Seized by the System

Chapter 309: Flock of beasts

After saying this sentence, the giant green dragon turned around and flew out of the sky.

Everyone stared at its distant back, at this time all the hearts were surging.

The dragon said that manpower can overcome the sky, so what else are you afraid of, roll up your sleeves and work hard!

Anyway, anyway, really to the end, the elderly will not care about their children

At this time, the very sharp-eyed Aquila, one of the friendly forces of Chivalry A, was guarding the west of the desert with a huge body of 100 meters long.

With more and more evil spirits being imprisoned by Longwei God Prison, its strength is getting stronger and stronger. Its path of Shinto, going faster and faster, has steadily entered the lake level, and its talented vision is also strengthened.

Seeing the stars in the daytime, you don't need to use force, you can see it with naked eyes, which is a piece of cake for it.

At this time, it suddenly lowered its head and wondered to a staff member beside the claw: "Your **** dragon seems to fly away."

The staff member looked proud and said: "The old man has already pointed out the way ahead for us, and of course we must fly away now."

The head of the big eagle's feather feathers looked forward, "I don't mean that. I mean it seems to be envious of flying out of the sky. It can actually ignore the restrictions of the environment and truly fly freely."

"What?" The staff member immediately alerted and immediately reported the situation.

At this moment, everyone has discovered that the dragon is abnormal.

"Shenlong is flying towards space, direction?"

"It's the moon."

Soon, the satellites in the outer space captured the corresponding pictures. After all, the Shenlong was too long to capture such a large object without any effort.

People in the desert cannot see these pictures with the naked eye, but the Internet has begun to spread.

I saw that an extremely long blue dragon was flying out of the atmosphere and was flying towards the moon.

Sure enough, although the ancestors said that they let their children and grandchildren become self-reliant, they always couldn't bear to beat their hands and create better conditions for their children and grandchildren.

This is how the Shenzhou people do. Many people are busy all their lives, but they just want their children and grandchildren to live better.

After discovering this fact, many people were suddenly full of complexity, and all were in tears, unable to control themselves.

Old ancestors, they really do n’t care about their children ’s life and death, but they do n’t want to let their children lose their fighting spirit and become rice bugs.

It is to silently stop this hijacking!

If Fang Ning could hear their hearts, they would definitely say that everyone thinks too much, but that's right

Because a system prompt is appearing.

The host rides the dragon to the moon, causing a sensation in the world and obtaining a temporary gain effect: the chivalrous name is broadcast four times, and every minute will get the astronomical chivalry value.

The current world legendary degree is 20 points.

The degree of world legends rose to 21:00. )

As they observed, Fang Ning ordered the green dragon attached to him to fly towards the moon.

After flying for ten minutes, the system prompt ended. The world legend has risen to 30 o'clock, but Fang Ning did not stop Qinglong from continuing to fly.

This caused a dissatisfaction of an old man: "The host of the great emperor, the dragon has told you the reason, you have installed it, and the people's hearts are temporarily stable.

"The increase in BUFF is gone, so quickly send your dragon back and give me your body. Then drag it down and wait for them to start punishing those sins."

Fang Ning was very speechless about this: "Why didn't you just mention it? It was too utilitarian. I spent so much effort to summon my own dragon, of course, to use things to check the movement of the moon in advance."

System: "You just haven't installed enough"

Fang Ning ignored these two strokes, but asked Qinglong to continue flying.

This blue dragon is extremely fast, not much worse than the speed of the uncle Yujian. 20 kilometers in one second, but the average distance between the earth and the moon is 380,000 kilometers, and it takes more than 5 inclines to fly

In this way, the time is quite long

Fang Ning was somewhat dissatisfied, but it was fine.

Can turn the big event of going to the moon into an ordinary cross-province business trip by train. Who is there besides the grandfather Fang's?

Because of the length of business trips, Fang Ning took out the consciousness and returned to the system space to make up for a special sleep.

Anyway, this family dragon is much more reliable than the uncle of the system. At least people will not suddenly come up with a prompt like "the dragon is thinking about the dragon to go home".

So, when everyone was deeply moved by Shenlong's care for his children, Xia Kejia was actually sleeping.

After 5 and a half slant, the uncle of the system acted as an alarm on time.

"The great emperor's host, your moon palace is here, hurry and wash your face into the palace"

Fang Ning stretched his laziness in the system, and said without a word: "I don't admit that you have zero EQ. If you say it well, when you hear it, you will feel like an eunuch."

Fang Ning's consciousness returned to his own body in an instant, and then he heard the blue dragon opening on his body.

"Heir of the Dragon, this is where the moon is."

From the perspective of Qinglong, Fang Ning looked at the planet with mottled pits under his feet.

Looking back, it is opposite the blue earth, the fluid that nourishes humans.

Between the earth and the moon, the huge blue dragon in space appears to be extremely small at this time.

