The Boss Behind The Game

Chapter 671 The bloody road to becoming a god

The blow came so quickly that many European players were caught off guard.

Especially some European server knight players who spent a lot of money to form a team to build a dungeon. After they received the message from their friends, their mentality immediately collapsed.

This time, in order to catch a soul-eating beast, some knight players even used up their three-year battles and borrowed a lot of soul coins from friends to form a team.

Their idea is very simple. As long as they have a mount in the ghost king realm, it is not easy to make money. Monsters that they did not dare to challenge before will no longer be a problem in the future, and the efficiency of earning soul coins can be greatly improved.

However, when the post "Reading more than 10,000 volumes" was published on the Chinese server forum and reposted to the European server forum, they were shocked and could not bear the cruel truth.

Many teams who refused to believe it decisively chose to continue trying.

However, the fact is that as "Reading Ten Thousand Volumes" said, the soul-eating beast cannot reach the point of death at all. If it is seriously injured, it will split itself. The more it fights, the more it will fight, endlessly.

Under such circumstances, the European server knight players were extremely frustrated and gave up the idea of ​​capturing the soul-eating beast.

But at this moment, a new turning point came.

Gouzi, one of the popular players on the forum, published a post at this time and attached a video.

The video is exactly what Gu Yu and others saw with their own eyes on the grassland of the second realm of hell.

A picture of a soul-eating beast chasing down a group of demonic apes, and finally grinding them all to death.

The scene in the video that excites players is that when the soul-devouring beast kills the demon apes, it will not damage their bodies, and will spit them out completely after swallowing.

At the end of the video, Gu Yu and others naturally did not waste any time and collected all these demonic apes into the space.

At this moment, the players felt as if they had seen a way to make a fortune, not only the Chinese server, but even the European server players felt the same way.

You can tell how valuable the materials after the death of the demon ape are by taking a look at the auction house.

The players suddenly couldn't bear it any longer, and immediately formed a team and headed out to the second realm of hell.

Although they can't defeat the demon ape, there are soul-eating beasts!

According to what Gouzi said in the post, the soul-eating beast will not harm the player. As long as it knows that you are a "soulless" creature, it will ignore you even if you take the initiative to attack.

This also means that many low-level players can also take advantage of this. As long as they lead the demon ape to an area with the soul-eating beast, they can then make a lot of money by waiting to collect the corpses and collect materials.

It is said that the pioneers in the initial stage of every industry are the most profitable.

In fact, this is also the case, just like moving corpses in the forest area. Since the market was very vacant in the early stage, the first batch of forerunners could sell the same corpse warrior body at a higher price than the later ones.

When the market takes shape and prices stabilize, profits will become smaller.

Therefore, the players did not hesitate and set off decisively.

I want to take advantage of the period when the materials produced by Demon Ape are very vacant in the auction house and try the water. Maybe I can be one of the first to eat crabs.

Not long after Gouzi posted, many players who were already in the second realm of hell began to try it.

They followed the coordinates provided by Gouzi to the central junction where the demon ape clan might exist. Whenever they encountered a demon ape on the road, they would provoke them in various ways, and then lead the demon ape towards the nearby soul-devouring beast.

There were many failures during this period.

Even several teams were wiped out by the angry demon ape, but there were also many successful players. They would share the situation on the forum and show off material screenshots, which ignited the enthusiasm of more players.

This also leads to more players joining in.

In the subsequent development, the strategy post appeared with great anticipation.

For this reason, high-level players have developed various routines to improve the efficiency of picking up corpses. They have also come up with ways to improve the efficiency of attracting monsters and reduce casualties.

For example, in the relay style, one person in the team stays near the soul-eating beast, and the others line up and move forward in sequence.

As long as the first player who attracts monsters comes into contact with the demon ape, he will send a notification on the voice channel, and then run to the player closest to him. Even if he dies on the way, it will be fine. Another person will pick him up until he is brought to the soul-devouring beast. around.

Escape is the next best thing, and the experts at attracting monsters have even more tricks up their sleeves.

