ghostly soul fire burned in the skull.

At this time, he slowly knelt down in front of the dragon head pillar, lowered his head, and murmured vague words. Tears condensed by soul fire fell down at this moment.

Every year, he would come here to pay homage to the departed souls.

"Woo~" At this time, the dragon's head pillar trembled and let out a mournful cry.

Listening to the wail of the dragon's head pillar, Elder Ying slowly raised his head, stretched out his hand to touch the pillar engraved with runes, and traced the lines on it with his bony fingers, re-reading the ancient story recorded on the dragon's head pillar.

That's a story about a challenger.

He had already forgotten the specific amount of time that had passed. In short, it had been a long, long time.

There was once a challenger in this sea area. He was one of the few people who dared to confront the Huangquan Chamber of Commerce.

Some people establish powerful dynasties in order to gain status, benefits and other aspects.

But some people established dynasties to subvert the old order.

The one buried deep in the ground at this moment is the latter.

That person once held a huge power across many sea areas, but he did not choose to lead his subordinate forces to the central sea area of ​​​​the underworld, but chose to fight against the greatest injustice.

And the biggest injustice is the Huangquan Chamber of Commerce.

His name is Shadow, and he was born into a maritime merchant family.

As a maritime merchant, it is inevitable to contact the Huangquan Chamber of Commerce and pay 60% of the trade profits every year.

At this moment, Elder Ying still clearly remembers the questions that the thin figure asked him when he was telling him about maritime trade knowledge and talking about the Huangquan Chamber of Commerce.

"Why do we need to surrender? Can we unite all chambers of commerce to resist the rule of the Huangquan Chamber of Commerce!"

When Elder Ying thinks about this question now, it may be the beginning of Shadow's path of no return.

At that time, Elder Ying smiled and replied:

"The most gorgeous and beautiful flowers are always the first to be picked in the garden. Although your idea is not wrong, it is like the gorgeous flowers that will become the first target of the pickers' attention, which is not advisable!"

The young shadow didn't say anything after hearing his answer, but nodded silently.

That was the first time that Elder Ying paid attention to this child named Shadow, and it was also the first time that he entered the clan's school.

After that, the child showed extremely high talent, which attracted even more attention.

Regardless of his training or intelligence, Shadow is far beyond his peers.

It can be said that Elder Ying witnessed the rise of this king.

From the initial ordinary maritime merchant power, to the multi-faceted development power that monopolizes the entire sea area, and finally to the shadow dynasty spanning multiple sea areas.

That man reached heights he never imagined possible.

At that time, Elder Ying thought that Shadow would be like those pioneers, and finally led his forces to join the Huangquan Chamber of Commerce in the name of maritime merchants, and then settled in the central sea area of ​​​​Huangquan to compete for hegemony between the Huangquan Chamber of Commerce and the real strong ones, but Shadow made a It seemed like a very stupid decision on his part.

He wants to subvert the Huangquan Chamber of Commerce, and he wants to control his own destiny.

Elder Shadow once said something to Neptune:

"The definition of a true strong person is not how strong one is, but the ability to not be restricted by anything and to be able to decide one's own destiny."

And this sentence was exactly what Shadow told him with a smile when he asked him why he did this.

And Shadow did exactly that!

There have been many forces that have challenged the dominance of the Huangquan Chamber of Commerce in history, but no one has made the Huangquan Chamber of Commerce pay a huge price like Shadow.

Who can believe that this challenge is an idea that Shadow has had since he was a child.

The reason is just three words "Why?"

For this reason, Shadow was already planning the moment he initially established his maritime power.

First, he established an elite shadow army, and then formed alliances with many powerful maritime merchants, gradually strengthening his trump cards.

When the clarion call to subvert the Huangquan Chamber of Commerce was sounded, that maritime era was called the "Era of Shadows."

A long-lasting maritime war began, and a man named Shadow was remembered by the senior officials of the Huangquan Chamber of Commerce to this day.

But there was no miracle in the end. With the full force of the Huangquan Chamber of Commerce, he was defeated.

But in Elder Ying's view, Shadow is the most promising person to subvert the Huangquan Chamber of Commerce.

