Seized by the System

Chapter 308: Shenlong 1 out, kneeling down

The uncle of the system did not want to call the Shenlong out. Fang Ning was speechless. He could only nervously think about how to deal with the tens of millions of people outside, as well as the expectations of global eyes.

Unable for a while, Fang Ning wanted to advance the system space and asked the eight snakes for questions.

However, at this time, accidental regeneration.

I saw that above the sky, after the purple snake's head was captured by the golden giant palm, a pale green snake head suddenly appeared in the same place! !

However, the image of this snake's head is very vague, far less clear than the purple snake's head, and it is not so terrible.

Seeing this in the desert, it was still terrifying! !

How could this be?

The Oriental Lighthouse has just been transformed into a Buddha, and has used the palm of his hand to suppress the purple snake head. Why is there another one now?

Where did this demon snake come from? Still can regenerate a green head?

Chivalrous A was shining with both eyes, staring at the green snake head.

Fang Ning was not surprised, he just counted in his heart: last time at the Fusang Volcano, two snake heads were extinguished.

He remembers very clearly, one ice blue, one fiery red, and the one just now is purple.

Now there is another green one, it seems to follow the path of red orange yellow green blue blue purple, but this eight snakes have eight heads, what color is the last one?

"I've said that there is more than fear, and I will never die. What about you grabbing my purple head?" The green snake head said lightly.

Chivalrous A hasn't spoken just now, at this moment, he finally said: "Demon, who are you intimidating? You only have eight songs, you have three heads out, and you can be resurrected several times? Today, let Ben Let ’s see if you have a lot of heads, or if you have a lot of means! "

With that said, a golden giant palm took shape again from the air.

The green snake saw it for the first time, unafraid, unafraid, sneered: "Ha ha ha, what's the use even if you wiped out all my heads? Natural disasters are approaching, humanity is going to die, I will be Resurrected in your extreme fear

Somehow, the golden giant palm suddenly hovered over its head.

The snake head did not fear, and continued: "I know what you want to call the Shenlong to ask, isn't it the abnormal tide? Unfortunately, even if your dragon tells you the real reason, what use is it?"

Fang Ning knew that the snake had another purpose, but he still asked the uncle of the system to wait a moment and listen to it.

At this time, everyone in the desert and the global audience watching the live broadcast had an idea with Fang Ning.

They all want to hear the snake head go on, although everyone is vaguely aware, it must be bad intentions.

The snake first really explained the reason: "You guessed right. The tidal anomaly is indeed a warning to heaven in this world. But you don't even know why it is warning in advance!

"That's because of this natural disaster, you humans are absolutely unable to confront it now. It is just that"

Everyone held their breaths at once, and at this moment, in the desert world, only the voice of the green snake head remained.

"The Earth and Moon Clash!"

what? Actually the moon is going to collide with the earth?

Who can stop this?


Is it a spell?

Everyone was dumbfounded! ! !

Many people were even scared and pale.

The green snake burst into laughter at the first sight.

"A year later, the moon you sing to sing poetry will start the road to return to the earth!"

"In this world, the current upper limit of power is extremely low. This is the protection of human beings. After the advent of the upper bound, they cannot make waves. Unfortunately, there are advantages and disadvantages!"

"No one has enough power to fight against this natural disaster! According to your true dragon's new strength standards, what ponds and lakes are there?"

"Now the upper limit of the world power level is the lake level. Want to fight against this natural disaster, huh, huh, you think, what can you, the lake level strong, do? Even if they can fly to the moon, how can the moon be?"

"What's the use of summoning your dragons? It's just a lake-level strength. I don't know the truth. It's better than the truth. At least I don't have to be afraid before I die! Hahaha!"

No one cared about the shouting of the green snake's head, and almost everyone's mind was confused at this time.

Why did it suddenly become like this?

Isn't it necessary to never return to a peaceful and stable life in the past?

From this moment, countless people have been forced to painfully recognize a reality: that is, the new era is not a new colonial era that allows human beings to forge ahead!

On the contrary, it will be an era of mythology and an era of crisis.

Humanity will return to the era of the ancestors. It is necessary to let go of the arrogant postures of the previous arrogance. Like the ancestors, we must lower our body piously to this world, with countless sacrifices and flesh and blood.

