The Empress’s Gigolo

Chapter 866: Sale of food

That afternoon, Ren Baqian met Qing Lian again in the palace.

"I've seen His Royal Highness." Qing Lian stepped forward to Yingying.

"Well, acquaintance, let's talk about it." Ren Baqian forehead, then chuckled. "I heard that when you entered the city, there were hundreds of cars. Is this the money you paid for?"

"Your Highness is right, this trip is to pay back the money. The agreement between the Su Gong and His Highness has never forgotten." Qing Lian said. "But in addition to paying back the money, there is one more thing to ask His Highness for help, which is easy for His Highness."

"Let's hear it first!" Ren Baqian actually guessed from Qinglian's team from last night.

Although he does not know the situation of Su Qing in the north, he can guess one or two more or less.

At the time of Su Qing's uprising, the common people of many provinces (Daxia divided the area by the province) were boring.

Su Qing swept through a million refugees. The fierce fighting between the two sides affected more than millions.

Large areas of the population were displaced, either trapped in chaos or busy fleeing. The discipline of the peasant uprising is entirely conceivable, and the place where it passes is like a locust crossing.

Who will farm in this case?

No one is farming, so it must be buying food.

"His Royal Highness, in addition to part of the remuneration agreed with His Highness, we also want to buy some food." Qing Lian honoured.

"Hehe, hehehehe!" Ren Baqian smiled happily, and the inexplicable laughter echoed throughout the hall. "Come at Dayao to buy food ... Thank you so much for figuring it out!"

Dayao lacks food for 10,000 years, and imports a significant proportion of food every year.

Of course, this was two years ago.

"His Royal Highness, let ’s not say that Yun has now been occupied by Dayao. Dayao alone is no longer short of food, and even rich. If His Highness can reach out at this time, we are grateful. Besides, if we His defeat is no good to His Highness. If we and Da Xia have always been so deadlocked, it is what His Highness wants most to see! "Qing Lian stood up slowly and said slowly, without a hurry, with a kind of confidence in her voice Is self-confidence.

She believed that what she said was what Ren Baqian thought.

"Daxia ... To be honest, Xia Baizhang is dead, and I have no opinion about Daxia. To be honest, do you think I care about Daxia?" Ren Baqian smiled. "I don't care whoever you win or lose, or whether you are on your own."

"His words, I believe. If you master Izumo, you have the lifeblood of your throat. No matter salt, food, or weapons, you can no longer restrict Da Yao. And the soldiers themselves are Da Yao's strengths. These plus His High Wisdom, Dayao has no shortcomings. "

"Maybe they're fighting for it, they're just fighting for that land for decades."

Qing Lian said softly, raising her eyes and staring at Ren Baqian un blinked.

"I'm not interested in that land!" Ren Baqian shook his head. This is the truth. He really had no interest in that land. Conquering, occupying, conquering, and ruling a country is not so easy.

Who does who knows.

If it weren't for the bald head, Ren Baqian would feel that he would have long white hair. This would be just an Izumo.

In fact, this area is enough for him to play.

Dayao and Izumo, equivalent to three-fifths of China's territory, are considered a superpower on the earth.

The endless treasures in the 60,000 Mountains and the Izumo deposits are waiting to be developed.

There is no need to forcibly occupy another piece of land, face a lot of hostility, and have a headache every day in order to wipe out the rebels and appease the people.

In fact, Ren Baqian would like to see Dayao's high-rise buildings, cars, trains, ships, and planes, but outside the borders in a feudal society. This sharp contrast would be very interesting.

Qing Lian saw that Ren Baqian's words were true, but she also understood that people would change. Now that the other party is not interested, it does not mean that they are not interested in the future.

"Any way, a regime that has friendship with Da Yao is always good. It can also give His Royal Highness less trouble in the future." Qing Lian smiled, and her estimate of the success of this trip was- Jiucheng success rate.

So no matter what Ren Baqian said, she would not worry.

However, Ren Baqian did not intend to hang her appetite, he was ready to answer the party.

The output of those high-yield crops is too high, jumping from three to four hundred kilograms per mu of local crops to three or four thousand kilograms per mu, or even six or seven thousand kilograms, and two seasons a year.

It is estimated that after two months of harvest, the price of sweet potatoes will drop to five pennies and three pounds.

He is currently preparing to promote cellars and saltpeter ice to store these crops. At the same time, the production process of sweet potato wine, sweet potato starch, potato starch and vermicelli is also being sorted out.

If we can sell a batch, it can relieve a lot of pressure.

After the harvest two months later, it is the rainy season, and there is a little half a year to prepare slowly.

"Just to be honest, how much money do you bring and how many pounds of food do you want to buy?" Ren Baqin asked.

Hearing Ren Baqian's words, Qing Lian was not surprised at all: "His Royal Highness, this time we brought a total of 15 million gold and silver and jewellery, of which 10 million is part of the agreement between Su Gong and adults Cheng, and gold and silver worth five million yuan are used to buy sweet potatoes, potatoes, and pumpkins. "

Ren Baqian figured it out, according to the current market price of sweet potato three pounds a penny, a bucket of thirty wen, a stone three hundred wen. However, they must not be sold according to a pound of Sanwen. First, the market price will be affected, and many of them will be sent from other places. In addition to road expenses, at least it will be calculated according to a pound of Liuwen.

And after they buy back a lot of these high-yield crops, they will be able to bear fruit in the area occupied by Suqing from the second half of this year to next year.

Anyway, this is also brought back from the earth, did they pay copyright fees?

This is still sweet potatoes, and the price of potatoes and pumpkins is even higher ~ ~ Ren Baqian quietly calculated before he looked up and said: "I can sell you one million stone sweet potatoes, 500,000 stone potatoes and five 100,000 stone pumpkins and 150,000 horns, and someone will send them to Pingcheng for delivery in five months. You have to pay two million more. "

The price is equivalent to seven times the current market price, but the price cannot be calculated based on the market price. Two million stones is 100,000 tons. In this era, it was simply an insane amount of transportation.

Based on the current muddy road, an ox cart is generally about half a ton. Based on one month's round trip, it takes 40,000 ox carts and 20,000 escorts for five round trips. Grain loss during the period is not a small figure.

"Thank you, Your Highness." Qing Lian smiled slightly, meaning nothing to bargain.

In fact, it is a success to be able to buy so much grain here. As for the price, that is the thing that doesn't matter much.

Many times, it is not that the more you buy, the cheaper it is, but the more you buy, the more expensive!

Not to mention, they have nowhere else to buy food except Da Yao. Ren Baqian sold them this price as a conscience, and delivered it to Pingcheng attentively.

Of course, the harvest is not small. The income of 7 million yuan is higher than that of the previous day of the Treasury.

And this is the first time that a large amount of money has returned, in addition to robbery.

Having settled the matter, Ren Baqian was finally able to ask himself what he wanted to ask.

In his opinion, it is more important than these foods!


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