Seized by the System

Chapter 365: Image of host

Fang Ning doesn't know the distant ocean shore. In the once beacon country, there is now a big devil who is thinking about him.

At this time, he was just sitting out of nowhere, proudly performing the "Folk Song", and sang loudly to everyone in the family courtyard of the truth ...

That is impossible.

Although he really wanted to do this, he had to take into account the settings of Xia Kejia!

Chivalrous A has always been expressionless, no one close to others.

This suddenly became a singer, not shaking the world?

People must think that the knightly armor is enchanted, which is more troublesome ...

Therefore, he is now singing a profound and unpredictable verse in the solemn attitude of Bao Xiang.

No one actually understood it, but they were still intoxicated. They shook their heads and shook their heads. It seemed that they were already intoxicated and immersive.

In fact, this method of singing is not much different from singing.

But the sound made is solemn and solemn, like the sound of heaven and earth, shocking people's hearts, the most suitable for Fang Ning to use ...

That ’s why he sees it as usual ...

At this time, Fang Ning sang while watching the audience listening to the infatuated crowd, relieved.

Life is not easy.

Once upon a time, he sang on stage with great interest, and immediately laughed underneath.

Looking back, the past has become the shadow of his own youth.

Heaven's way is good, it's time to run, and now it's finally my turn to be in the air, under the eyes of everyone, in a big suit.

Fang Ning is singing vigorously, and the uncle of the system suddenly reminded: "I said, a rich man, there is something wrong. Just after you taught Xiaoming, why didn't you see the value of Tiandao merit?"

Fang Ning ignored it completely and still devoted himself wholeheartedly, as if he hadn't heard anything at all.

(The system is thinking ...

The system is thinking ...

The system decides to host the host. )

Fang Ning was distracted immediately, while maintaining chanting, while talking with the mind, flickering casually: "Be patient, I think this should be a long-term process. Wait until Xiaoming grows up, then your Heavenly Dad will release the task reward."

"So much younger?" Uncle System was even more dissatisfied.

"Ten years, very fast," Fang Ning continued to flicker. "Don't feel long. This is the value of Heaven's merit. You think it can be the same as the name of the hero.

"Difficulties are obviously capable of destroying the sky, so your Heavenly Dad will give merit. And those petty thieves, if you brush more, your Heavenly Dad will not care."

The uncle of the system puzzled and said: "Since he is a threat to Heavenly Dad, why didn't Dad directly hack him to death without a thunder, save me from worrying about when he will come out and rob me ..."

Fang Ning was dumbfounded, and the chanting almost all went awry. He corrected it quickly and continued to sing.

He responded casually: "A chestnut is just like the human body. Although you know that there are bacteria somewhere in your body, you can't mobilize the body's immune system to take the initiative to attack. You can only wait for the immune system to follow its own Rule to do it. Heavenly Dad is equivalent to human consciousness, but there is a bigger subconsciousness that manages the world itself.

"What kind of thunder and the like are all part of the world's immune system. It is managed by this subconscious mind. Heavenly Dad can't directly interfere. It can only deal with the threat by external means such as exercising and taking medicine and injections."

"It sounds very reasonable, but I still think you are fooling me again, I still trust you ..." The uncle of the system hesitated.

"Give me another hour to sing ..." Fang Ning said tightly.



Lying trough, these two strokes already know to count themselves down ...

Fang Ning can only force the end and wake everyone up with a high profile.

"Everyone should remember that all evils will not be done, all good will be pursued, and this seat will go."

After Fang Ning finished speaking, he lightly looked around, and then several golden lights appeared all over his body, slowly rising towards the sky.

"Really God Bodhisattva." There was a lot of discussion and worship.

So, in the eyes of all the people who admire and worship, Fang Da Bodhisattva was entrusted by the uncle ...


"Alas, those who know me say I am worried, but those who don't know me call me what I want?"

Fang Ning looked at the following people who were still looking up to see him leave, and said sadly.

"I don't know what you are worried about, I just know that you shouldn't pretend to be addicted." The uncle of the system unraveled him mercilessly.

"Oh, I don't understand, I don't understand, how few friends?" Fang Ning continued to immerse himself in the atmosphere just now, and seemed to be unable to extricate himself.

"Hey, no, I think you are a bit of a sign that you are getting mad now, I have to check it for you." The uncle of the system suddenly said.

Fang Ning was shocked and quickly refused: "Why do you say that to me? I feel normal now."

"No, you never did this before ... Although you will occasionally dress up, then you will show up in the original form, and go to the Internet to read novels and play games. But now you seem to have the trend of dressing up ..."

