Seized by the System

Chapter 374: I want to fight on my own battlefield

Fang Ningzhang looks at the entire combat process in the system space, it is like a comparison between the operation of the gods and the rookie in the game.

He was deeply hit by this, so he dropped everything, chose to turn on the computer, and use the novel to paralyze himself ...

It turned out that there was no Internet ...... I had to go through the various collections that I had already released, all of which were ancient works.

The uncle of the system did not let him go, and immediately launched a joint attack: "Look at you, I said earlier that I will let me host the battle, but you don't listen. You should always know the real gap between us.

"A moment ago, the seabed was dark, and you were dizzy. You don't want to think about it, a pond level, and want to break our defense? Where are the savvy players that you usually play games?

"So you give up, and the battle is still handed over to me. You are inefficient, weak and brittle, not hard-hearted, not cruel ... a bunch of shortcomings. It is because you have learned" Buddha Singing "now and you can be good Cheerleader, add BUFF to me and reduce BUFF to the enemy. "

Fang Ning turned a deaf ear, only to be immersed in the world of novels.

In this world, he has become the protagonist of killing and cutting decisively, no longer need to consider the complicated combat environment, nor any sudden changes, as long as the blood is on his head, he can crush all opponents.

No wonder now that there is a Shen Nian competitive game, which can satisfy the idea of ​​many people coming out in person, there are still a large number of people who love to read novels, including that Tian Qingshan Gao Ren is not doing well.

Those novels he thought he would not know?

Is all the existence of some ancient generations, you can know the rotten tail **** by looking at the name ...

Unfortunately, now I have a good collection of novels, and there are few online novels being serialized or newly released, which are even more scarce.

It is estimated that the writers are also busy preparing waste and food, and few of them have any mood to write books.

After all, writing a book is too exhausting. How can I write it with peace of mind?

And the collection of these novels that I watched at the moment, all grew up wildly in ancient times. When I looked at it, I was green and changed from cool to sad ...

That's right, I remember a guy who can change 100,000 a day, tens of millions of words in a few months. I also wanted this guy because I was scared, but the other party recently disappeared and I don't know what to do.

Rarely the novel written by the other party fits his own appetite, and the amount of it is rarely large enough to satisfy him.

Fang Ning thought of this, suddenly his eyes lit up, and he had a way to find the guy.

Just have to use the power of the system uncle, it seems that he really cannot do without its trusteeship.

So Fang Ning pretended to be like: "Well, I have self-knowledge, the battle is still under the control of the **** of learning. However, the **** of learning, you help me find someone now."

"Who are you looking for? As long as I have seen it, there is a high probability of finding it." The uncle of the system was overjoyed, but said cautiously.

It thought that it would be too costly to force a rich man to manage, and now the rich man has a lot of experience in the game book baby.

A terrible broken book, I didn't listen to the father of the system, but only listened to the host of the salted fish.

Fortunately, if it's the critical moment, the salted fish host will certainly not hesitate anymore, all will be used to strengthen himself.

Unfortunately, I was too strong, and now I ca n’t get to the critical moment. A high-threat mental difficulty comes, and I ’m still pitted by the brain of the rich ...

So he used his experience to threaten himself, which is really good at being deceived by the host ...

Fang Ning did not know the idea of ​​the uncle of the system, he just thought about it: "Do you remember the author of the novel you saved before? He was divided in half by the big spider, or did you save it with a dragon saliva ... "

"Remember, he was squatting in a compound at the headquarters of the Truth Office. Was n’t you frightened by his novel at that time, and also made a" Shenlong Order "wanted by him? Later, you dragged it and gave it away In the following, I am too lazy to remind you, after all, he is not a bad person. "The uncle of the system really gave the answer immediately.

"Uh," Fang Ning was suddenly speechless.

Yes, he is a person who is prone to emotions, but once the procrastination attacks, the emotions will disappear, and the things that should happen will also disappear.

This is Shao Han's case.

Fang Ning found a step for himself: "Oh, he really went in again. I knew he could use the novel to gather the power of fear. The truth will not give up his research, it is a pitiful baby."

"Call Ren Ruofeng not to be able to come out? Just one sentence ..." The uncle said.

Fang Ning shook his head and said: "You have exposed ignorance outside the battle, which is extraordinary. Ren Ruofeng found people, but never mentioned it. Obviously they are doing big plans. Forget it, I know the importance, In order to read this novel, it is not easy to embarrass them. "

"It turns out that the rich man is right, Ren Ruofeng they will also provide us with lamp oil materials, a novel writer, it doesn't matter." The uncle of the system agreed.

After listening to Fang Ning, he immediately looked at each other, but he did not expect that the uncle had already begun to consider human relations ...

Then he felt a sense of crisis again. Do n’t get the last two strokes to find yourself useless, and then lock yourself in the system space for a lifetime ...

He did not worry about how the uncle of the system would treat him. After all, the chivalrous rules are the core foundation of the other party, and it is impossible to appear in the novel and destroy the original host.

Now that I ca n’t be too lazy, I still have to work hard, but what should I do now?

Fang Ning thought about it and suddenly thought of something.

He reminded: "The spirit of the old octopus demon was just captured by you and entered the Dragon Prison. The location should have been explained. Why don't you hurry to brush the merits of the Heavenly Dao?"

"Is it your turn to remind you? I have traveled to these places to speak with you. Now you look at what is outside?" The uncle of the system was very disdainful.

"Uh, uncle can multitask, I envy you the most." Fang Ning heard it, without any doubt, but very jealous.

If he wants to be multi-tasking, he will practice while surfing the Internet ...

When the time comes, the first wonderful practice in ancient and modern times, it is none other than him.

Said that he looked out from the perspective of the system, only to see that there was a deep darkness outside, no fingers could be seen, and no light could be seen.

Is not right. At the next moment, Dao Daoguang lights up on the blue dragon's head, illuminating the surrounding area, the brightness is almost a thousand times stronger than the previous loach head.

It can be seen that even if they are bald, the dragon monk has a brighter future than the loach monk.

"Oh, I believe you did not deliberately adjust me just now." Fang Ning saw that Qinglong's head was like an eight-kilowatt super light bulb. When he thought of making loach before, he shook his head.

He thought at the time that the uncle of the system deliberately adjusted himself, but now it doesn't look like it.

"Of course I will not deliberately rectify you, just make the most reasonable arrangement. But you forget, now the body of the blue dragon is also your body ..." The uncle of the system is proud.

"Uh ..." Fang Ning suddenly was speechless, and it took a long time to react ~ ~ It turns out that you are deliberately rectifying me. "

Fang Ning no longer ignored these two strokes, and began to look closely at the surrounding terrain.

Near is a deep trench, which is bottomless and gives a mysterious feeling.

The gravel around the trench was rugged, desolate and slack, with bones vaguely visible.

Fang Ning wonders now, who are the masters of these bones? Could it be that Daqing failed?

Then he went on: "You forward the images to Daqing and let it tell if they are familiar ..."

A few items, Fang Ning got a reply, the big green worm was not familiar with it, and there was no body in the bone.

"Uncle, do you have a sense, is there any place where the space is weak?"

Fang Ning ordered.

The uncle of the system said without hesitation: "Yes, that is the deep trench."

"Dive into the trench and collect data. I will fight all night on the battlefield that really belongs to me!"

Fang Ning's awe-inspiring appearance.

"For the first time, I heard someone saying that they can say that they can work overtime all night long ... you are proud to be proud of yourself, rich man." The uncle of the system said.

"One another." Fang Ning said that he was indifferent.

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