Seized by the System

Chapter 375: Take a breath

Beside the deep trench, a green dragon with an eight-kilowatt light bulb overhead penetrates the deep darkness, and its long body is long and winding, swimming into the trench.

Those who are involved in shallow water see fish and shrimp, those who enter deep water see Jiaolong.

At this time, a real dragon, in a deep trench, officially appeared for the first time.

Fang Ning honestly leaned on the sofa, watching the broadcast on the big screen.

Having said that, it is still relatively easy. Although the face was refreshing before, but accidents are frequent, it is also tiring ...

It did n’t take long for some deep-water fish with faint light to appear on them. They looked strangely shaped, some were covered with spots, and some had a pair of big eyes. What they had in common was that they all turned a blind eye to the huge green dragon and were unscrupulous Swim across.

This made Fang Ning look a bit strange. Once the system's Long Wei became a dragon body, it was quite powerful. Although it is now powerful and able to converge a lot, it is not a small fish that can be despised.

These guys are so personal.

He couldn't help but say to the uncle: "Why don't you ask the local fish about the situation? Just look at the calmness of these fish, you know there is a problem."

The uncle of the system said: "The rich man reminded me right, so I will ask them."

Then Fang Ning heard a "click" sound from Qinglongkou, spreading to all deep-water fish schools.

Fang Ning was very speechless: "Are you asking like this?"

"What else can I do, I have mastered this hainan language ..." The uncle of the system Zhen Zhen said.

"You are a school bully and you are proud. Let's see if they understand it or not ..."

Fang Ning's speech was slapped before it fell.

A short time later, I saw a shiny piece of flesh hanging on his head, with a huge body, four stalk-shaped fins, and a giant greasy fish with a huge mouth and teeth, turned his head.

It was facing the huge green dragon, and the gleaming piece of meat hanging above his head flashed the signal.

Although Fang Ning could not recognize the meaning of this signal, it was obvious that it definitely meant something.

In other words, this strange fish understood the meaning of Qinglong.

Fang Ning hurried to check the Internet, er, the scientific name of this terrible face guy should be called mongoose, also known as lantern fish.

There are also remarks above. The grim-looking giant lantern fish is female, and the male is only as big as a finger. It depends on the female to feed ... the representative of the creature who eats soft rice.

"What is it talking about?" Fang Ning asked curiously.

"It's saying, are you also a guy from abroad? It's not bad, I have been here a lot before, and all of them died inexplicably. This makes us very surprised, there is no big danger here, everyone is very happy "The uncle of the system translated.

"Oh, it turns out, no wonder they are not afraid of us. It seems that there were a lot of big guys who died in this trench before. Sure enough, a sage said it well. The reason why the traverser in the novel is so good is because Only awe-inspiring traversers will pass down the novels. Those graves that are not cattle are already old. "Fang Ning Wen Yan sighed deeply.

"I don't understand. I have to go find the baby of the big green worm. By the way, I asked them if they found ..." The uncle of the system is so unique.

The big caterpillar is naturally equipped with space. It is three jade rings of different colors. One is for food and water, the other is for precious magic weapons, and the other is for backup. It can be seen that its cousin is still very attentive to her.

The uncle of the system naturally remembered their characteristics long ago, and immediately asked the big lantern fish.

"Large and bright worm, you are asking about this golden jade ring, or this silver jade ring, or this bronze jade ring ..."

The big monfish spit out three jade rings of different colors from its big mouth while turning on the signal light.

The uncle of the system translated Fang Ning inexplicably.

"Big wealthy man, my good fortune has now finally paid off. You see, this is a big fat fish in the deep sea, just find me baby and save me a lot of effort ..."

After listening to it, Fang Ning was very speechless: "Yes, uncle, your blessing is indeed very high. But I admire your translation more, you are too grounded, are you doing any tricks for me ..."

The uncle of the system grieved: "It's what it means, I didn't distort it halfway."

As he said, the uncle of the system made a "click" sound, and then came back with a light signal.

At this time, subtitles have been intimately displayed on the big screen of the broadcast ...

System: "All three are what I want."

Lantern Fish: "The line is wrong, you can only ask for one."

System: "Who did you learn the lines from? I want three."

Lanternfish: "No, no, you can only ask for one. This is what a guy who claims to be the **** of the upper realm told me."

System: "The God of the Upper Realm? Where is he?"

Lantern fish flicked his fishing light and pointed to the deep ditch: "He is in the ditch ..."

System: "What's going on, why didn't he climb up?"

Lanternfish: "As soon as he came in, he was pressed into a deep ditch and couldn't move. But he was okay, and he hadn't died after pressing for several years. It was he who told me to say this so that he could gain strength and recover slowly. "

System: "What benefits can you have?"

Lanternfish: "The advantage is that he will give me a little strength. You see, I now learn to use advanced human language ..."