Er, although Fang Ning did not want to admit this, he still had to admit defeat.

He really wants to pretend, because pretending to be tall is really addictive.

How many people have been put on the stage by others and can't get off and have been dead?

Many, many, without him, they are used to the atmosphere of being sought after, but if they come down, they cannot adapt.

(The system starts to check the mental state of the host.

The system found that the host was in a state of inexplicable fanaticism.

The system decided to correct the mental state of the host.

The system uses "Bodhicitta".

The host's severe late procrastination attacks and the host's mental state recovers.

The host mental state is currently normal. )

Fang Ning can only say with weakness: "Uncle Xie cares."

"Well, this is normal. The appearance of the poet just now scared me a lot. I thought you had been tricked by wisdom." The uncle of the system said with confidence.

"Oh, he absolutely can't see through the uncle's details, and it's impossible for him to secretly count on me." Fang Ning rolled his eyes.

"It's impossible to see through me. It's impossible in this life. Unless he comes in the system space, the prisoners here are all good to talk. If he can come in and be with these people, it's great." The uncle of the system was very sorry.

"Yeah," Fang Ning followed Tucao, "and he is also good at building virtual game copies, just to build one for this group of people, anyway, those people are in a state of gods and spirits, and they can enter his secret land."

"Well, host, you said it well, or would you like to find a way to pit him in? We have cracked down several big bosses here, and now it's time for new challenges." The uncle of the system was eager to try.

Fang Ning was very speechless: "Leave me inflated, and wait until your skills reach mythical level before hitting his idea. That guy is a hard bone. Without Heavenly Dad's help, it's difficult, difficult, difficult."

"Then you have to get a hundred points of merit in the Daoist way. You can ask someone who knows how to do it quickly," the uncle of the system urged.

When Fang Ning heard it, he thought about it, he definitely said: "You are right, I know someone must know how to do it."


"Ancient ... not ... for."

"Huh, how can you be sure of the rich?" The uncle of the system wondered.

Fang Ning was proud and said: "This is not simple? His man often looks up at the sky, and I know from the intelligence that he is proficient in cloud computing, and he must know the best way to shoot the father's fart ..."

"It turns out so." The uncle of the system suddenly realized.

Then it said: "Look, how good is your way of speaking. I can now make sure that your mental state has fully returned to normal conditions, rich man."

"Oh, don't I have fixed this image in your eyes?" Fang Ning said helplessly.

"Yes, this is the image." The uncle of the system affirmed.


At this time, the old man who was remembered was still meditating in front of the crater while reading online novels ...

Suddenly, on a whim, he immediately looked up at the sky.

I saw a cloud, the image of Chivalrous A appeared in it.

The opponent is flying in high altitude, as fast as ever, probably to catch some thieves.

He nodded, and it seemed that the Venerable was calm and okay. In this case, he would not have to bother to look at other future pictures.

He had just lifted the "cloud computing technique", and he watched the picture change. The knight had turned his sword and seemed to be flying in his own direction.

Of course, he does not worry about the trouble that the other party will come to him. Although he is high and cold, he will never do something sinful.

He is extremely talented and diligent. He cultivates all the way up and can crush his opponents with only strength, without having to do dirty things.

Cloud computing is in hand, and I don't worry about someone secretly calculating.

Now he was just wondering, did the other party find the monument again?

It's just that the three monuments of heaven, earth and people can't appear together ...

Although Shizu didn't explain why, he believed it should be correct.

He is very embarrassed right now, what should he do if the Venerable wants to remove the monument again?

In the last Tianbei incident, he would make a concession, not fearing the force of the knightly armor.

It is because as long as Tianbei successfully completes the mission of Tiandao and participates in it, he can be regarded as a guardian of Tianbei's birth, and he will have certain merits.

Of course, it is certainly not as good as protecting the Tianbei until the real master appears, but it is no match for the knight himself.

But how can things be perfect?

Don't be as good as you like ~ ~ but be sure to be ashamed.

At the moment when he thought about it, the knightly armor fell from the sky to his eyes.

"Hey, rich man, the blessing points I added are really useful. You see, the baby is destined to me." The uncle of the system said excitedly.

Fang Ning saw the black lotus in the crater at a glance.

It is slowly circling, floating above the magma pool, as if covering something.

Fang Ning is now practicing for a long time, of course, he will not think that a black lotus with a magic energy will be a treasure.

This is just a strong seal.

But what is under the seal? It must be the baby in the mouth of the uncle.

Okay, the ancient failure is the ancient failure, and he is really utterly ill-prepared. When the knight comes, he really has to worry about the attribution of the monument ...

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