Lu Wei was still practicing in the piano room when she suddenly looked out the window and saw a young man wearing a white shirt walking past among the hibiscus flowers and trees.

The young man's facial features are exquisite and beautiful, handsome and comely, and his brows are soft and gentle, but not feminine.

His fair face was flushed, his bright eyes were blurred, and he was drunk. He stumbled and sat under the hibiscus tree, holding his face with one hand, as if in a daze.

Lu Wei had never seen such a beautiful and gentle young man. He was so distracted that the piano he was playing missed several notes.

She simply stopped what she was doing, walked out of the piano room, and walked up to the young man.

The closer he got, the more amazed he was by the young man's appearance, and his heartbeat continued to accelerate.

Lu Wei looked at the young man in front of him who was still in a daze with his face propped up, and bent down slightly to look at him, with a smile on his face, "Hello, I am Lu Wei, and I want to make friends with you."

Gu Yang heard Lu Wei's voice from a distance, frowned slightly, and slowed down his steps.

She was close to Lu Mao, so naturally she also knew Lu Wei.

Lu Mao's parents had been divorced for many years, and then reorganized their families. After Lu's father remarried, he gave birth to a pair of twins. The man’s name is Lu Rong, and the woman’s name is Lu Wei.

Lu Wei was similar in age to her and a few months younger than her. She was sent to a private aristocratic school by her mother and was rarely in Jincheng.

Therefore, Gu Yang rarely met her.

Seeing that Feng Jue was still in a daze and unresponsive, Lu Wei thought that the voice was too low and he couldn't hear clearly, so he turned up the volume and said: "Hello, I am Lu Wei, the eldest lady of the Lu family. Are you drunk and willing to come with me? Really? I'll take you to drink hangover soup."

Even though she turned up the volume, she still tried to speak as softly as possible when facing this beautiful young man.

Gu Yang walked towards Feng Jue, and when he heard Lu Wei's words, his footsteps became slightly heavier.

The little blood bank’s face is really attractive.

However, at this time, Feng Jue, who was in a daze, seemed to have just come back to his senses. He looked at Lu Wei with his blurred eyes and a smile appeared on his face, "Give way."

Lu Wei looked at his smile, was a little startled, and moved to the side, with confusion on her face.

She stepped aside, Feng Jue's vision was unobstructed, and as expected, he saw Gu Yang walking towards him.

There was a smile on his drunken face, and his voice was gentle and pleasant: "You blocked my light."

Gu Yang also heard Feng Jue's voice, and when he met his blurry and affectionate eyes, his heart felt as if he had been hit by a deer.

Seeing that Feng Jue's eyes were still looking straight in her original direction instead of looking at her, Lu Wei frowned slightly and felt a little disappointed.

Following his line of sight, Lu Wei saw a girl wearing a light green dress who looked smart and fresh. She was somewhat different from the weak and elegant image she always wore in a white dress in her memory.

Lu Wei regarded Gu Yang as her rival for today's apprenticeship. Even though she had changed, she still recognized her at a glance and frowned, "Gu Yang, why are you here?"

The banquet hall is quite far away from here, and guests rarely run around. Logically speaking, Gu Yang shouldn't be here.

Gu Yang smiled slightly and said, "Take my brother Ajue to drink hangover soup."

"Brother Ajue, are you willing to come with me?"

She stood in front of Feng Jue, bent slightly, looked directly at him, and stretched out her hand.

Feng Jue took Gu Yang's hand without hesitation, held it tightly, looked up at her, with soft brows and blurred eyes, and said obediently: "Sister, I am willing."

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