The reason for his defeat was not from the Huangquan Chamber of Commerce, but from those allies!

The ultimate reason why they are willing to choose to form an alliance with Shadow is because they are driven by profit and feel that the Huangquan Chamber of Commerce is too exploitative.

And it is precisely for this reason that Shadow tightly unites many maritime merchants.

But when the Huangquan Chamber of Commerce was willing to make concessions and offered conditions acceptable to these maritime merchants, the so-called indestructibility turned into a piece of loose sand.

Elder Ying still remembers what the last maritime merchant ally said when he left.

"We are very simple. We don't have the Shadow King's dream, and we don't have the Shadow King's insistence on controlling his own destiny. Everything is just for profit. If there are enough benefits, who is willing to bleed and sacrifice in exchange for illusory things!"

In this way, the Shadow Dynasty went on a stranger journey and ushered in the final battle before destruction.

In that battle, Elder Shadow was also a member of the Shadow Army, and he was determined to die, following this shadow to meet their last moment.

In that battle, many god-level masters came from the Huangquan Chamber of Commerce and jointly arranged the "Annihilation Formation", and the entire Shadow Dynasty collapsed.

The feeling of flesh and blood being dissolved is very painful, very painful, heartbreaking...

At that moment, Elder Ying thought he was going to die.

But at that moment, the shadow stood in front of him, protecting him with the last of his life.

When Shadow collapsed from exhaustion, he turned to look at Elder Shadow and said something.

This sentence greatly touched Elder Ying, and he said:

"Teacher, if I were the flower picker, I would definitely pick the ugliest flower first, not the most beautiful one!"

These are the last words left by the shadow in the world before life disappears.

In fact, Elder Ying didn't understand the meaning of this sentence at the time, but he understood it later.

That was Shadow's final unwillingness.

On his way to overthrow the Huangquan Chamber of Commerce, he doesn't need waste or traitors. What he longs for is a dazzling fellow traveler like him!

And these trash and traitors are talking about those maritime merchant allies who left.

Later generations have put many labels on Ying, saying that he overestimated his abilities and that he was extremely stupid. But as his teacher, Elder Ying understood that this was a man with real dreams.

No matter what, Shadow is the brightest flower in the garden of that maritime era. Although he cannot escape the fate of being broken, at least history still remembers him.

Just like in the days of the Heaven-Defying Alliance, even if they were called Heaven-Defying traitors by the heavens. But the era they lived in was called the Age of the Heaven-Defying Alliance by the heavens. Those who resisted left the glorious mark of the Heaven-Defying Alliance in that era. It is precisely because of the brilliant light that this group of people will erupt that future generations will remember this unique era.

Even the rolling wheels of history cannot erase the glory of their existence.

Therefore, it is always the heroes who create the era, rather than the era that creates the heroes.

In the era of Luanying Sea, it was precisely because of the shadow that it was called Luanying.

And he, who survived by chance, was a person who came from the era of chaos in the sea. Even he couldn't remember how long he had lived.

Without flesh and blood, he only lived on soul-praying wine, and he has survived until now.

But he always remembers the history that belongs to their Shadow Clan, and also pays homage to the Shadow King he once followed.

He hated the Huangquan Chamber of Commerce, so he joined the Huangquan Chamber of Commerce and planned a brilliant emergence like the Shadow Era.

During this period, he climbed up step by step, until now he became one of the two elders in the Devouring Sea Territory second only to the president, and also controlled the distribution rights of the War Chamber of Commerce.

After this, Elder Shadow finally started to take action.

He distributed ten pieces of Poseidon's Pardon to the most ambitious people.

Strength is important, but what he wants more is those who are unsatisfied with the status quo and dare to subvert the old order.

As time passed, during this period, war chambers of commerce continued to fall, and new war chambers of commerce rose up. Elder Shadow always observed silently, choosing the successor to the Shadow King that he wanted.

In fact, he has paid attention to many people, but most of them died due to the law of the jungle, or went to the central sea area. Until now, no one has dared to challenge the Huangquan Chamber of Commerce.

Elder Ying felt very disappointed for this, but never gave up.