Maybe it can be built into a world of heaven, or it might become a **** on earth.

The green snake's head did not run wild for too long, and the golden giant palm no longer hesitated to smash it.

This time, no new color snake head came out.

It's just that nobody cares about this anymore, at this time they only care about one problem!


Can it be stopped?

Moon return? !

Chivalrous A seemed to be shocked. After extinguishing the green snake head, he stood there expressionlessly, motionless.

After hearing the real cause of the natural disaster, the people in the desert, the audience in front of the TV, the barrage on the Internet, and countless chat groups have already discussed in horror.

"How can this be? A planet can exterminate dinosaurs, so a big moon, if it hits it, what other way to live?"

"Don't Raksha and Rice always claim that their mushroom bank can destroy the earth many times? Let them fire mushrooms and blow up the moon."

"The idiot upstairs is undoubtedly too lazy to explain, you can take off your skirt."

This is the case with public channels. Some confidential channels are full of panic in conversations.

"What's the use of Noah's Ark? That's the moon. If it really landed, the earth would be torn apart!"

"Noah's Ark really doesn't work, but it's still a flee, but you have to hurry up."

"Oh, yes, there is still a way to escape. You have to hurry up and you can't be more reluctant to invest and sacrifice."

The powerhouses stationed in the desert are also spreading their voices.

"Buddha, is there a way?"

"There is still a way to escape, but it is difficult to save all living beings"

"Master, what shall we do now?"

"Hurry up and clean up our belongings. Our relationship with the Truth Office has always been very good. They will definitely not ignore us."

"Yeah, fortunately, fortunately, I didn't pretend to be affectionate earlier, and confronted them."

The strong men seem to have a way out.

Ordinary people are panicking. What can they do? Where should I live?

At this time, in the system space.

The uncle of the system for the first time did not self-talk: "This, this, the emperor's host, I really have no way → practice is not enough. I just kryptonized the Bodhichitta to the legendary level. Because of the problem of fit, most of it is used. There are 1 billion years left to prepare for the wasteland, and even if it is not krypton, it is not useful. Look, host, are we going to find a place to hide? "

Fang Ning was uncharacteristically, not very panic at this time, he said without a word: "Where can you hide? Unless you can survive on Mars. Hey, I understand what you mean, and there is still a way to hide."

The uncle of the system went on: "Well, of course, hiding in the secret realm. The secret realm and the earth are not in the same space. We can wait until the moon hits and come back."

Fang Ning said with a solemn expression and sighed: "No wonder there will be those secret realms on the earth, also called the land of inheritance. No wonder Tiandao wants to warn one year in advance. It seems that the naive will leave a trace of vitality, but the price is too great. Too heavy. "

The uncle of the system urged: "Since the great emperor's host has understood that the situation is serious, let's go home and pack up the baggage. You have brought all your friendly followers, as well as their family and friends, and not many people. I know You are soft-hearted and will not escape alone.

"In my system's fresh-keeping area, there is already enough food and fresh water reserves for thousands of people to eat for ten years or eight years. It is not a problem. ⊥ You may have to disconnect from the network for a few years and have to bear it, but the electricity is still quiet. , There are many computers for you, you can still play stand-alone. "

Fang Ning heard the words and had nothing to say at the moment.

Uncle really is the first to survive, people have never been idle, such extreme circumstances have been considered.

There may or may not be a way of punishment.

But when it comes to "Gou", the uncle of the system absolutely shares the same smell with himself, and he has already reached the peak of his salary and is fascinated.

No wonder it will bind itself firmly.

Fang Ning thought of this, and then appeased: "Mo Pan, I still have a way, first wait for me to summon my dragon."

After he heard the "Earth-Moon Crash", a thought that he had born when he was exploring the antarctic anomaly in Antarctica suddenly became clearer.

To prevent the moon from hitting the earth, it may not take no one to do it but it takes time.

The uncle of the system was surprised and said: "What's the use of calling you your own dragon now? The reason has been found out, your own dragon is just an inland sea-level powerhouse, a general planet, it can also flick its tail, Let you install one more.

