Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 15 The Drunken Beauty of Xiangxi (15)

The other passengers also reacted when Miao Fangfei said it for the second time. They all knelt down regardless of their filthiness and gushed:

"Senior, we are here to see you back home!"

"Please rest in peace, we will send you back home!"

Zhao Hongtu was still hesitating while holding the bow, but Hou Feihu pressed his shoulder hard. He gritted his teeth and knelt down, kowtowing. The sky suddenly darkened, as if the sky was covered by a piece of black cloth. Condensed resentment hovered above their heads. The coldness was as sharp as a blade, making everyone's hair stand on end. The instinct of guarding against resistance was suppressed, and the body collapsed even more. Low, almost close to the earth.


The cold wind passed through the hall, and the sound of the ghostly wind lingered in everyone's ears, like the sound of horns on the battlefield, and as if the corpses in the coffins were still alive!

Bang, bang——

A dull knocking sound came from the main room, as if something was locked in the coffin, scratching at the coffin board unwilling to be hit.

They hate that they are dead and cannot continue to kill the enemy and protect the country.

They complained that they had dedicated themselves to serving the country, but their bodies were trapped here, unable to return to their roots.

They are angry, angry that someone has no good intentions and disturbs their peace!

Hatred, resentment, and anger became more and more surging as the passengers shouted "homecoming". The entire main house seemed to be overwhelmed, and even the bricks and tiles trembled.

Homecoming, homecoming!

Everyone was coerced by this surge of resentment, forced to feel the unwilling anger like an immersion, and their souls felt like they were leaving their bodies and returning to the battlefield a hundred years ago, unable to extricate themselves. Only Wei Xun, who was closest to the main room, remained aloof.

He could also sense the resentment. What was strange was that Wei Xun seemed to have clairvoyance and could see through the door of the wooden house that the scarlet-blood resentment rose from the coffin, hovering in the house, and attached to everyone. on a traveler.

The resentful souls in the coffin heard the passengers' promises, and if they made a promise, they must keep it.

Otherwise, you will be subject to brutal retaliation.

There was also scarlet resentment floating towards Wei Xun, but it suddenly dissipated when it was about to touch Wei Xun.

[SAN value: 89]

The SAN value dropped a little, and Wei Xun's forehead felt itchy. He scratched it and felt that the bulge on his forehead seemed to be growing a little bit longer.

Does it absorb resentment?

Wei Xun vaguely felt that the resentment that had been absorbed by the tip of the horn was still lingering on his forehead. He tried to lure it out without fear of death. After several attempts, he succeeded!

There wasn't much energy, and Wei Xun boldly directed it to his left eye. A flash of red light flashed in his eyes, and his vision was covered by light red mist.

After blinking, Wei Xun looked at the main room again and found that he could see more clearly. The scarlet resentment gradually dissipated. Through the main room and the coffin, Wei Xun's eyes fell on the corpse inside the coffin.

I couldn't see clearly what the corpse looked like, I could only see a layer of light golden light floating on it, like gold dust. The magnificent and pure power lurks in the golden light, thin and thick, like the five thousand years of pulse of the motherland, like the military medals of martyrs stained with blood on the battlefield, incompatible with the scarlet resentment, almost holy.

But those 'golden dust' have become very shallow, and are being eaten away by another kind of thick black resentment, gradually becoming dim.

[Hey, you inspired the title mission! 】

Just when Wei Xun was observing the 'gold dust' and the thick black resentment with great interest, the hotel prompt sounded in his mind.

[Task name: unknown]

[Mission Introduction: Unknown]

[Task reward: unknown title]

[Task progress: 0.5%]

[Task Tip: Do what you just did! 】

Title mission?

Wei Xun's heart moved. Do he do what he did just now? Observe resentment? Wei Xun felt that the energy in his left eye was being consumed rapidly, and there was not much time. Before it was exhausted, Wei Xun followed the direction of the thick black resentment and looked outside.


A threatening and oppressive feeling as powerful as the surging waves came suddenly. Wei Xun's head was covered and his ears were buzzing. It took him a long time to recover.

At that glance, Wei Xun first saw the resentment as black as ink on the group of rotting corpses in the courtyard.

But what attracted Wei Xun's attention even more was the scarlet and fierce resentment that hung over the entire Xiaolong Yizhuang! That resentment is like a chain curse, suppressing and sealing the corpses in the courtyard here. They will be tortured by wind and rain forever and cannot leave!

[You have observed the resentment of the corpse exorcist Pingping, the resentment level: A level]

[Mission progress: 1.5%]

When Wei Xun left, no passengers noticed.