Until that day, he met Neptune.

In the opinion of Elder Shadow, the doubts raised by Neptune are very similar to the original Shadow, and he seems to have more ambition than Shadow, rather than a false dream.

In fact, how could he not notice the many little moves that Neptune made secretly?

The simple first one is that the Yanlong Fleet belonged to their Huangquan Chamber of Commerce, but Hai Wang dared to secretly entrap it. This behavior had violated the rules of the Huangquan Chamber of Commerce to protect subordinate forces, and he could be sanctioned at that time.

But Elder Ying secretly suppressed the matter and helped Sea King obtain the qualifications of the War Chamber of Commerce.

And that time when the merchant ship transporting ice and firestone was robbed by the Wan family, why did he defy all odds and propose to send people to investigate first instead of directly sanctioning the Wan family?

The reason he gave was that he wanted to know the details of the Wan family before taking action.

However, the actual situation is that, let alone any powerful threats that may exist, the Huangquan Chamber of Commerce has been standing up to now. It has never encountered any storms, and the Wan family will not be taken seriously.

But Elder Ying's words and his status made everyone agree with his decision at that time.

And the reason why he did this is also very simple.

Because after the sea robbery, the senior officials of the Huangquan Chamber of Commerce expressed doubts about Neptune and did not believe what Neptune said.

At that time, the Huangquan Chamber of Commerce decided to secretly investigate Neptune.

When deciding who should go, Elder Shadow took over the job and quietly came to New End Island where Neptune's power was located.

Although Neptune hid very deep and buried the looted materials deep underground, he was still able to detect them.

But after returning, he told the senior officials of the Huangquan Chamber of Commerce that there was no problem with Neptune!

Later, when Neptune learned that the Huangquan Chamber of Commerce wanted to investigate the Wan family, it was he who revealed it.

Otherwise, the envoys of Neptune stationed in the Huangquan branch of the Devouring Sea Area would not have the right or qualification to understand the content discussed in their high-level meetings.

Everything was arranged secretly by him.

The purpose is to let Neptune grow up, because he wants to cultivate the emergence of a challenger and subversive like Shadow.

As this challenger grows, he will inevitably need companions.

At least in Elder Ying's opinion, Wan Family may be one of them.

Because since the Wan family dared to collude with Neptune and robbed the merchant ship of the Huangquan Chamber of Commerce, it at least proved that the Wan family also had the same ambition.

This is why Elder Shadow chose to help the Wan family.

Until now, no one knows his secret. He is still the Shadow Elder who has devoted himself to the development of the Huangquan Chamber of Commerce. No one has ever doubted it.

And he will continue to hide in the dark, paying attention silently, looking forward to...

Time flies, but his idea of ​​subverting the Huangquan Chamber of Commerce has never changed!

After some remembrance, Elder Ying stood up, put on his mask and black robe again.

Before leaving, he walked to the back of the dragon head pillar.

His eyes subconsciously glanced at the treasure box he had stored here some time ago, and then his body trembled.

Because the treasure chest is missing!

At this moment, Elder Ying's heart stirred up waves, his body could not help but tremble, and the soul fire in his head jumped violently, which showed how excited he was at this moment.

He waved his hand, and the world in front of him instantly turned gray-white, but in this gray-white world there was a light green life track.

The entry of foreign creatures into this space and the trajectory of their activities in this space have become clearly visible at this moment.

After scanning for a moment, Elder Ying fell into silence.

The Soul Praying Wine Blueprint, this is what he left to Neptune.

After the sea plunder incident, he recognized Neptune and felt that he might be able to reach the same level as Shadow.

The reason why the soul-praying wine blueprint that can open the cemetery below is left here is to allow Neptune to come here under his subsequent arrangements and obtain the soul-prayer wine blueprint, and then let him accidentally discover the secret hidden in the blueprint, and then Accept the inheritance of shadow.

All these arrangements are just to allow Neptune to be passed down more smoothly.

And he never thought of showing up in person.

Because if Neptune fails, then hiding in the dark, he can still find the next successor and continue his plan to subvert the Huangquan Chamber of Commerce!


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