Fu Erdie was lying on the board and drawing, and when the details of the final draft were finally finalized, it seemed that a day had passed.

Bai t was already wet with sweat, sticking sticky to her back, Fu Erdie reacted and rushed to the bathroom to take a shower.

It's just June, so it shouldn't be so hot, it's quite comfortable to work and blow a fan.

But she painted for an afternoon, and when she came out of the painting state, she found that it was a bit ridiculously hot. Looking at the temperature display on the purifier, it was already 30 degrees, five degrees higher than noon.

Fu Erdie didn't think much about it, she took a bath, cooked and had dinner, warmed up the chicken breast that she didn't finish yesterday, and took her dog out for a walk.

c city is a second-tier city that is not fast paced.

With the support of her parents and grandmother, Fu Erdie has a small house with two bedrooms and one living room. Although it is an hour or two away by bus from the city center, it can be reached by taxi in half an hour.

However, the weather is hot today, and there are not many people walking after dinner.

Fu Erdie led the dog and walked slowly and leisurely. After walking for less than ten minutes, she also felt a little uncomfortable with the heat.

Open the weather information, the outside temperature is 32 degrees. And the weather was getting hotter and hotter, and for some reason, it also started to drizzle.

Fu Erdie took the dog home when the dog solved the major issue of the dog food reincarnation. When you get home, turn on the air conditioner and feel a little better.

The group message prompt sounded, and the small group was complaining about the temperature.

Zhao Xiaolu: "Wearing long sleeves in the morning almost made me faint after get off work!"

Cen Xiyang: "[smiles] I haven't gotten off work yet. It should be dark and the temperature will drop by the time I get off work."

Zhao Xiaolu: Hahahaha jpg

Cen Xiyang: [smile][smile][smile]

Seeing this, Fu Erdie also laughed.

The three of them are best friends since childhood.

Cen Xiyang, her primary and junior high school classmates.

Zhao Xiaolu is a junior high school classmate.

In the blink of an eye, the three of them are best friends.

Furdie feeds the hot chicken breast bibimbap to the dog. He went to take a shower by himself.

She likes to listen to music when she takes a bath. It is very loud when connected to the sound of the bathroom and the sound of water.

I vaguely heard a dog outside, lowering his voice and growling threats, Fu Erdie didn't take it seriously, and hummed along with the speaker.

Just suddenly, she heard a series of movements on the road outside, like the screeching sound of tires screeching from the sudden braking of the car.

Fu Erdie's singing paused, and continued to foam her hair.


The shampoo bottle slipped, and the 1000ml large bottle fell to the ground, making a surprising movement. The dog also barked wildly.

Fuerdie wiped the water and bubbles from her eyes, and while picking up the bottle, she comforted the dog: "It's alright, it's alright, something fell, don't bark, ah."

Although there was nothing serious, Fu Erdie was still inexplicably flustered, and quickly washed the bubbles on her head, put on her nightgown, wrapped her absorbent turban, and came out of the bathroom.

The dog stopped barking.

However, she kept making a guttural sound, and walked around the house anxiously, not knowing what she was threatening.

Fu Erdie touched the dog's head: "What's wrong?"

Fu Erdie: "It's alright, alright."

Saying so, Fu Erdie is actually very strange.

The dog was picked up two years ago when she just graduated from college. It was a very ordinary little dog that was abandoned on the side of the road. It was dark and scrawny.

The merchant next door said that the little dog has been abandoned here for a few days.

Its original owner lied to it and let it wait here, "I will pick you up when I go to the supermarket to buy something".

The dog is very good, seems to understand the original owner's words, and sits still.

But instead of going to the supermarket, the man turned a corner and ran away from the dog's sight.

, I don't know if I want to wait for the master to come back, or I know that I have been abandoned and watch the master leave from a distance."

She sighed again: "Poor, I haven't been going anywhere these days, just wait here, and occasionally pick up some garbage to eat."

Fu Erdie couldn't bear to hear this, and immediately took the dog home.

A nurture is two years.

For the past two years, Fu Erdie has been drawing illustrations full-time at home, and the dog has been with her.

It is very obedient, and it never roars unless there are outsiders approaching the door. It was the first time I had yelled at the air like this.

After thinking about it, Fu Erdie was also walking around the house, inspecting everywhere.

Nothing unusual, no rat cockroach.

"Shampoo bottle?" Fu Erdie thought uncertainly.

The phone rang suddenly, it was Zhao Xiaolu's call.

