Seized by the System

Chapter 366: This seat comes with power supply

"This black lotus is so weird, it seems to be an evil thing. This seat is for the sake of the world, and it must be removed."

Uh, I knew it would be like this.

Gu Buwei sighed in his heart, even if the other party did not know the existence of the earth monument before, when the other party removed the black lotus, it would definitely know.

This heroic dragon is not disgusting, not irritable, not angry or manic.

Calm and decisive, diligent and diligent, with a big heart, no fear of strong beams, anxiety and justice ...

The advantages of three days and three nights can not be finished, almost sage.

However, Tiandao has its own fixed number, and no one is perfect.

Such a near-perfect hero still has a deep-rooted shortcoming, that is, seeing money as life and enemies as money ...

Therefore, some means are not very glorious. Of course, it can be said that in the past, for the veneration of the venerable, now everyone is unspoken.

Many powerful people secretly eat dry stocks, taking advantage of it. Such a powerful existence is always self-reliant. What do you want from the other side?

At least ordinary people are happy to be next to each other, and house prices in the vicinity of the other party keep rising, which has perfectly verified this.

The eyes of the masses are sharp, and no one likes living with a bad neighbor.

Gu Buwei stopped thinking, thought for a while, and said directly: "The Venerable has no idea. Under this black lotus, the earth monument in the Heaven and Earth People's Stele is sealed. Now the earth monument has not yet been born. , Not sure to come to the door personally and ask His Holiness to take action ... Take away ... "

The last two words he said were extremely difficult. If the master of this monument is known, he must cry in the toilet ...

But having said that, instead of falling into the hands of a person who does not know the details and even develops in the future, it is better to fall into the pocket of this surely hero, at least the other party will not be used to mess up the world ...

Gu Buwei unconsciously found reasons for himself ...

The uncle of the system hesitated and said: "Big rich, he seems to be telling the truth. What are we going to do now?"

Fang Ning said without hesitation: "Since he said that the baby was not born, does it mean that the pregnancy cycle has not been completed?

"Of course we have to wait for this baby to develop and then come to get it. There is now a black lotus, and this powerful Gu is not guarding us for free. Why should we move now?"

"The rich man is wise. You are right, can't I let my baby stele premature ..." The uncle of the system said firmly.

"What you said is too ambiguous." Fang Ning thought thoughtfully.

"Oh, there seems to be ambiguity. Then I say another way, can you let the rich and rich stele babies prematurely ... so that there is no ambiguity? You are a man and don't have children." The uncle of the system proudly said.

"Oh, I greet your uncle." Fang Ning rolled his eyes and ignored the two strokes.

When one person and one machine decides to stop, the knight must be indifferent to the ancients: "This seat has always followed the sky. Since this is the case, then there is labor. You are here to watch, remember, not to fall into the hands of the" evil person. "

Gu Wei didn't know how to look strange, and then he smiled to hide his embarrassment.

Um, don't think about it anymore. How clear is the hero's meaning, as long as it doesn't fall into his hands, it's an evil person ...

Gu Buwei nodded and said, "This is a matter of the next part, don't you know that the heroes have other things?"

If not, please leave quickly, and I will continue to read my online novel ...

It seems that I find something interesting now.

Chivalrous A never understood human feelings, and he couldn't see the meaning of never being a guest.

He said, "There are other things in this seat."

"Uh, His Excellency, please speak up."

"Oh, do you know how to get the merits of this day?"

After Gu Weiwei listened, his face was calm and he seemed to have expected it.

The will of heaven is unmistakable, and all the top practitioners begin to seek the merits of heaven ....

His ancestor is one of them, the knights can say this, and he is not surprised at all.

Since the other party took the path of heaven punishment, it must inevitably gain merits from heaven, so that in the future he will be formally recognized by heaven, so that he can really take charge of heaven and defend the world.

Of course he couldn't think of it. The uncle just wanted to hold the golden thigh of a heavenly father ...

He immediately said: "Since the Venerable is intentional, it will naturally not hide secretly. In the final analysis, the merits of this Taoism are to maintain the normal operation and development of the heavens and the earth, which will help this person to gain merits; those who are contrary to them will be condemned. It ’s not good and evil. Heaven does n’t distinguish between good and evil, because the evil one may also make it strong, but the good one may make it decline ... "

Fang Ning nodded. People always dreamed that God would open his eyes and die a bully demon. Has God really opened his eyes?

Never, only when the oppressed chooses to be strong, can they find justice. Anyone who places their hopes on others will always be disappointed.

"This goal is clear. How to gain the merits of heaven and earth is a matter of course. How can this world and the world grow? The simplest phenomenon is that the large and powerful forces are one of the simplest truths in our universe. Although they may not be absolutely correct, There is never something absolutely correct in the world.