Ha ha, after listening to Fang Ning, he was very calm.

After all, there are ways for the uncle to catch thieves and learn to improve their strength. Why can't people get the power through this way?

After all, this is also a way for others to gather faith ...

The uncle of the system suddenly said helplessly: "What should I do? This fat fish is not easy to grab him, after all, it was picked up by him. If it doesn't say, we don't know, we have to let him return voluntarily."

Fang Ning thought for a while and said, "This is simple, just let the big green worm, the original owner, come out to confront. How to say, it is reasonable to return the original owner, of course, it is reasonable to give him some remuneration. Find and keep. "

The uncle of the system agreed: "Of course."

After the conversation between the two, Qinglong spit out a huge bubble, which is comparable to the size of an ordinary bedroom.

Seeing the lantern fish, he immediately turned around the bubble several times in amazement, and seemed to want to get in and see.

"You can't go in, there is no water in it, it's all air, and you will die after you go in, and it's terrible."

"Oh, I don't understand, but a big guy like you doesn't need to lie to me, what are you doing with it?"

"The deity wants to invite the original owners of the three jade rings."

During the conversation, a golden door appeared in the bubble.

Lanternfish became more and more curious. It was signalling back and forth, apparently asking how this was done.

At the next moment, what makes it more curious is still behind.

A black dog came out of the door, and there was a big green worm lying on the head of the black dog.

The big green worm saw the three jade rings in front of the lantern fish at once, and was about to fly over. Then he didn't know what he thought, and then he retracted back, hiding in the thick black dog hair above Bailit's head.

It seems that Daqing already has a psychological shadow on the seabed.

What a pitiful baby, Fang Ning thought that there are risks in crossing, and future generations need to be cautious.

The lantern fish turned on the signal light again.

The uncle of the system continued to translate to the big insects inside.

"You little bug, is this golden jade ring, or silver jade ring, or bronze ..."

"Three of them fell by me." The big green worm recognized his belongings at a glance.

"Uh, what you said seems to be true, I have to go back and ask Lord Heshen what to do in this case ..." Lanternfish finished the signal light, swallowed three jade rings into the mouth, and then went deep into the trench Swim away.

The huge green dragon dragged the huge bedroom bubble, followed by it, and formed a strange picture.

The speed of the lantern fish is not slow or slow. After about half an hour, Qinglong followed it to swim into the bottom of the deep trench.

Under the huge light of Qinglong's head, the place was illuminated brightly.

A man in an ancient robe is lying on the ground on all fours, as if doing push-ups, in a state of embarrassment.

He was surrounded by air and air, and seemed to be fighting the powerful deep sea pressure.

"Dakang, are you back? It seems that you have brought a terrible guy." The man said without looking up.

Lantern Yukou said: "Yes, Master Heshen, they said that the three babies I picked up were all from them. I judged by the spells you taught, it seems to be true. Do you want to return them? "

"Ahhhh ..." Fang Ning heard three crows flying over his head: after co-working for a long time, this lantern fish could speak human language.

What did you do with us for a long time?

"Pretend to chant." The uncle of the system sensed Fang Ning's doubts and answered decisively.

"The answer is perfect." Fang Ning agreed with this. The octopuses are not proud of speaking this human's profound foreign language ...

Then the big green worm cried in surprise: "Hey, aren't you the **** of the river in the upper realm? Why did you come down ..."

"Oh, the vitality is scattered, Tianhe is exhausted; if I don't come down, I still want to be a god? It's impossible to be a ghost. But how do you become this kind of lady of the Celestial Clan, let Ling Zun see, how much he should feel sad ... "The man in the ancient robe still didn't look up, but he seemed to be able to sense the status of the big green worm.

What Fang Ning saw this time was not that he pretended to be big, but that he really couldn't lift his head.

The deep sea is nothing terrible to the creatures growing here. But for outsiders, it is difficult to pass the water pressure.

Their body structure is very different from local creatures ~ ~ can not resist water pressure.

This river **** is already powerful enough, obviously using the remaining mana to build a protective cover for himself.

The inside of the hood is under normal pressure, but outside the hood is a water pressure of several kilometers, one can imagine the weight.

The cover covered the whole body, and of course he could no longer move his body. It is estimated that it takes a lot of power to move it, because it will be opposed to the huge water pressure.

At this time, Daqing insect patted the black dog's head and said proudly: "Hum, he doesn't need to be distressed. I am Daqing now eat well, sleep well, sing well, and use the noble dog for royal use. Mount, the treatment is much better than before. "

"Oh, this is also true, but I want to ask you one thing in the past. I haven't seen my family crossing Tianhe's face in the past." He Shen said.

"You say, as long as you let the fat fish return those three jade rings, I will promise you."

"This is a matter of course," He Shen said, "you just let Ben Shen breathe into your bubble ..."

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