During the early exploration, a high-level player in the Chinese server thought that during the battle in the Senluo Domain, the Demonic Ape Clan seemed to be very interested in the Corpse Clan, so he bought the body of a Corpse Clan warrior at the auction house and regarded it as a corpse. The bait began to attract the Demon Ape warriors.

It turned out to be a success.

The Demon Apes who saw the bodies of the Corpse Tribe gathered from all directions like crazy, and then died suddenly under the "Soul-Eating Beast Formation" arranged by this player. In the end, the player gained a lot and posted a selfie on the forum standing on the corpses of more than ten demon apes.

After this post appeared, all the zombie corpses in the auction house were swept away.

For this kind of non-renewable resource, veteran players in the war can all imagine how valuable this thing will be in the future, especially if they know that it can be used as bait to catch the magic ape.

Just as they thought, in just one day, the regional voice channel was full of players wanting to buy the zombie corpses, and the price was three times higher than the original price.

This allowed the players who had previously sensed business opportunities and hoarded a wave of corpse clan bodies to make a lot of money.

A few days later, when players began to practice the method described in this guide post to catch the "Magic Ape" and succeeded, the corpse warrior's body value began to soar again.

At this time, the players seemed to regard the copy of the second realm of hell as a treasure house. They went in to punish the demon apes and at the same time earn material fees from the demon apes.

As the materials from the Demonic Ape appeared in the auction house one after another, and the number continued to increase, and the prices became relatively stable, more players purchased these materials to replace their equipment.

Relying on the materials brought by the Demonic Apes, the Chinese and European servers set off a wave of equipment replacement.

With the "help" of the Demon Ape Clan, the overall strength began to increase rapidly.

Originally, players went to the second realm of hell just to catch mounts, but they did not expect that it would evolve into this mode later. This was unexpected by all players.

It can be considered that the flowers planted intentionally do not bloom, but the willows planted unintentionally create shade.

The second realm of hell, east.

An extremely large white orangutan stands on the earth like a mountain.

And his body was covered with countless demonic apes.

These demonic apes seemed to regard his body as their home, inhabiting it and building many strange buildings.

His gaze moved upward, passing through layers of clouds and fog, and came to the head of the Demon Ape Venerable.

At this time, in front of Lord Demon Ape, two soul beads, one red and one purple, were nestling tightly together and slowly rotating.

Seeing this scene, Lord Demon Ape showed a trace of hope in his eyes.

He could no longer remember how many years ago it was when he last saw the "Twin Pearls of the Corpse God".

At that time, he was not the Demon Ape Lord, nor was he as powerful as he is now. He was just the leader of the Demon Ape Clan who was kept captive by the Corpse Clan in the second realm of hell.

Many memories have been blurred, but Lord Demon Ape still clearly remembers what the corpse tribe did to them as blood food at that time.

At that time, Lord Demon Ape also thought that there would be no troubles in this life. Although he was the leader, he would one day be devoured by the corpse tribe and end up with the same destiny as his tribe members, and his death would be worthless.

But he never thought about resisting, and even firmly believed that this was the fate of their Demon Ape Clan and could not be changed. To him, trying to compete with the powerful zombie tribe was a joke, even if he was ten thousand times stronger, there was no way he could do it.

But after all, his fate was not the mediocre death he thought. Changes came quietly.

It was raining blood that day, and the entire second realm of hell seemed to be experiencing a catastrophe. The wind was howling, and countless ghosts were floating between heaven and earth, as if the end was coming.

With a loud noise, a gap opened in the sky, and a bloody black iron rod fell from the sky and stuck straight into the territory of their Demon Ape Clan.

The leader of the Demon Ape at that time was frightened.

After seeing the black iron rod, he did not immediately go to find out whether it was a valuable treasure. Instead, he decisively notified the corpse clan and asked them to investigate the situation.

Corpse clan members soon arrived and began investigating the black iron rod.

However, no matter how hard the zombie clan members tried, the black iron rod seemed to be connected to the earth and remained motionless.

Even if the zombie clan members dug three feet into the ground, they still could not take away the black iron rod.

The helpless members of the corpse tribe chose to leave, preparing to inform the higher-ups. However, before leaving, they took away more than 20 members of the Demon Ape Lord and told them to have more descendants!

