Episode 34: Someone Is Back (XII)


The emperor clapped in joy, and at the same time, the tall branch of the Tales Tree that the Elistone touched shone brightly.

Even though there was no wind, the branches of the tree swayed as if they were in a good mood.

“The Tailes Tree must be happy!”

The snobbish  tree was overjoyed, and the emperor quickly put his hand on the Tales Tree. Smiling at me, he said, 

“I’ll give my thanks after praying.”

“Yes, Your Majesty.”

“It might take some time. If you’re bored, please chat.”

“Then I will give the rest of the explanation about buoyancy to Your Majesty’s escort knights. They might be interested.”

“…Are there more explanations left?”

“Yes. In case you’re wondering, after the prayer…”

“It’s okay. Apparently, this is a topic that drives my escort knights crazy with curiosity, so please continue without interruption.”

“All right.”

The escort knights looked at the emperor with expressions of betrayal. But the emperor turned his face back towards the tree without looking back and closed his eyes.

For a moment, we all held our breath. It was because there was the illusion that the Tales Tree and the emperor were enveloped, as if they had become one.

For a while, the emperor stood firm as if he had become a tree and prayed. All the while, the tall branches swayed, gleaming and dancing with great satisfaction.

And, strangely enough, after a few minutes, we all became bored. It wasn’t for nothing that the emperor said we could make small talk.

I glanced back at the escort knights and smiled.

“…Um, how far have I explained?”

It had been a long time since I gave a lecture, so I was very excited.

“Theoretically, you can just use fire. However, I used Portin because I was afraid the tree would catch fire.”

Time flew very well as I was diligently explaining to the escort knights who seemed to be out of spirit.

“The language of all these sciences is represented by formulas, which is why everyone says that mathematics is the language of the universe…”

And it didn’t seem like much time had passed when the emperor opened his eyes.

The escort knights reacted immediately to the gesture suggesting the prayer was over.

“Your Majesty! I was worried that you seemed to be praying for too long.”

“A lot of time has passed, Your Majesty.”

“You have been praying for so long, Your Majesty. His Majesty, the first emperor, will surely understand your sincerity.”

The emperor smiled and patted the guards on the shoulders. It looked like he knew something.

“Yes. I prayed earnestly that Ed would return soon, and that if there were circumstances that caused him to be unable to come back, the situation would be resolved.”

I stared at the emaciated face of the emperor. It was a desperate yet sad face that did not give up hope for his child.

“Princess Kiana, thank you so much.”

The emperor looked at me and forced a smile.

“You may wonder why I am clinging to something that has no substance, but the heart of a parent is just so irrational.”

The tree was too overjoyed for it to be insubstantial, but… well, anyway

“If only I could touch those chubby cheeks once more…”

The emperor spoke in a calm, but somehow sorrowful voice.

“It must be difficult for a young ducal princess, now 22-years-old, to understand.”

I quietly looked at the emperor’s face.

‘What are the ‘things that are difficult to understand’ that the emperor refers to?’

Everyone said that the crown prince was dead, but clinging to the smallest hope that he might not be dead alone…

Believing that something would happen, and taking painkillers knowing that you would suffer for a long time…

“…I understand, Your Majesty. Really.”

That’s how I felt towards my mother.

The desire to believe in my mother just because she appeared in my nightmares, saying, ‘It’s unfair.’

Even though there was no substance, I could understand the miserable expectation that couldn’t be simply thrown away.

“Thank you for saying that.”

The emperor spoke softly.

Looking at that lonely face, I impulsively asked.

“By the way, could there be a reason why His Highness the Crown Prince couldn’t come back?”

The emperor was silent for a moment. Then, after taking a deep breath, he said,


The emperor’s voice was full of grief.

I shut my mouth and blinked.

After a moment of silence, the emperor uttered slowly.

“Princess, it’s said that the Tales family is loved by the gods. Do you know why?”


I answered politely.

“Poison doesn’t work on the imperial family of Tales.”


The emperor nodded slowly.

But he hasn’t said anything since. That was a really random question.

There was silence again.

Without saying a word, we left Tales Tree and came out of the backyard. The emperor could go to his palace as it was, and I would go to the ducal residence. It meant that it was time to part with the emperor.

“Then, Your Majesty the Emperor…”

It was just when I was about to bid farewell to the emperor with courtesy.

“Princess, I will formally apologize.”

In a low tone, the emperor said,

“A while ago, I said that you didn’t have Prelai’s abilities… but you have a special ability, more than anyone else.”

The blue eyes directed at me held a benevolent smile.

“It’s no wonder Duke Prelai trusted and sent you. I’m really sorry if I offended you.”


I answered right away.

“It’s true that I couldn’t summon a magic beast. It’s a bit late, but I accepted that fact. Your Majesty did not lie, so I was not offended. And…”

Looking at the emperor’s gentle face, I hesitated before adding.

“Actually, I have a summon too, Your Majesty.”


“I didn’t summon it, but I got a summon anyway. It wasn’t in the form I was hoping for, but anyway, my earnest wish came true.”

The emperor looked confused.

I put my hands together respectfully and continued.

“His Highness the Crown Prince will surely respond to Your Majesty’s earnestness. Even if it is not in the form Your Majesty desired.”


At my words, the emperor smiled once again. But for the first time today, it was a smile that seemed genuinely happy.

“You know how to comfort me.”

“I’ve been through a lot of dark emotions. It’s been difficult from birth, so it’s perfect to try to overcome it.”

Hearing that, the emperor laughed lightheartedly. Then he said with his eyes shining.

“I hope I can see the princess’ summoned beast next time. It will take time.”

I could understand what the emperor meant by ‘time’.

Today, he endured with the power of painkillers and stimulants. For quite some time to come, the emperor would be in bed. So, taking time was inevitable.

The emperor gazed at me and continued faintly.

“I’ve seen many young ladies, but the princess is the first one I’d like to have as a daughter-in-law. If Ed was here, I would have forced him to make room.”

“Ah… That is…”

“Why, is it troublesome? Is my Ed not to your taste? As long as he loses weight, he’ll be pretty good. And that’s baby fat.”


‘Isn’t baby fat that doesn’t fall out until 16-years-old usually just fat?’

“If he loses weight, he will become a sword master right away. Everyone who uses swords has said that.”


In any case, it was true that the boy in my memory, the crown prince, was a bit chubby. I remember everyone whispering behind his back that he would grow up to be a cute man, like a docile teddy bear.

But what didn’t really suit my taste was the crown prince’s expression.

His characteristic happy expression was like the sunlight that always smiled generously.

Generosity unique to those who have everything in the highest position.

When I was 15-years-old, on the day of a piano performance event, I played Melissa instead of the piano in front of others.
(TL/N: Kiana messed with or disturbed Melissa.)

At that time, everyone including Rodrigo ran to Melissa, but only the crown prince ran to me and shouted, ‘Princess, what’s going on!’

I felt extremely shabby just by seeing his face, which was mixed with pure worry and innocent curiosity, and ran away with the words, ‘Well, goodbye.’

It was because darkness instinctively avoided sunlight. Therefore, I never had the desire to become the crown princess.

“I apologize, Your Majesty. I have a lover now.”

“Something like that… Never mind. You just have to get rid of your lover.”

Huh? Wait a minute. I think I just heard something very uncomfortable.

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