"Hello?" Before Fu Erdie could speak, she heard a riot of troops over there, and Zhao Xiaolu's heavy and panicked voice.

"Zombies! There are zombies outside!!"

Fu Erdie subconsciously told her to calm down, but instinctively rushed to the balcony and looked outside.

Furdie lives on the 16th floor, facing the road from the balcony. This road is just a fork, not a main road, and there are not many vehicles coming and going, but now I don't know why, many cars are going in the direction of the fork road, and the speed is very fast, like escaping something.

Fuerdie stretched out her head and looked in the direction of the traffic.

I saw a car that had an accident and was smoking on the side of the road.

My heart skipped a beat, and Fu Erdie suddenly realized that the sound of the shampoo bottle falling down just now couldn't be that loud.

It's the sound of a car accident outside!

Her head was buzzing.

A car accident can't be so noisy.

So, zombies?

"Zhao Xiaolu, where are you now!"

Fu Erdie heard the hurried voice over there and knew that she didn't have the time to explain too much of the situation. The phone came in a hurry, definitely asking for help.

Thinking about where she works, it is an industrial park three stations away from Fuerdie. She should have got off the bus halfway, and now she is coming to her place.

Zhao Xiaolu: "In... huh..." She was a little breathless, and reluctantly said: "Half an hour away from your house, I will run as fast as possible!"

Fu Erdie immediately said, "I'll come pick you up!"

"You pick up your ass! You scumbag, pick me up!" Zhao Xiaolu scolded, "I'll be at your house in a while, I'll call your name before you open it, others knock on the door and don't open it, did you hear me? !"

Hang up when you're done.

Fu Erdie was flustered when she heard the busy tone of hanging up.

The community where she lives is a fully occupied community. Now many people are on their way to get off work and haven't arrived home, and there are not as many people as there are at night. But there are many elderly people in the community. The few people who came out for a walk today did not mean that there were few people who came out to see the situation after the accident.

In particular, the elderly love to worry, they may come out to see the car accident, and there must be more people now than before!

Fu Erdie couldn't see why from the balcony, lifted the iron hammer that loosened the soil by the flower bed in one hand, and the mobile phone in the other, and rushed downstairs.

She hurriedly called grandma in the city center.

Busy tone.

Can't get through.

She sent text messages and WeChat messages to her grandmother.

The small gray circle turns around and turns into an exclamation mark that cannot be sent out.

She can only keep playing, keep playing.

She lives on the 16th floor. She was afraid to take the elevator for fear of an elevator accident, so she took the stairs directly.

But just after going down the second floor, I faced an old man with a pale complexion.

His pupils are cloudy, the whites of his eyes are unclear, and his walking posture is very strange, as if his joints are dislocated and upside down. But as soon as he saw her, the old man immediately used this awkward posture and rushed over quickly. The speed was so fast that he looked like a strong man!

Fu Erdie turned around and ran upstairs desperately.

The stairs continued to go upstairs, relying on the flexibility to reluctantly distanced, and returned to the residence of 16-1.

She took out the key, but made a mistake in her busy schedule.

The old zombie went up to the sixteenth floor, and the sound of dong dong dong running echoed in the corridor, every sound was a sign of life.

Fu Erdie twisted the key hard, the blue veins on the wrist bulged, and the key collided and made a jingle sound.

The old man turned the corner, finally found Fu Erdie, and rushed over instantly.


The door was unlocked.

Fu Erdie suddenly pulled, and the thick security door that opened wide was between him and the old man. After the collision, there was a muffled sound.

Fu Erdie hid behind the door outside the house, with the fire hydrant behind her, her waist slammed **** the lower edge of the fire hydrant, almost dislocating.

I don't know if it was lucky or unfortunate, but the door frame just pressed against the head of the zombie old man. The skull made a cracking and muffled sound that made people toothless, and the blood and brains flowed all over the place.

Fu Erdie was frightened and nauseated and wanted to let go.

But she is more afraid that this is not a zombie, things are not as bad as she thought, but she killed people by accident.

Her hand holding the mobile phone trembled slightly, and finally, she kicked the old zombie away, turned herself on one side, entered the room, closed the door and locked the anti-theft chain.

She turned on the computer and retrieved the monitor of her door facing the corridor.

Because the angle is set just right, it is clear how the old zombie rushes over.

Did she kill?

Is it self-defense?

She saved the video to the USB flash drive of the computer and mobile phone, and wanted to save it in the cloud, but the network was too slow to upload it.

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