At that time, the Demon Ape Venerable not only did not feel angry at the instructions of the zombie clan members, but instead nodded as a matter of course.

Because they, the Demonic Ape Clan, were like this long before he was born. They have always been the blood food of the Corpse Clan. Their ancestors have been kept captive by the Corpse Clan for generations, and they have never resisted or been dissatisfied.

Regarding this request of the Corpse Clan, Lord Demon Ape immediately agreed, and told the clansmen on the same day that they must have more lives. This was the order of the Corpse Clan.

Sometimes, when slavery becomes a part of life, many things that would have been unthinkable become natural.

And that was the case with the Demon Ape Lord at that time.

Since birth, they have been exposed to the concept of "the supremacy of the corpse tribe". Being able to become their food is their destiny and has become a matter of course.

During those few days of waiting, another group of people from the Corpse Clan came. They once again began to investigate the black iron rod and tried to pull it out of the earth.

However, this time there was still no success. These corpse clan members returned angrily and once again took away a group of demon apes.

The turning point occurred when the zombie clan arrived for the third time.

This time, a high-ranking general from the Corpse Tribe came. Like the previous Corpse Tribe members, he tried to pull the black iron rod out of the ground.

But an accident happened. The black iron rod suddenly vibrated and erupted with an unimaginable force.

The corpse general just exploded into a ball of blood mist under the disbelieving gaze of Lord Demon Ape.

Before this, the concept in Lord Demon Ape's mind had always been that the corpse clan was supreme, and there was nothing he couldn't do.

But this time, a senior member of the Corpse Clan was blown into a bloody mist by a black iron rod under his nose. This scene was like a sharp sword, piercing the inherent firmness in the heart of the Demon Ape Venerable.

It turns out that the zombie clan is not invincible.

At that time, Lord Demon Ape just sighed in his heart, but still had no impulse to resist.

As the rest of the corpse clan retreated in a hurry, the Demon Ape Lord became curious about this iron rod.

At that time, Lord Demon Ape's thoughts were very simple and simple.

I just have a guess and concept. Since the iron rod can kill members of the zombie clan, does it mean that the iron rod is greater than the zombie clan?

Perhaps this comparison seems ridiculous to many people, but the Demon Ape Venerable, who has never had any contact with the outside world and has always been imprisoned in the territory of the Corpse Tribe, came up with such a ridiculous and simple comparison idea.

After that, Lord Demon Ape was filled with awe of the iron rod.

Members of the Corpse Clan came one after another. Except for the supreme Corpse God, almost all the senior members of the Corpse Clan came.

They tried countless methods, but could not pull the iron rod out of the ground.

In the end, they came to the conclusion that this iron rod was already connected to the earth, and it was impossible to pull it out except for the Corpse God who was not in the second realm at the moment.

Before the corpse god returned, the corpse tribe gave up research on this black iron rod.

However, everything the corpse tribe did was seen by Lord Demon Ape, and he felt more and more awe and respect for this black iron rod in his heart.

At this time, the black iron rod is equivalent to the corpse clan in the heart of the Demon Ape Venerable, and is even a higher level existence than the corpse clan.

Every morning, when the sun rises, the Demon Ape Lord will bow down to this black iron rod, and when the sun sets, the Demon Ape Lord will repeat his actions in the early morning.

It was like this for five full years.

The Corpse God still has not returned, and the Corpse Clan has long since given up research on this black iron rod, and only occasionally comes to the Demon Ape Clan to receive blood food.

But what the corpse clan didn't know was that the leader of the demon ape clan had quietly changed.

With a feeling of admiration, after worshiping the black iron rod every day, the Demon Ape Venerable found that his heart became very peaceful, and there seemed to be some kind of hot liquid flowing in his body.

Gradually, his hair turned white and his strength increased day by day.

It was as if every time he worshiped the iron rod, the iron rod would give him the power to improve his physical condition.

After five years of worship, the demon ape was even more in awe of this bloody black iron rod and regarded it as a god in his heart.

While worshiping, Lord Demon Ape also found that he and his tribe had become completely different.

