To My Dear Mr. Huo

Chapter 527 Qingsang, I feel so much pain

She screamed again, but Huo Jinyao didn't seem to hear her scream.

Su Qingsang was a little worried. She took a few steps forward and was thinking of patting Huo Jinyao on the back. But he discovered that Huo Jinyao was washing with cold water.

Taking a cold shower in this weather?

"Jin Yao? What are you doing?"

Is he crazy?

Su Qingsang quickly turned off the water and went to see Huo Jinyao, only to find that he didn't seem to notice her coming in at all.

His skin was red. His body felt cold to the touch. I don’t know how long it took.

Su Qingsang wrapped Huo Jinyao's body in a bath towel: "Huo Jinyao, are you okay?"

Huo Jinyao is not normal like this.

Huo Jinyao seemed to finally see her now. He suddenly stretched out his hand and hugged Su Qingsang.

He hugged me tightly and hard. Su Qingsang was so breathless in his arms.

She didn't try to push Huo Jinyao away, his body was trembling. She could feel that Huo Jinyao's current mood was quite wrong.

"Huo Jinyao?"

Huo Jinyao called his name very softly, but there was no response at all. Just hug her tight.

He was too strong and she couldn't break away, so she could only let him hold her.

She wanted to call him, wanted to say something, but nothing could come out.

After all, she was afraid that he would catch a cold. His body was cold, and she could feel the coldness even through her clothes.

She tried to hug him back, tried to get him to go back to his room.

"Huo Jinyao, let's go back to the room, okay? I'll help you clean your hair."

She wanted to blow some more, and she wanted him to cover herself with the quilt quickly.

Huo Jinyao remained silent, and Su Qingsang's head was pressed against his chest.

She had to pat his back gently: "Huo Jinyao, your hair is wet. Go back to the room and I will blow it clean for you, okay?"

Huo Jinyao lowered his head to look at her, and finally followed her back to the room.

He kept silent and she didn't ask him. She wiped his body quietly and dried his hair.

He was really cold. Contrary to the past, she liked to hold him every time, thinking that he was like a big heater, or something like a mother-in-law.

She felt her eyes were a little sore. Blow dry his hair as quickly as possible and take him to lie down on the bed.

Covering his body with the quilt, he still didn't speak, just lying there motionless.

Su Qingsang had never seen Huo Jinyao like this. She had a lot to ask and a lot to say. But now she couldn't say a word.

"Huo Jinyao?"

What happened? She looked at him, wanting an answer.

Huo Jinyao still lay there motionless. Su Qingsang waited for a long time before he spoke, so she didn't wait any longer.

She stood up and wanted to take a shower. Huo Jinyao had just touched her like that, and she got a lot of water on her body.

As soon as she stood up, Huo Jinyao grabbed her wrist forcefully. He pulled her forcefully into his arms.

She fell onto his chest and looked up at him. For the first time, Huo Jinyao saw nothing in his eyes.

Empty, extremely blank eyes.

Her heart felt like needle pricks for a moment, and she couldn't help but stretched out her hand to cover her eyes.

Huo Jinyao held her hand, and he hugged her tightly again. He lowered his head and buried his face in her neck.

Su Qingsang thought he wanted that, but he didn't. He just held her like this. It was a very weird and uncomfortable position for her.

She was half lying on her stomach and it was very hard. Just as she was about to ask him to let go of her, she suddenly felt wetness on her neck.

The warm touch made Su Qingsang's body freeze.

That is, tears?

She wanted to raise her head and see him, but he wouldn't let her. She felt the wetness on her neck getting bigger and bigger.

Her heart began to tremble.

She had seen Huo Jinyao in many ways. Rogue, wise, fierce, sharp-tongued, domineering, and strong when protecting her behind him.

But she had never seen Huo Jinyao's tears before, and she couldn't move at all.

He could only feel the wetness on her neck getting bigger and bigger.


"I'm in so much pain." These three depressing, extremely low words, almost breathy, rang in Su Qingsang's ears. ,

These three simple words made Su Qingsang's heart start to tremble.

"Huo Jinyao?"

"I feel so much pain."

Huo Jinyao closed his eyes tightly, but couldn't stop the tears from falling.

It’s really hard to vent those emotions. Even if he destroyed the office, it wouldn't relieve him at all.

The pain and pain that had been accumulated for a long time, all of which had existed for a long time, reached their peak at this time.

When I saw those files and heard those two recordings today, I couldn't control myself at all.

At first, I was just confused, angry, and angry.

But when those anger and anger reached their peak, they turned into pain.

It was a pain that spread from the heart, started from the blood, and penetrated the entire body bit by bit.

It came with such force that he couldn't resist it.

It really hurts, it hurts.

"My heart hurts so much."

"Huo Jinyao." Su Qingsang hugged him tightly: "It's okay, it's okay."

Huo Jinyao wanted to shake his head, it would be fine. It can't be okay.

How could it be okay? The tears have stopped flowing. But the heartache still cannot be suppressed.

He hugged Su Qingsang tightly, almost trying to rub her into his body.

Huo Jinyao hugged her tightly and never let go, letting his emotions vent at that moment.

Su Qingsang didn't dare to move at all. She kept patting Huo Jinyao's shoulders, gently, again and again.

She rarely comforted people, so she could only use such clumsy methods to calm him down.

Huo Jinyao's hand was always around her, very hard and tight, and she didn't think of breaking away.

Just using such a very weird and uncomfortable posture, half lying on him. Keep patting him on the back to calm him down.

I don't know how long it took, but Su Qingsang's body almost went numb.

The force on her back finally relaxed. Su Qingsang spent a long time recovering, stood up, and found that Huo Jinyao had fallen asleep at some point.

There were tears on his face. It was as if those were her illusions just now.

Su Qingsang got closer to see clearly, but found that Huo Jinyao really had no tears.

He was used to keeping his emotions in check, and even if he was like this now, he would not let her see it. She stared at Huo Jinyao's face for a long time.

His profound facial features were very stiff at this time, and even if he was asleep, his whole body was tense.

The expression on his face did not ease even a little bit because he fell asleep. It can only appear more and more serious.

Su Qingsang tried to reach out to smooth his tightly frowned eyebrows, but it was no use, and he frowned again after a while.

She tried several times but failed. Huo Jinyao's eyebrows were always furrowed.

When she was about to give up, Huo Jinyao's lips seemed to move, and she blinked and came closer. Want to hear clearly what he is saying.

I originally wanted to write this paragraph in one go. But it's almost 12 o'clock. . Upload it first. I continue to write the rest. . If you can't wait, you can come and see me tomorrow. Smart dear, did you guess wrong? The person behind Ding Qing is not Su Peizhen. Ha ha ha ha. . But Su Peizhen really wants to do something, but now her foundation is not stable. How could it be possible to move someone like Ding Qing by shouting?

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