The Original Vampire

Seventy-nine The Fog of History

The "Black Emperor" did not leave any records.

This is a very strange thing.

As the former owner of the Radiance Empire, it should have been recorded in the history books.

What's more, this emperor is still so special.

Killed by his own vassals, he also attracted the oracle of the Lord of Glory.

This kind of person should have left a strong mark in the history books!

Even if it is notorious, it should not be nothing.

"So, what evil thing did this 'Dark Emperor' do, and there is no record left?" Ke Lin suddenly asked.

Quincy shook his head and lowered his voice slightly, as if he was afraid of something: "Lord Viscount, the truth about that history has always been shrouded in fog.

What exactly did the 'Dark Emperor' do? Why did the Duke of St. Theon kill him? Why did this event trigger an oracle?

These things are not recorded in detail.

In all the history books I've seen, the accounts of these two men are simplistic and vague, as if they're trying to hide something. "

Colin nodded in agreement.

I think there are too many doubts about this history.

So, why did Marquis Garcia suggest him to learn about this history?

After thinking for a while, Colin suddenly asked again: "By the way, the history of the Saint Theon family should be here."

"Yes." Quincy ran to the bookshelf again and pulled out a book from it.

"Lord Viscount, please take a look."

Colin looked again.

In fact, Colin knew something about the Saint Theon family.

After all, this is also a Paladin family, an absolute noble.

In addition to the imperial royal family, there are only six such families in the entire human empire.

Of course, of the six Paladin families that can be passed down to this day, there are only four left.

Among the other two that disappeared, the Saint Theon family was one of them.

Thinking about it carefully, this is actually an unreasonable thing.

Because according to the unspoken rules of the aristocracy in this world, it is very difficult for tragic incidents such as looting and annihilation of a family to occur.

Just like when the Duke of St. Hilde executed the rebellious lords, he also spared their families.

Therefore, these families just lost their titles and territories, but the families did not die out because of this, and they were still a member of the nobility.

No matter how desolate they are, they still have surnames, which are fundamentally different from commoners.

Once you have achieved enough military merit, you can immediately accept the reward and rise again.

Therefore, few noble surnames are lost.

Especially the noble surname with the prefix "Saint", such as Saint Theon, has disappeared into the long river of history like this, it is too strange.

After roughly flipping through the history of the Saint Theon family, Colin's doubts still did not disappear.

According to the records in the book, the fief of the Saint Theon family is in the eastern border of the empire.

However, at that time, the eastern border of the empire was not as monolithic as it is now.

Instead, it is divided into two territories: a south and a north.

The southern part of the Eastern Territory is the territory of the Saint Pross family, while the northern part of the Eastern Territory is the territory of the Saint Theon family.

The territories of these two families are next to each other, and of course there are many disputes and frictions, and even large-scale wars have been fought several times.

However, what is interesting is that in the end, the Saint Theon family really lost the crucial war in the northern part of the Eastern Territory, but they fought against the Saint Hilde family in the Northern Territory.

In the war that happened more than 300 years ago, the Duke of the North led his army to defeat the main army of the Saint Theon family, and even killed the Duke of Saint Theon himself.

[Blade of Judgment] became the trophy of the Saint Hilde family in this war.

However, the real winner of that war was the St. Pros family behind the mantis catching the cicada oriole.

They took advantage of the great defeat of the Saint Theon family and the heavy losses of the northern army. When they were unable to fight again, they invaded the northern part of the east, and finally wiped out the remnants of the Saint Theon family and became the only master of the east.

But here's the weirdness.

In this war, although the Saint Theon family lost their territory and ruined the army, the family members did not suffer too many losses.

Whether it is the St. Hilde family or the St. Pross family, after killing the Duke of St. Theon the Judge, they will not break the unspoken rules of the nobles and kill the St. Theon family.

However, the nightmare of the Saint Theon family began.

Lost territory, without the protection of castles and armies, members of the Saint Theon family have been repeatedly assassinated, and the killer has never been found.

This incident even alarmed the imperial family. The San Lorenzo family took the initiative to mediate, and severely reprimanded the Duke of St. Hilde and the Duke of St. Pros, asking them to maintain the victorious demeanor and forgive the losers.

At the same time, His Majesty the Emperor at that time also took the surviving members of the Saint Theon family into the palace for strict protection.

However, this still did not stop the members of the Saint Theon family from dying violently one by one for various strange reasons.

Later, even the Glorious Church was angered by this rule-breaking move, and His Holiness the Pope stood up in person, claiming that he would never allow a noble bloodline like Saint Theon to be cut off.

The two cardinals even came to the north and east in person, demanding that the dukes of St. Hilde and St. Pros stop this rule-breaking behavior.

Of course, the two dukes complained repeatedly. In order to clear their suspicions, they also announced the whereabouts of every knight under their command, and allowed church personnel to monitor and search their territory at will.

Under the gazes of various eyes, the two biggest enemies of the Saint Theon family seemed to be closely watched, and there was no chance for them to do anything.

But even so, it still can't stop the members of the Saint Theon family from dying one by one.

Who is behind the scenes, insisting on killing the Saint Theon family?

There is no answer in the history books for this strange thing.

In the end, this once-prominent paladin family disappeared from the empire.

I just don't know if the inheritance has been completely cut off, or if it has been quietly hidden.

After reading this history, Colin's doubts not only did not decrease, but instead increased.

In his opinion, the history of [Blade of Judgment] must have hidden the most important information.

And this information may be the real hint that Marquis Garcia gave him.

However, it is estimated that this clue cannot be found in the history books.

This is not surprising. What really falls on the pen is often what the superiors want future generations to see, and the really key things may only be known by a very few people.

Those that are heavily covered by the fog of history, bloody, dirty, ugly... are often the truth.

Closing the book, Colin suddenly turned to Quincy and asked, "What do you think of the demise of the Saint Theon family?"

Quincy hesitated for a moment and chose his words carefully: "Lord Viscount, I think they deserved what they deserved."

"Oh why?"

"No matter how it is decorated, the killing of the Dark Emperor by the Duke of Saint Theon is an unforgivable betrayal."

Colin didn't expect Quincy to see it this way.

However, after thinking about it carefully, Colin suddenly felt that the old man seemed to mean something else.


To whom is the murder of the king the most unforgivable?

Of course the imperial family - the San Lorenzo family!

The Duke of St. Theon's monarchy, for whatever reason, was an unforgivable betrayal to the San Lorenzo family.

It seriously damaged the prestige of the imperial family.

No wonder the Saint Theon family fled into the palace and were assassinated one after another.

Huh, that's what happened.

The St. Hilde family and the St. Pross family are probably just thugs in the open.

The one who really wants to break the lifeblood of the Saint Theon family may be the imperial royal family!

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