When the invisible resentment finally disappeared, Miao Fangfei and others were covered in cold sweat. Xu Chen, who had the strongest perception, had weak legs when he got up. When he stood up, his body even swayed and he almost fell.

After everyone could stand up, Miao Fangfei took the lead and pushed open the wooden door. This time there was no obstruction.

There were not many things in the main room except for twelve coffins. There was a small altar with a finger-thick layer of dust. The smell of rotten corpses hit his face, mixing with the rain, forming an unpleasant smell that was about to clog one's lungs.

Eight coffins were arranged in sequence in the middle. As Miao Fangfei said, only these eight coffins had wooden tablets placed in front of them, but they were covered with black mold and it was difficult to see who was in the coffins.

The windows in the main room were sealed, not letting in any light. Only a little light came from outside the open door, making it dark and gloomy. The fat man lit an outdoor camping lamp and placed it on the small tribute platform, which could barely illuminate the coffin area.

"There's something strange about this coffin."

Hou Feihu pondered: "I saw the coffin when my comrades were buried, and here..."

"Not quite 'complete', right."

Wang Pengpeng took out a pair of gloves from somewhere and put them on, and carefully touched the coffin in the center, from top to bottom, as if he were touching someone. Zhao Hongtu got goosebumps all over his body and muttered:

"This isn't a coffin, it's just a few wooden boxes."


Hou Feihu glanced at him sternly and lowered his voice: "Don't say stupid things."

"What he said makes sense."

Miao Fangfei sighed softly, her eyes falling on the coffin in front of her with complicated eyes: "This is indeed not a serious coffin, it is more like a temporary 'container'."

A container for placing corpses.

A serious coffin is narrow at one end and wide at the other. It does not use a single nail in the whole body and is entirely connected by a mortise and tenon structure. There are dozens of processes including wood selection, planing, splicing, carving, and painting. Skilled old coffin makers make a coffin. It will also take several months.

The coffin in front of me is more like a temporary piece. The wooden boards are long and short, with different thicknesses. The splicing joints cannot be perfectly combined, and they are all tied together with ink thread to prevent them from falling apart. The 'coffin board' is more like a split table board, which is placed on the coffin. There are dripping ink lines on it, and a rope that has faded and turned into black is tied horizontally at the end.

"This is a stumbling block."

Fatty Wang lowered his voice: "Be careful, the 'seniors' in the coffin may have signs of corpse transformation."

The tripping rope is usually done by tomb robbers. After they open the coffin lid, they will draw a cinnabar rope across the end of the coffin and the position of the corpse's feet according to the condition of the corpse in the coffin. According to legend, the zombie's body is stiff and unable to bend. In the early stages of the corpse's rise, it can only move forward, not backward.

If the zombies stand upright while the tomb robbers are searching for the underworld artifacts, they will trip over the cinnabar rope in front of their feet, delaying some time for the tomb robbers to leave.

Hearing what he said, the passengers were all frightened. Miao Fangfei glanced at Hou Feihu with a sullen face, who slowly shook his head:

"I don't have any bad premonitions."

[I have an ominous premonition (green title): You can always sense the ominousness in advance when it knocks on the door. But when you sense it, the ominous situation has already arrived at the door. What can you do? 】

"I can't see any resentment."

Xu Chen took the initiative, paused and then spoke again: "Director Bing was standing outside the door just now... This is probably not a branch attraction."

Since it is not a branch attraction, everyone knows what the eight coffins in the main room mean corresponding to the number of tourists.

"We have to hurry."

Miao Fangfei breathed a sigh of relief, took the lead to walk to the coffin facing her, and gently pushed open the wooden plank hanging on the coffin. Sure enough, without wasting too much effort, the wooden board was separated from the coffin, and everything in the coffin was clearly visible.

Inside the coffin was a male corpse, dressed as a soldier from the Qing Dynasty. The corpse was blue-black in color, with mercury spots on the shriveled skin. The eyes, nose and mouth collapsed into black holes, which looked more like black holes. The eyes were wide open, staring at Miao Fangfei, as if he was dead.

The neck of the corpse was coiled with rough centipede-like stitch marks, as if his head had been completely chopped off, then picked up and sewn back together.

When the lid of the coffin was opened, the entire main room fell silent. Everyone's eyes were focused on the corpse, and they were wary. The corpse did not look like an ordinary person. The half-inch long black sharp nails and the purple tips of the teeth protruding from the shriveled lips seemed to be... It indicates that he has turned into a corpse.

But from beginning to end, he didn't move at all. He just lay flat in the coffin, like a serious corpse.

"Do you still remember what Director B said when he introduced Xiaolong Yizhuang?"

