The villain's side of the novel

73 The guests' outrage

(Everything was going according to plan, but how did the master know all this in advance? I'm certain that the Parada family is not involved in this curse... The master hides many terrifying secrets.) Rin, who was watching the unfolding events with a poker face, couldn't help but recall Fray's speech from a few days ago.


"The angel will compel the audience to identify the culprit responsible for the curse, and given our relationship with the Lionar Kingdom, they will undoubtedly suspect me as the head of the Parada family first. Furthermore, with the angel granting complete privacy during the investigation, they will surely present me as the prime suspect," Fray stated seriously, his gaze fixed on Rin and Casper, who sat with him around the table.

"That won't be a problem. With Axelius' assistance, we can easily prevent them from voting against you," Casper confidently replied.

"No, Casper. You won't accompany me into the hall. You have another task, and besides, you're not adept at staying hidden," Fray responded firmly.

"Hiding?... Are you suggesting that Rin accompanies you? But he's an assassin. How will he be able to control such a large number of...?" Casper's words trailed off.

"Spectrum Wire," Rin interjected, breaking the silence and confirming his understanding.

"Yes, Rin can use Spectrum Wires to restrain a significant number of guests once their powers are neutralized," Fray calmly affirmed, acknowledging Rin's contribution.

"But, sir, even with my stealth skills, it will be challenging to pass through the gate without drawing the guards' attention. Moreover, the party will be attended by numerous powerful individuals. Even with the rune crafted by the master, it will be difficult to elude their scrutiny," Rin expressed his concerns, his skepticism evident on his face.

"Don't worry. I will distract the guards upon entering, providing you with an opportunity to slip in without complications. As for the guests, they will be engrossed in the party and their caution will naturally diminish in such a friendly atmosphere. Just maintain a safe distance from those whose strength surpasses that of the Seventh Kingdom. With the aid of the rune and your stealth skills, I am confident you can evade their detection," Fray reassured, his expression brimming with confidence as he gazed at Rin, who still harbored doubts.


Interrupting Rin's contemplation, several consecutive windows materialized before the guests' eyes.

[The curse remains unbroken.]


[The accused Alex Zohan is not the culprit.]

[The trial will continue.]

"Oh no...! The head of the family..."

"Aleeeex, this can't be...?"


"Who could be responsible for provoking the wrath of this entity?"

Shock, fear, hopelessness, and a myriad of other heavy emotions engulfed the faces and hearts of the guests. Even Luke, Aslan, and the others were not exempt from these overwhelming sensations.

Amidst the chaos, Fray remained composed and indifferent, having foreseen this outcome. He knew that this was only the beginning and that the situation would soon take a turn for the worse.

(But why him exactly?) Fray pondered, baffled by the fact that Alex wasn't even among the top ten suspects, nor was there any evidence linking him to the curse.

"Alright, it doesn't matter. All will be clarified soon enough," Fray murmured in a low voice, then turned to Rin and commanded, "Release them."

"Understood, sir," Rin replied respectfully, swiftly removing the wires from the hostages' necks.

"What a relief!"

"Thank goodness! I thought he was going to kill us."

"At last... *sigh*


As they were released from their restraints, the hostages breathed a collective sigh of relief. The wires had constricted their throats, causing discomfort and pain. Moreover, the fear and terror they experienced under the grasp of a member of the Parada family were indescribable. However, their relief quickly transformed into shouts of anger and animosity.

"This fiend dared to hold us hostage within our own country! We must punish him!" The head of the Kianel family, who was among the hostages, erupted in fury.

The head of the Kianel family had initially sought to maintain a cordial relationship with the Parada family. However, Fray's despicable actions towards his family and the Lionar Kingdom had ignited an uncontrollable rage and deep-seated hatred within him. At that moment, the head of the Kianel family vowed to seek revenge against the head of the Parada family, even if it cost him his life. And he was not alone in harboring such vengeful thoughts.

"Yes, we cannot forgive this wicked man any longer."

"He has insulted our queen and our kingdom, and he had the audacity to hold us hostage during this catastrophe. These crimes are unforgivable."

"I no longer care about the consequences. We must teach him a lesson."

Fray had not only insulted them repeatedly but had also exploited their vulnerability to betrayal and threats. Consequently, every citizen of the Lionar Kingdom, without exception, now harbored deep disdain towards the presence of Fray Parada.

Luke and the investigation team, still reeling from the shocking failure of their plan, suddenly noticed a group of guests gathering with furious expressions fixed upon Fray. It was evident that they had resolved to exact revenge.

"Yet another problem..." the Fourth Princess Iman exclaimed, her anger palpable.

"It appears that the guests seek retribution against the head of the Parada family," the Second Princess Elia commented, her expression filled with concern.

"But why does Fray maintain such a calm demeanor?" Loe trembled, observing Fray standing alone in the corner of the hall, his characteristic poker face undisturbed, a drink casually held in his hand.

"You're right. Is he truly so confident, even in the face of so many adversaries?" Elia wondered aloud.

With the power of all present restricted within the First Kingdom, the strength in numbers could not be easily overcome. While Fray and Rin had managed to thwart their opponents previously by taking them hostage before they could react, in a direct confrontation, it would be impossible for Fray to emerge victorious against such odds.

"Mr. Parada, I am the court judge of the Lionar Kingdom. You have repeatedly violated the laws of our land. Now, with the authority bestowed upon me by Her Majesty Queen Fozya the Sixth, I demand that you surrender yourself so that your crimes may be justly judged," a cold voice emanated from a white-haired old man, his eyes fixed on Fray. Dozens of men exuding powerful auras stood behind him, ready to act.

"And if I refuse?" Fray replied in a relaxed tone, setting his drink aside on the nearby table.

"Then we will be forced to use force," the old man responded icily as the men behind him advanced toward Fray.

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