It's like becoming another kind of creature.

Moreover, the Demon Ape Venerable also found that he seemed to have become more fond of thinking about problems. He began to think about many things, instead of just living a mediocre life like his tribesmen. In addition to reproduction, he only ate, drank, slept, and then waited for death to come.

He began to think about the meaning of life and even explored the mysteries of nature.

But he had no way of knowing the answer to all this.

So out of curiosity, Lord Demon Ape began to pray to the "black iron rod" for knowledge.

While praying, Lord Demon Ape was extremely respectful in his heart and did not even think that doing so was a stupid move.

Because Lord Demon Ape has already regarded this iron rod as a god, an omnipotent god!

In fact, it was such a stupid move that changed the Demon Ape Lord, the future direction of the Demon Ape Clan, and completely changed the fate of the Corpse Clan.

At that moment, Lord Demon Ape got the knowledge he wanted, and a secret book appeared in his mind.

This is a secret book with no origin and no words. It is more like a piece of insight than a secret book.

Ever since this secret book appeared in his mind, Lord Demon Ape had an idea in his mind.

I am supposed to be the strongest creature in the world, who else could I be in this world!

This is a feeling, not a complete record of the exercises.

It is this feeling that makes Lord Demon Ape unwilling to surrender, let alone sinking, and wants to become the strongest!

The beginning of everything just came from his heartfelt worship.

This allowed him to be recognized by the black iron rod and gain a supreme inheritance!

However, the inherent concepts in his heart made him try to suppress the idea of ​​"showing off to the world" several times, and he even hesitated and felt that his idea was ridiculous and undesirable.

However, as time passed, as the power he gained became stronger and the knowledge in his mind became more and more abundant, he found that he gradually accepted this concept.

So when the Corpse Clan came to their territory to collect their clansmen again, although the Demon Ape Venerable still did not refuse, he was already dissatisfied in his heart.

Because he felt that since he was the "strongest", why would he still provide sacrifices to the corpse clan?

And why should the Corpse Clan be superior to him!

The seeds of hatred for the zombie clan were planted in the heart of Lord Demon Ape and grew vigorously.

After that, the Demon Ape Lord was very eager to become stronger. While worshiping the black iron rod every day, he prayed to it to gain more power than the corpse tribe.

Because he wanted to resist the zombie clan, he felt that he was the most powerful creature in the world.

The secret book at that time was like a seed, taking root in the heart of the Demon Ape Venerable, causing him to change from the inside out, and also forging his Taoist heart on the path of cultivation.

Even though he did not have the corresponding strength, the Demon Ape Lord at that time already had the heart of a strong man.

In the beginning of this cultivation path, Lord Demon Ape obtained what others dreamed of, and laid a rock-solid foundation for the future cultivation path.

Time flies, and Master Demon Ape has made steady progress on the century-long cultivation path.

And every hundred years passed, and it was time for the Demon Ape Clan to change its leader.

As the leader, they cannot escape the fate of becoming blood food. Although they can live a hundred years longer than their tribesmen, at this moment, they must accept the fate of becoming blood food.

This is also the iron-blooded rule established by the corpse clan when they raised many blood-eating races in captivity!

Although the corpse clan felt that under their control, there was no possibility of betrayal by the blood-eating race below, they had to take precautions.

Because such examples are too frequent in the underworld, no one knows which force will subvert their race.

External forces and internal forces are both possible.

The zombie clan also understands that royal power is not eternal, so they must eliminate all threats.

For this reason, they made a plan to replace the leader of each blood-eating race every hundred years to ensure that the race cannot unite as one, let alone have the idea of ​​disobedience.

In fact, this has a miraculous effect. All blood-eating races are firmly controlled by them, and betrayal is impossible. Therefore, their corpse clan dynasty is extremely stable.

And a hundred years have passed, and this time it is the leader of the Demon Ape Clan's turn to become a blood-eater.

As usual, the members of the Corpse Clan came to the territory of the Demon Ape Clan and began to select clan members while preparing to take away the Demon Ape Lord.

At that moment, the Demon Ape Lord, who had been suppressed for a hundred years, broke out.