"So Tiandao will instinctively annex the moon. This is a natural thing. No matter how scared or disgusted people are, even some literati sorrows in the new novels continue to lament that the moon no longer appears, it is impossible to block the will of Tiandao. "

At this time, Gu Buwei looked deeply at the Warrior A, and hesitantly appeared on the face.

The uncle of the system strangely said: "Why didn't he continue talking?"

Fang Ning said solemnly: "The good medicine is bitter, and he is loyal to his ears. He wants to give us medicine and salt."

"Oh, I don't feel bitter, I don't feel rebellious. Anyway, it's your mouth and ears. Then I let him speak straight ..." The uncle of the system didn't care.

"Oh," Fang Ning said about these two words.

So Vampire A spoke generously: "It's okay, if something happens, please speak up."

Gu Buwei admired his heart, and he would never say what he would say in front of his ancestors.

Only the one in front of him, he is 100% sure that the other party will never be angry with Thunder and destroy himself because of his loyalty.

"Sovereign cannot hold the sky."

He said these six words and stared closely at the face of Xia Kejia.

As he expected, the other party was expressionless, just asking: "You mean, trusting the sky is going against the sky? If you don't get the merits of the heavenly path, don't say it, but you will backfire?"

Gu Bu nodded silently.

The other party did not get angry, knowing that the other party was in front of all the Shenzhou people and all the earth people, and summoned the dragon, saying that the sky would not collapse, and let the Raksha bear take the initiative to support the sky.

Now I say this again, that is to openly hit the face.

Change to a strong man, it has already happened.

Some boring ideological disputes between mortals can bring countless **** cleansing, and it is even more cruel if it is replaced by the battle of Tao between practitioners. .

Unexpectedly, Xia Kejia has such a broad mind, and it seems that his merits will be increased.

The various so-called wise emperors in history have such an open mind. In fact, most hypocrites are more like ponders than this venerable ...

"Oh, that seat knows, thank you for your reminder, since you can't hold the sky, then change the way. How can that heaven eat the moon?"

Gu Buwei shook his head: "This is about the celestial machine, and the skill is so shallow that it can't be calculated. The ancestor only hinted that in the future, it might be a" round place. "

"The place where the sky is round?" Chivalrous Armor repeated lightly.

Fang Ning heard it, but a flash of light appeared in his heart. He suddenly realized, and then he was terrified.

"Big wealth, what do you guess?"

"Hey, my God, I didn't expect that your Heavenly Dad's ambition is so great, we really can't compare it. Without further ado, just hug this golden elephant leg first."

"I don't even know where the golden elephant's legs are, how to hold them?" Uncle System wondered.

"Isn't it enough to ask this guy? Isn't he holding the golden elephant leg of your Heavenly Dad?"

So Knight A again asked: "Well, this matter has its own consideration. Can you talk about other heavenly merits available?"

"Yes." Gu Buwei said lightly.


Gu Buwei pointed his finger at the top of his head, "Something above does not stop, some are beneficial to the development of this realm, and some are likely to destroy this realm. However, the earth's heavenly path is only in its embryonic state, and it is extremely imperfect and has many loopholes.

"If you can build a real sky net and filter out these foreign things that are not conducive to the earth ’s world, this merit is great. This should be done by Your Sovereign. And this is what I have seen, Venerable Destiny lies. "

The uncle of the system was shocked and said: "Hey, rich man, my Heavenly Dad is really looking towards you, and actually asked me to build Skynet? Then, after you, do n’t you have to worry about me disconnecting from you, no, I have to think about it The way ... I can't cure you in the future. "

"Oh," Fang Ning was very speechless. These two strokes were so straightforward, and they really misunderstood the meaning of quaintness.

However, this time it was skewed, because Skynet's father wanted to build Skynet. When he heard it, he knew that it could actually be used to surf the Internet.

It is nothing more than the problem of data conversion.

To know that laziness is lazy, we are also programmers for ten years ...

Fang Ning said righteously: "Less nonsense, what kind of person am I? Heavenly Dad's Skynet ~ ~ How can I use it to read novels, play games, download videos, and make live broadcasts?

"That's to be used to communicate with other enemies where the enemy is, to organize forces, to explore the boss, and everyone to use it together."

"Don't you still want to use it to play games? It's just a different term."

System prompt: (The system sees through the host's words.)

"Oh, since the inaction is plain, we can retreat and don't waste time." Fang Ning hurriedly carried out the topic shifting Dafa, and he had a thought in his heart.

In fact, this thing is also done by Shenzhou itself, but you can get a handle from it. You can combine the small skynet and the real big skynet of the truth of China. When the time comes, you will run out of the system space and use the mind to read ... …

Hey, uncle, your "network has been interrupted" and "power has been disconnected" Shenma, it is no longer useful to this seat ...

And I don't need the Shenma generator anymore.

Because this seat has its own power supply, you can use love to generate electricity.

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