"But it certainly has no way to deal with the moon, even the ocean-level powerhouses can't do it. I think we still stay and make good cards."

Fang Ning said with great awe: "You really don't understand the big picture. It may be useless, but others don't know that there is still a year before natural disasters really happen.

"One of the most important issues to survive this disaster is that people's hearts must be stabilized first. They must give the people a hope before they can burst out with real power.

"Besides, as long as this matter can be resolved, it is estimated that you can really become a world myth in public and private, and it is totally worth paying the price of calling the dragon."

The uncle of the system unabashedly debunked the true motive of the host: "Shenma is 'public and private', so arrogant, I think you are afraid of disconnecting from the Internet, and I despise you."

Fang Ningyi was solemn and straightforward, saying: "My personal interests and the interests of the broad masses are completely consistent at this time. What can I despise? Grandpa Fang, no, yes, I am now very comfortable, but I do n’t want the earth to be finished , Life restarts.

"You don't have much nonsense, I'm going to summon the Shenlong now, and you will go cool while you are. By the way, first drop my dragon body to the high platform, and then end the hosting state. I am afraid of heights."


Just as everyone was panicking, some people saw the knightly armor above the sky slowly land and return to the platform.

At this time, on the high platform, where the knight was standing, there was a golden light, and a new background music sounded.

It is sad, desolate, lonely, and vast, but full of hope, inspiring, and yearning.

Many people listened to this music and raised their heads again.

Yes, we still have the dragon!

Thinking of this, countless people began to pray subconsciously.

"Shenlong, save us."

"Oriental Lighthouse, please come out the dragon"

For a time, no matter on the Internet or in the desert, countless people's eyes were re-collected on Paper Knight A.

Countless people are praying for the dragon to appear.

God is unreliable, heaven is impossible, or his own dragon is grounded

Worship it best.

Only at this time, Fang Ning had no more pretentious thoughts, he had only one thought.




He didn't look at anyone, but just said lightly: "Shenlong, come out."

The system prompts: At present, the true dragon **** looks * wood, and the favorability exceeds 50 points. Since all true dragon **** looks are being bred, after the summoning, all attributes of the true dragon **** look will return to zero. Do you want to continue to call? )

Fang Ning is speechless, the system uncle is really cautious

He whispered: "OK, continue, immediately"

In the next moment, under the sky, between the desert, an inexplicable fluctuation suddenly appeared.

Countless people only have a sense of solemnity in their hearts.

In the next moment, someone suddenly saw that the knight form suddenly disappeared from the platform.

Under surprise ~ ~ They looked up and saw that above the sky, the summer sun did not know when, it had disappeared, leaving only a blue sky.

In the blue sky, a long green dragon has appeared quietly, its body winding and extending towards the east.

Its head, dragon horn, dragon eye, dragon beard, dragon scales are complete, sacred and solemn, clearly distinguishable.

It looks to everyone in the desert.

In an instant, some old people could not help but kneel down, some took the lead, and the crowd suddenly fell short one after another.

Looking up, he bowed down.

Just like Westerners would kneel down to worship God, at this moment in the hearts of countless Shenzhou people, at this moment, the dragon represented God.

Kneel down on it, for granted.

As soon as the dragon came out, he knelt down.

Just when everyone wanted to pray for refuge, but then, the dragon first spoke.

"Get up, the descendants of the dragon. Poke your body, you will always remember the rumor, natural disasters are not terrible, manpower can win the sky."

Its magnificent voice floated into everyone's ears, like the ardent ancestor's entrustment, just like the parent's instruction.

Hearing this, everyone in the desert who was lying down in the desert was in tears and moved deeply.

They heard the words and slowly stood up, poked their waist rods, and looked up at the green dragon on the sky.

This is really the dragon totem, the worship of his ancestors.

It is not like the boring gods, it needs believers to bow down and make every effort to highlight their nobility and difference.

From the root, the Shenlong is the psychological pillar and source of power for the descendants of the Yanhuang, not the master **** who is above him.

It stands with the children and grandchildren.

Thinking of this, countless people suddenly disappeared, hoping to be born again, we are not alone, we are not helpless, we have ancestors, we have dragon totems, we have ourselves!

[Remember URL Three Five Chinese Network]

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