The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 505 Seven City Lords

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The power to imprison the two disappeared, but Chen Xiangyue and Fu Qing did not dare to do it, because they thought of those people in Xiangyue City and those they were familiar with and close to.

Feel the murderousness of the other party, and as a king, what the other party says, it will definitely be done. If they really dare to die, then other people in Xiangyue City will also die, and those who are familiar and close will be even more miserable.

They were not afraid of death, but they still had to consider Xiangyue City, so the two of them stopped moving.

Zhao Fu looked at the two of them with bloody eyes and cold eyes, "There has never been a single person in Daqin who dared to disobey himself so much, and even chose to resist with death."

I wanted to treat them well, but they are like this, immediately! This made Zhao Fu feel a surge of anger, and he chose a tough attitude to solve it.

"What? Don't continue?" Zhao Fu's icy voice sounded again.

Chen Xiangyue scolded a little angrily, "You are too despicable to threaten us with the people of Xiangyue City!"

Zhao Fu snorted coldly, ignored their words, and said coldly, "Take off your clothes!"

At this time, a group of maids came out of the hall, and Xian Ru, and no one else. They were stunned when they heard Zhao Fu's words.

When Chen Xiangyue and Fu Qing heard this, they were so angry that they almost slit their necks.

"I'm saying it once, take off your clothes!" Zhao Fu's tone increased, his originally cold voice turned cold and murderous again, looking at the two women.

Under Zhao Fu's strength, Chen Xiangyue's second daughter had already given up the idea of ​​dying, but they really couldn't do such a humiliating thing.

"Someone!" Zhao Fu suddenly shouted.

Chen Xiangyue's expressions changed. Knowing what Zhao Fu was about to do, she hurriedly shouted, "Wait! I... get off."

At first, it was Chen Xiangyue, who put down her hairpin, lowered her green skirt one by one, and slowly took off her green dress. She paid for it. Feeling humiliated and angry, she began to take off her armor, which fell off one by one. , The tears of the two fell drop by drop.

In the end, after all their clothes were taken off, two delicate white bodies appeared in the hall. The two women bowed their heads in humiliation, covering their chests with one hand and their lower bodies with the other.

"Take your hand away!" Zhao Fu's voice sounded again.

Xian Ru, who was standing next to him, felt that Zhao Fu had gone a little too far, but seeing Zhao Fu's angry look at this moment, Xian Ru also lowered his head and said nothing.

Chen Xiangyue and Fu Qing, the two women gritted their teeth, angry and humiliated, and slowly removed the hands that were covering their bodies, and their bodies were fully displayed in front of Zhao Fu's eyes.

The delicate chest, slender waist, and the bottom are also unobstructed.

Zhao Fu stood up, stepped from above, walked to the front of Chen Xiangyue and the two girls below, stretched out his hands, raised the chins of the two girls, and made the two girls raise their heads.

At this time, the two women's eyes were flushed, tears kept falling from their beautiful cheeks, and their cheeks were also flushed. The two of them had never shown their bodies in front of so many people.

Although Zhao Fu's chin was lifted, Chen Xiangyue was humiliated, and she also had a hint of shame and anger. She turned her eyes to the other side and did not meet Zhao Fu's eyes. , It can be said that he hates Zhao Fu to death.

The two women thought that Zhao Fu was about to do something to them in the hall, but Zhao Fu snorted coldly, withdrew his hand, and left.

Xian Ru automatically followed behind Zhao Fu and left the hall with Zhao Fu.

Everyone present breathed a sigh of relief. As an emperor, no one was not afraid of his angry appearance.

Chen Xiangyue and Fu Qing also held back their tears, and quickly put on their clothes, and then led by several maids, came to a yard specially prepared for them.

Similarly, they also met Miao Qianmeng and Bai Yiqin here. The two of them looked at the five extra women and sighed.

They were confused at first, and they were suddenly conferred concubine by Zhao Fu. At that time, they hadn't reacted, and they never thought that Emperor Qin would directly concubine them. After thinking for a long time, they finally chose to accept their fate.

It's already like this, and they are powerless to resist, but although they have become orthodox women of the Great Qin Emperor, they don't know why the Great Qin Emperor has never touched them.

They are still very confident in their beauty, but they don't know why the Emperor Daqin didn't come. Then they thought of the Emperor Feng, and their faces darkened. They guessed that the Emperor Daqin was not interested in them and conferred them as concubine. , just using them to do something.

Miao Qianmeng's two daughters are reluctant to think about it in this regard. They would rather the emperor of Qin be interested in their bodies and play with them at will, because at least they can be a woman.

Staying here, they seem to have lost the right to be a human being, imprisoned here forever, enduring endless loneliness and loneliness until their lives end. They really don't want to see such a result.

Therefore, I hope that even if Emperor Qin does something good to them, at least they can be treated as a woman, not a thing, and they are still there at will.

Looking at five more Xiaoyue women now, although I don't know what happened outside, the appearance of these five beautiful women will undoubtedly reduce their chances, and also confirm their conjectures. Thinking of their fate, make them look

of a dark.


Next to a small stream, Zhao Fu sat cross-legged on the ground, holding a fishing rod in his hand, quietly fishing. Unknowingly, Zhao Fu likes fishing a little, because it can calm his mood.

At the same time, Zhao Fu's cultivation is also rapidly improving.

"Your Highness! You shouldn't be angry now," Xian Ru suddenly said with a smile next to her.

Zhao Fu responded lightly.

"Then Your Highness is going to start planning, is it the third goal?" Xian Ru asked again with concern.

This Zhao Fu thought about it, but shook his head and said, "The third goal, let's put it aside for the time being. It is really difficult to face three main system cities at one time. First, let's make the conditions for upgrading the heavy city. Be satisfied!"

The conditions for upgrading a heavy city are three small cities and six small towns. Now Daqin already has two small towns and four small towns. There is one small town left, and two small towns meet the upgrade conditions.

Although Daqin already has seven major city-level system main cities, the level of which is far higher than that of small cities, but conditions are conditions, only small cities and small towns are needed.

However, when Da Qin upgraded the capital, it was a little easier, because the conditions for upgrading the heavy city were three heavy cities, six small cities, and nine small towns.


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