Countless literati samurai once compared the moon to a beauty, modern people know that she is actually a girl full of pockmarks

Qinglong continued to whisper: "You must remember, I will say it again. One year later, the earth's heavenly path will try to annex the moon underfoot and strengthen itself."

"At that time, the moon will quickly approach the earth and cause various natural disasters. It warns you in advance and gives you a year of buffer time. The races that cannot adapt will be extinct. The races that have adapted will get a chance of rapid development.

"A year later, the upper limit of the power of the earth's world will start to increase dramatically."

"I can't see where the earth's heavenly path is going. It will not directly communicate with anyone or any creature."

"But I can feel it, its heart is very big, very cold."

"Who ca n’t keep up, will die."

"Whoever keeps up will be rewarded."

Qinglong Yinyin asked Fang Ning's face dignified.

It seems that the uncle of the system is almost invincible in the earth world at this time, but as the eight snakes said, it is just because the earth heaven has given a protection period!

Starting from July next year, it is a real race for the hegemony of the ten thousand races, and the flock of beasts!

The word "beast" is correct.

Since next year, humans should no longer look at themselves as adults, standing high and looking down on all sides. Instead, they must bend down, compete with other beasts, and take the evolutionary path again.

At this solemn moment, Fang Ning couldn't help thinking of the game.

The game that made the uncle of the system bend over and bow his head from time to time to bring him a lot of cash flow.

Now think about it. In fact, there are experts in the truth, and they anticipate what will happen in the future.

But in Fang Ning's view, in fact, the beasts compete for the male, and it should be renamed next year. It should be called the beast fights dad.

Because, from next year, everyone will fight for the favor of Heavenly Dad.

The Earth ’s short-term goal is to annex the moon and strengthen itself.

It sounds shocking at first, but it's natural to think about it carefully.

Because this is the self-conscious individual and the unself-conscious individual, the most obvious difference between the two!

Just like the difference between humans and beasts, the reason why humans are stronger than beasts is that they can actively set their goals and actively improve themselves.

Most beasts can only passively adapt to the environment and passively evolve.

What is the long-term goal of the earth's heavenly path, as Qinglong said, no one knows.

An otaku like Fang Ning can't imagine what other ambitions they can have.

He just wanted to live alive, but also to let those who can live alive, live alive, it's that simple.

Fang Ning then said: "Old ancestors, you first help to see if there is any new will in the moon?"

Qinglong heard the words, nodded slowly, and flew straight below the moon.

Fang Ning carefully looked at the scenery on the moon, and maybe he would never see it again.

I saw that a series of striking craters appeared in front of him.

It is dotted, overlapping, overlapping, bright and dark, mottled and abrupt, rocky, rocky, depressed in the middle, all around. This is the most significant landform feature on the moon surface, also known as "yue pit".

In addition, it is a piece of gray plains, high mountains.

While Fang Ning was immersed in the peculiar scenery on the moon, I don't know when Qinglong spoke.

"Heir of the Dragon, in my sense of winning, there is no life on this planet, nor the moon consciousness. It is a real place of death."

Fang Ning was disappointed when he heard the words. He also planned to draw an ally, at least don't let Heavenly Dad swallow the moon so fast, so that he could delay some time.

Fang Ning then asked: "This Earth's heavenly path wants to annex the moon, how does it exert its force? What kind of process is in the middle? Could it still violate the law of gravity ~ ~ Can't the gravitational increase be unreasonable? "

Qinglong stunned: "If you don't understand, you just pull it over, then tear it apart, and swallow it piece by piece? What law of gravity needs to be considered? What is that thing?"

Fang Ning heard this familiar vocabulary, and at one time thought it was the green dragon that the system uncle changed.

In an instant, the original sacred tall dragon, in his eyes, has a lot of real images, and the ancestors who originally came from home are also a scum

The uncle of the system said: "Hey, I don't understand. This dragon seems to have a close relationship with me. I have to try it next time. I can also trust it. Its power is much greater than mine."

Fang Ning heard vomiting blood, yeah, it did have fate, two scum.

Then he suddenly learned from the system uncle: "What is your destiny? You do n’t understand anything except fighting. I do n’t understand this dragon because I ’m still gestating, and my education is not high. And in the final analysis, it is the congregation of hundreds of millions of people in China, and it is dragged down by their children and grandchildren.

"To be honest, in the past years of high school, what is the specific content of the law of gravitation? I will soon forget about it. I only know who is big and who is exposed."

The uncle of the system Zhen Zhen said: "The same is true for me. I am less than one year old, and of course my education is not high."

Yes, you are reasonable, Fang Ning is speechless and decides not to argue with Erbi.

He finally looked at the moon, this circle came down, already in his heart, and then told Qinglong to turn around and go back.

It seems unlikely to prevent the Earth ’s heavenly path from annexing the moon, because no one can shake its will, and humans still have to survive on the earth itself.

But in this process, mankind does not necessarily have to pay the painful adaptation cost, at least Shenzhou people do not need to pay this price.

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