The astonishing combat power displayed shocked the zombie clan members even more. Facing the Demon Ape Lord, they found that they were unable to resist, and they were all killed in a short time.

This scene also frightened the tribesmen of Lord Demon Ape.

However, when the Demon Ape Lord killed all the members of the zombie clan and looked at the clansmen with joy and said that he wanted to take them away together, the clansmen's reaction was beyond his expectation.

The eyes of the tribesmen looking at him were full of horror, disgust, fear and strangeness.

They couldn't imagine why the leader had become so powerful, but their biggest thought was how could the leader be so stupid and dare to disobey the corpse clan.

In fact, it was just the wishful thinking of the Demon Ape Venerable. No tribesman was willing to follow him to resist, and no tribesman was willing to follow him on this path to power.

Because they have long been accustomed to such a life, becoming blood food is a matter of course for these people.

When everyone is ignorant, the person who sees the reality clearly and has the courage to resist becomes a fool in the eyes of everyone.

The unwilling Lord Demon Ape tried to persuade the tribesmen, but no tribesmen paid attention to him and did not even dare to face him.

At that moment, Lord Demon Ape's heart was filled with anger.

He doesn't hate his tribe, but he hates the corpse tribe for making their tribe so ignorant!

He did not choose to leave alone, because he knew that if he left, the Demon Ape Clan would surely perish.

He was born here and has developed feelings for his tribe after spending hundreds of years together. He couldn't bear to see the tribe being wiped out, so he could only beg the tribe members, hoping that they would wake up.

But soon, members of the corpse clan who discovered the abnormality of the Demon Ape Clan rushed over.

The war broke out again. This time, while killing the members of the zombie clan, the Demon Ape Lord looked at the clansmen roaring, in order to prove to them that the zombie clan was not inviolable and they would also die.

Even in order to prove this point, the Demon Ape Lord finally left a member of the corpse tribe behind and asked him to kneel in front of him and beg him to prove this point to his tribe.

But what the Lord Demon Ape didn't expect was that the eyes of the clan members were still full of hesitation, without any awakening. They even fell to the ground, trying to release this corpse clan member in front of him, and begging for the forgiveness of this corpse clan member. .

The angry Demon Ape Lord killed the corpse clan member on the spot.

Later, the corpse clan army arrived, and the Demon Ape Lord fought bloody battles alone, but what his clansmen did made him despair.

From their eyes, Lord Demon Ape saw that what they wanted was for the corpse tribe to kill them, not for them to win.

The Lord Demon Ape was seriously injured in this battle, and there were many beings stronger than him among the overwhelming zombie clan strongmen.

But even though he was covered in blood, the Demon Ape Lord still fought hard.

Even if he dies, he will never succumb to the zombie clan again. He should be the strongest creature in the world!

At that moment, the black iron rod seemed to resonate with him, rising from the ground and held firmly in his hand.

Vast power poured into his body continuously. At that moment, the stubbornness in his heart was protected by the black iron rod, and the Demon Ape Lord went berserk.

He pierced the sky with his raised hand, and swept away thousands of armies with his wave of his stick, just like the God of War.

This battle lasted for more than a year. Whenever he was on the verge of death, the black iron rod would pull him back from life and death and give him the strength to continue fighting.

After more than a year of bloody battles, the Demon Ape Lord became stronger and stronger as he fought, and finally became a god on the spot. During the fight, he carved his name on the Yin God List.

Heaven and earth weep with blood, and all things in nature congratulate each other.

But at the moment of becoming a god, the Demon Ape Lord placed a law curse on his own people.

"Since the corpse tribe regards our demon ape tribe as blood food, then I curse the descendants of my demon ape tribe to become addicted to the corpse tribe, swallow their flesh, flesh, bones, and absorb the power of their blood. They will have evil thoughts and be irresistible for generations to come. !”

This curse was engraved in the flesh and blood of every Demon Ape Clan member. After that, when they saw the Corpse Clan, they couldn't resist trying to devour them, because this was the curse of the Demon Ape Lord.

It is also the beginning of the Demonic Ape Clan’s control of the second realm of hell!


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