Miao Fangfei whispered: "Xiaolong Yizhuang was built in the Qing Dynasty. When foreign enemies invaded, General Luo Rongguang in the late Qing Dynasty led his troops to defend the Dagukou Fort and died heroically. In memory of the generals and soldiers' bravery, Ma Laosi led his disciples to take the initiative to go out of Hunan and lead the troops Yong's corpse returned to his hometown and stopped at Xiaolong Yizhuang when he passed through Wuluoshan."

"In other words, the corpse exterminator originally settled in Xiaolong Yizhuang, but for some reason, he put the matter on hold. Let these...several seniors be trapped here, unable to return to their homeland?"

Shi Tao followed Miao Fangfei's words and looked at Miao Fangfei with a hint of admiration in his eyes. Most modern people have given up the habit of kneeling and worshiping long ago. Miao Fangfei was able to kneel down so decisively and tell the reason of their origin as quickly as possible to calm the grievances of the 'seniors'. He really admired Miao Fangfei's mental agility.

"My last trip was to the dangerous Terracotta Warriors and Horses Pit No. 4, and I had a similar experience."

Miao Fangfei said calmly, smiling slightly: "I didn't understand before...someone kneeled too slowly, which annoyed the 'seniors', and the project was not completed, and half of them died."


The other passengers' eyebrows skipped a beat, and their eyes looked at Miao Fangfei with a little more gratitude. If she hadn't knelt down and told the key first, I'm afraid they would have subconsciously avoided it, or taken out weapons like Zhao Hongtu. This is the human instinct to avoid danger.

The resentment of the 'seniors' who have been locked up in such a simple coffin for hundreds of years, unable to return home, and almost transformed into corpses, will be so strong. Just thinking about it makes them break out in cold sweat. By then, let alone completing the project, whether you can save your life will be at stake.

After thinking about this, someone noticed that Miao Fangfei had something in her hand, but she turned over and put it away without making a sound.

Miao Fangfei must have been rewarded a lot for being the first to figure out the key and calm the corpse's resentment. The journey is like this, the first person gets the best, and the others get the shit. Only with rich experience, sharp thinking and decisive judgment can you survive the journey and become stronger and stronger.

"Eight seniors, our project this time is to send them back to their hometown."

Miao Fangfei looked at the time, then at the four empty coffins, and frowned: "Be careful at all times when handling them."

"What happened that year? Why did the corpse exorcist leave the seniors here? There must be something fishy in it."

The rain continued to pour outside, and the sky became increasingly gloomy. Several camping lanterns were hung in the main room, making the room brightly lit. No one said anything, the passengers were all handling the bodies nervously and carefully.

When Westerners exorcise corpses, they must first place cinnabar on the deceased's forehead, chest, chest, heart, left and right hands, and soles of the feet. Each place should be pressed with a Chenzhou talisman, and then wrapped with five-color cloth strips.

The exorcists of the past also dealt with corpses in this way, but a hundred years have passed since then. The cinnabar has long faded and the talisman strips have decayed, requiring travelers to replace them with new ones.

This is not an easy job. The zombie corpse is as heavy as iron and its limbs cannot be bent. If you want to apply cinnabar to the right place, you must pick up the corpse and turn it over with your own hands. Even if the seniors didn't 'touch or touch' when being processed, the close contact with the corpse in the coffin was enough for the tourists to drink.

What's more, some corpses still clutched rusty knives in their hands and refused to let go no matter what. It didn't take long for everyone to be sweating all over, but they didn't dare to let the sweat drip on the corpse. For a moment, they didn't know how embarrassed they were.

After working nervously for a long time, Lin Xi and others had to urinate urgently, so they went to the toilet together with Hou Feihu and others - going to the toilet alone is a stupid thing that old travelers would not do. Even when going to the toilet, companions must be within sight.


After some time, Miao Fangfei straightened up and wiped the sweat with her arm. She has quick hands and feet, and with Banban's help, she has now completed most of the work. All she needs to do is stuff cinnabar into the corpse's ears, nose, and mouth, seal it tightly with the Chenzhou Talisman, and seal the three souls of the corpse.

Her eyes habitually circled around the room. Suddenly, Miao Fangfei's eyes narrowed.

"Lin Xi, Hou Feihu and Xu Chen haven't come back yet?"

Everyone who was immersed in work finally came back to their senses and looked around, but indeed there was no sign of the three people.

"They've been gone too long."

This time, not only Miao Fangfei, but other people's expressions also changed. Miao Fangfei immediately stood up and ordered a few people: "Shi Tao, Wang Pengpai, follow me——"


A sharp and pitiful scream suddenly sounded, piercing the rain curtain. Everyone's expressions suddenly changed in shock, and they rushed out immediately.

"It's Hou Feihu!"

The screams came from the courtyard filled with corpses!

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