Blanche, a nineteen-year-old girl with lustrous black hair, piercing green eyes, and an exquisite face, captivated all who beheld her. Her fame as an artist extended far and wide, her mastery encompassing a multitude of artistic mediums. In the realm of the Lionar Kingdom, she reigned as one of the most beautiful women, if not the most stunning, leaving countless men enraptured. Whispers circulated that several suitors, rejected by her, had met a tragic end, succumbing to the depths of despair. Blanche's allure was unparalleled, and she held a prominent role as one of the secondary heroines in a beloved novel.

Within the elegant venue, Blanche and her band serenaded the esteemed VIP guests with mellifluous low-tune melodies. The atmosphere was filled with conversations, but Fray, indifferent to the discourse, provided terse responses to the questions directed his way. Although the dinner had an amicable ambiance, a gathering of influential factions, none dared to engage in contentious discussions or delve into weighty matters—save for one topic that emerged.

"Mr. Fray, as you are aware, many cities in the Lionar Kingdom suffer from severe nutritional deficiencies," Noelle inquired, her curiosity piqued. "I've heard that you encountered a similar issue, yet managed to overcome it using a product you referred to as fertilizer. Would it be possible to acquire the recipe for this product and the rights to manufacture it?"

The Lionar Kingdom had persistently dispatched numerous letters, expressing their fervent desire to purchase the coveted organic fertilizer. However, the Prada family's responses merely stated that the product could not yet be exported to external markets, an explanation deemed implausible by the Lionar Kingdom. They suspected it to be a veiled act of retribution for past grievances. Noelle, ambitious to solidify her position as an heiress, yearned to obtain the precious fertilizer from the Prada family.

Fray, his expression one of indifference, responded, "The Parada family shall neither sell the rights to the fertilizer nor disclose its recipe. However, we do have plans to commence exporting it in due course."

Noelle, her smile strained, replied, "Mr. Fray, I implore you to bear the Lionar Kingdom in mind when you embark on exporting. We shall procure whatever quantity you produce, regardless of the price."

Internally seething with anger at Fray's arrogance and lack of respect, Noelle vowed to make him pay for his behavior once the dinner concluded. Her desire to obtain the organic fertilizer went beyond mere acquisition; she harbored another clandestine plan. Nonetheless, she maintained an outward façade of confidence, unwavering in her pursuit of her objectives.

Unexpectedly, the fourth princess, Iman, adorned with a gentle smile, interjected, "Mr. Fray, do you happen to miss my sister?"

Fray, caught off guard, found himself rendered speechless. Iman's audacity surpassed his wildest imaginings.

"Don't be shy, Mr. Fray. Feel free to answer honestly. I understand that my sister, the Third Princess, can be quite vexing at times. I don't blame you for initially abandoning her," Iman remarked, a hint of disdain tainting her smile.

The third princess, her head bowed, struggled to conceal the surge of anger and sadness that flooded her eyes. Fray's countenance grew colder, comprehending Iman's intentions. Though such tactics were not uncommon in conflicts for the throne, he found himself incensed, not only by Iman's audacious involvement but also by the sight of the once resilient and fierce girl reduced to such vulnerability. For the first time, he witnessed her bow her head in submission.

"Iman, enough!" Dalia interjected, her voice tinged with a reprimand. Turning to Fray, she continued, "Please accept my apologies, Mr. Fray. My sister still has much to learn and can display immaturity."

Behind her smile and gentle tone, Fray discerned the true nature of Dalia—a cruel and uncouth individual. His anger intensified, yet he resolved to temporarily suppress his emotions, resolute in executing his plan. Opportunities would undoubtedly arise to make them pay the price for their impudence.

At the far end of the room, Blanche discreetly signaled Noelle, evoking a reciprocal smile and an identical gesture.


Suddenly, the melodies flowing from Blanche's instrument assumed an ethereal and peculiar quality. Invisible sound waves, mesmerizing in their strangeness, coalesced and converged upon Fray from all directions.

* symphony of love*

Sensing this uncanny phenomenon, Fray momentarily set aside his simmering anger, focusing instead on the execution of his plan. He gazed at Blanche with an icy stare, his voice low and devoid of emotion as he uttered, "You possess remarkable bravery, Mrs. Blanche."

Noelle and Blanche exchanged incredulous glances, caught off guard by Fray's unexpected words. The expressions of those present shifted from surprise to caution, acutely aware of the weight carried by Fray's words. They understood all too well that Fray, a man capable of ruthlessly eliminating anyone who provoked him, did not issue empty threats.

Lisa, observing the unfolding spectacle with a mixture of confusion and concern, struggled to fathom Fray's intentions. As someone intimately acquainted with his mindset, she sensed that Blanche's life hung in the balance, dependent on her compliance.

(Does he realize the gravity of the situation?) The third princess lifted her head, her eyes filled with apprehension as she scrutinized Fray's cold countenance. A foreboding sensation told her that complications were bound to arise.

Noelle, her expression anxious, implored, "What do you mean, Mr. Fray?"

Fray, refusing to dignify her query with a response, maintained his unwavering gaze upon Blanche.

"No more, Fray! You dare to threaten a revered citizen of Lioran in the presence of the kingdom's princesses. Do you comprehend the dire consequences of your actions?" Reylond erupted in anger, his voice resonating with fury.

Since his arrival at the restaurant, Fray had shown little regard for anyone present, eschewing respect at every turn. Now, he brazenly provoked the woman he held a deep affection for. Each of his actions stoked Reylond's ire, kindling a fiery rage.

( As expected he's under her spell. Good! I was already tired from this dinner ) looking at Reylond with dead eyes, Fray thought. 

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